Version 8.2.3
 —  User Guide  —

Maintaining Databases

The AOS Database Maintenance function controls Adabas database (ASSO/DATA) file and space allocation. You can:

Database maintenance tasks can be performed from the Database Maintenance menu:

14:14:09          ***** A D A B A S  BASIC  SERVICES *****          2009-08-21
                          -  Database Maintenance  -                PDM0002   
                      Code    Service                                         
                      ----    ----------------------------                    
                       A      Add new dataset to ASSO/DATA                    
                       I      Increase/decrease ASSO/DATA                     
                       R      List/reset DIB block entries                    
                       S      Recover unused space                            
                       U      Uncouple two ADABAS files                       
                       ?      Help                                            
                       .      Exit                                            
                      ----    ----------------------------                    
       Code .......... _                                                      
       File No. ...... 29                                                     
       Coupled File .. 0                                                      
       Database ID ... 1955   (WIS1955)                                       
Command ==>                                                                   
PF1----- PF2------ PF3------ PF4------ PF6----- PF7----- PF8----- PF12-----   
Help               Exit                                           Menu        

Database maintenance includes the following functions:

Option Function
A Adding a New Associator or Data Storage Extent allows you to add a preformatted data set to the Associator or Data Storage.
I Increasing or Decreasing Associator or Data Storage Data Set Size allows you to change the size of an existing Associator or Data Storage data set.
R Displaying and Resetting DIB Block Entries allows you to display and reset the data integrity block (DIB) entries for each Adabas utility currently operating.
S Recovering Unused Space allows you to recover unused space from utility operations that ended abnormally.
U Uncoupling Adabas Files allows you to remove the physical coupling between files.

Adding a New Associator or Data Storage Extent

Option A (Add new dataset to ASSO/DATA) on the Database Maintenance menu is used to add a preformatted data set to the Associator or Data Storage. Before using this option, the data set to be added must be formatted using the ADAFRM utility.

Option A should be used only if the new data set is located on a different physical device.

This function corresponds to the utility function ADADBS ADD.

The equivalent direct commands are:


The Add Dataset screen appears.

12:51:53          ***** A D A B A S  BASIC  SERVICES *****          2009-08-24
DBID 1955                     -  Add Dataset  -                     PDMA002   
Enter Parameters to Add either a DATA OR ASSO dataset:                        
                    ASSO Device ....... ____                                  
                    ASSO Size ......... __________                            
                    DATA Device ....... ____                                  
                    DATA Size ......... __________                            
                    Blocks/Cylinders .. B                                     
PF1----- PF2------ PF3------ PF4------ PF6----- PF7----- PF8----- PF12-----   
Help               Exit                                           Menu        

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Increasing or Decreasing Associator or Data Storage Data Set Size

Option I (Increase/decrease ASSO/DATA) on the Database Maintenance menu is used to change the size of an existing data set for the specified component. If the component has more than one data set, option I changes the size of the last data set.

Since this option only changes the Adabas general control block entry, you must also ensure that the needed space is physically allocated and formatted when the data set is being increased.

When the Data Storage component has been increased four times, an ADAORD REORASSO utility function must be executed to reorder the DSST extents in the Associator component.

This function corresponds to the utility functions ADADBS INCREASE and ADADBS DECREASE.

The equivalent direct commands are:


The Increase/Decrease screen appears.

12:58:53          ***** A D A B A S  BASIC  SERVICES *****          2009-08-24
DBID 1955                  -  Increase/Decrease  -                  PDMI002   
Enter Parameters :                              Possible values:              
                   Increase/Decrease .. _             (I/D)                   
                           ASSO/DATA .. _             (A/D)                   
                                Size .. __________                            
                 Blocks or Cylinders .. B             (B/C)                   
Note:  After an INCREASE operation is completed, the nucleus session will     
    be automatically ended to allow for the necessary Associator or Data     
    Storage formatting.                                                       
PF1----- PF2------ PF3------ PF4------ PF6----- PF7----- PF8----- PF12-----   
Help               Exit                                           Menu        

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Displaying and Resetting DIB Block Entries

The data integrity block (DIB) comprises entries for each Adabas utility currently operating, describing the resources each utility is using.

Option R (List/reset DIB block entries) on the Database Maintenance menu allows you to list and remove any unwanted entries from the DIB.

This function corresponds to the utility function ADADBS RESETDIB. It can also be accomplished using the operator command DDIB.

The equivalent direct commands are:


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Recovering Unused Space

Space allocated for utility operations that ended abnormally remains unavailable unless it is intentionally recovered.

Option S (Recover unused space) on the Database Maintenance menu is used to purposely reclaim such space for use. A message is returned indicating that the space has been successfully recovered.

This function corresponds to the utility function ADADBS RECOVER.

The equivalent direct command is:


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Uncoupling Adabas Files

Option U (Uncouple two ADABAS files ) on the Database Maintenance menu is used to remove the physical coupling between the specified files by erasing the coupling inverted lists from each file's Associator. No change is made to the field definition tables (FDTs) or descriptors for the specified files.

This option must be executed before either of the specified files is deleted.

To determine if a file is physically coupled, check the C (coupling) indicator in the Database Report option's Display File screen. Using the same function for those selected files, you can see the specific coupling information; that is, the specific fields in one file and their coupling to fields in other files.

This function corresponds to the utility function ADADBS UNCOUPLE.

The equivalent direct command is

UNCOUPLE FILES file1 file2

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