Version 8.2.1

Adabas System Coordinator online administration

This section describes the administrative functions relating to Adabas Fastpath that are found with Adabas System Coordinator.

Current activity display

Use the System Coordinator current activity display function to see the activities of Adabas jobs and the client sessions within them, including specific detail for Fastpath.

Display job statistics

Start of instruction setTo display Adabas Fastpath statistics within System Coordinator:

Display session statistics

Start of instruction setTo display Adabas Fastpath session statistics within System Coordinator:

The following information is provided:

Field Description
Access Attempts: the percentage of optimization attempts (opimization attempts divided by total number of commands).
Type Successes: the percentage of successful optimization attempts (successful optimization attempts divided by number of optimization attempts).
Read-Ahead Attempts: the number of read-ahead optimization attempts, and the attempt percentage (read-ahead optimization attempts divided by total number of commands). Successes: the number of successful read-ahead optimization attempts, and the percentage of successful attempts (successful read-ahead optimization attempts divided by read-ahead optimization attempts).
Direct Attempts: the number of direct access optimization attempts, and the attempt percentage (direct access optimization attempts divided by total number of commands). Successes: the number of successful direct access optimization attempts, and the percentage of successful attempts (successful direct access optimization attempts divided by direct access optimization attempts).
RCs Attempts is always equal to successes. This is the number of optimized RCs that immediately followed a direct access command (without any intervening "next" commands).
Others Attempts: the number of commands which were excluded from optimization, and percentage (number of these excluded commands divided by total number of commands).

For more information on excluded attempts, use PF6.

Total Attempts: the total number of commands encountered by Adabas Fastpath. Successes: the total number of successful optimization attempts, and the percentage of successful attempts (successful optimization attempts divided by total number of commands).

Display session exclusions

Start of instruction setTo display session exclusions:

This screen displays the following information:

Information Description
Excluded - Reasons The total number of commands excluded from optimization for the listed reasons. For more information, see Excluded Commands.

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