Version 8.2.1
 —  Adabas Fastpath Version 8.2 Release Notes  —


This section provides an overview of the enhancements for Adabas Fastpath Version 8.2.

24*7 Counters used in Statistics

Statistics displays now show much larger numbers so that limits are raised from around 4 billion to around 10 trillion.

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Daemon Network Node Number Included in Messages

Messages issued by the Fastpath Manager now include the node number (in the Adabas network) of the System Coordinator daemon under which it is running. This helps you understand origin of messages more clearly, especially if you run multiple nodes in a large system. The new message format appears as:

xxxxx AFP-nnnn-ss MESSAGE TEXT

where xxxxx is the node number; nnnn is the message number and ss is the severity.

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Online Fix Description

The fix display in SYSAFP has been enhanced to include a short description of each fix that is applied which helps you to get a better understanding of each fix that is in use.

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Efficiency Enhancements

Internal memory management has been improved at Adabas Fastpath 8.2 with remedial action added to counter the effects of defragmentation that can be seen in high volume situations in caches that are active for extended periods.

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