Version 8.2.1

Adabas Fastpath Tools

This section describes the tools provided with Adabas Fastpath.

Optimization Sampler (AFPLOOK)

The Adabas Fastpath command analysis sampler (AFPLOOK) can be used to determine which database commands have the most potential for Adabas Fastpath optimization.

The following are examples of AFPLOOK output.

The first screen shows the overall potential optimization for database 50:

12:33:10     ***** A D A B A S   FASTPATH SERVICES 8.2.1 *****      2006-05-19
                   -  Afplook - Summary for DB 50   -                F16300MA

               Afplook Started May  19, 2006 at 12:30 by   UKDEV1

  ----------------------- Potential Optimization Summary -----------------------

           Sampled Commands                    Potential Optimization

  Sampled File Commands      57960 (75%)  <=== Sequential:           2797 ( 5%)
                                               Direct Access:       30597 (53%)
                                                         RCs:       22194 (38%)
  Excluded Commands          19115 (25%)
  Totals                     77075 (100%)                           55588 (72%)

  Command ==>
       Help        Exit  Refr                                File  More  Menu
AFPLOOK Potential Optimization Summary

The second screen shows the potential optimization for all files in database 50:

12:31:26        ***** A D A B A S   FASTPATH SERVICES 8.2.1 *****      2006-05-19
                    Afplook - Files Summary for DB 50                   F16200MA

                 Started: May  19,2006 at: 12:30 by: UKDEV1

  C   Fnr      Total         Direct Access          RCs        Sequential
  _    50       3282 ( 3%)        1641 (50%)       1641 (50%)
  _    52       2428 ( 2%)        1214 (50%)       1214 (50%)
  _    53       3144 ( 3%)        1564 (50%)       1564 (50%)
  _    55       1644 ( 1%)         822 (50%)        822 (50%)
  _    64        821 ( 1%)         821
  _    87       1640 ( 1%)         820 (50%)        820 (50%)
  _   135      12432 (10%)        7102 (57%)       5330 (43%)
  X   137      51540 (43%)       28455 (55%)      16876 (33%)        3547 ( 7%)
  _   139       5324 ( 4%)        2662 (50%)       2662 (50%)
  _   143      19514 (16%)        8870 (45%)       7983 (41%)        1774 ( 9%)
  _   144       3551 ( 3%)        1776 (50%)       1775 (50%)
  _   191       3226 ( 3%)        1378 (43%)        908 (28%)         470 (15%)
  _   250       9432 ( 8%)        5623 (60%)        3809 (40%)
  Total       122202 (100%)  
Mark to Display File Details

  Command ==>
       Help        Exit  Refr                                Sumry
AFPLOOK Files Summary

The third screen shows the optimization potential for file 137 in database 50.

12:32:21         ***** A D A B A S   FASTPATH SERVICES 8.2.1 *****        2006-05-19
                  -  Afplook - Details for DB 50 File 137        -         F16210MA

                 Started: May  19,2006 at: 12:30 by: UKDEV1

  CC DE Direct Acc        RCs  Sequential  Sequences        Non-Qualifying
  L3 S5      23902      20508        6752        394        Updates 32
  S1 S5      54584      27093                               Inserts 0
  L3 S1      23670      16889        6781       6781        Deletes 0
  L1 --       6748
  L9 TA      13032      13032                               Prefetch 0
  L9 S5       9326                  16478       7896        Excluded 32
                                                            Spare 0
                                                            No CID 0
                                                            Max.CIDs 0
                                                            Bad Rsp. 0
Total       131262      77522       30011                    Direct Acc 69
Total Commands for File                      253970          Sequential 63

  Command ==>
       Help        Exit  Refr  Parms                   File              Menu
AFPLOOK File Details Display

For more information, see the section AFPLOOK.

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Online Administration (SYSAFP)

Adabas Fastpath online administration (SYSAFP) provides a wide variety of online operational and administrative services.

The following services are provided:

Service Description
System Settings Maintain Adabas Fastpath configuration file.
Parameter Maintenance Define/maintain Adabas Fastpath parameters.
Current Activity Displays Display Adabas Fastpath buffer information.
Buffer History Display Adabas Fastpath buffer history information.
Printing Print Adabas Fastpath reports.
Special Services Perform miscellaneous actions for the Adabas Fastpath components.
Online Sampling (APFLOOK) Perform optimization sampling.
About Adabas Fastpath Display Adabas Fastpath release information.

For more information, see section SYSAFP.

Top of page

Buffer Operation and Reporting (AFPCMD)

The tool AFPCMD provides operating and reporting functions for the Adabas Fastpath buffer. AFPCMD can be invoked using Adabas Fastpath online administration or it can be invoked using Natural in batch mode.

For more information, see section AFPCMD.

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