Version 8.2.1

System Parameters

This option can be used to display the system parameters in effect for the security service in this database or daemon.

 09:52:08   ***** A D A B A S   SAF SECURITY SERVICES 8.2.1 *****    2011-03-04
               -  SAF System Configuration Parameters  -             A18000M1  
 Assembled: 11-03-04   Version: 08.02.01                                       
  Database: 153                                                                
     Authorization     Class/Type   Universal   Max Kept   SMF Log             
     ADABAS (Normal)    ADASEC          N         20          0                
     ADABAS (Xlevel)    XLVADA          N         20          0                
     Buffer(k): 512    Message Level..: 3    Caching..: Y  Warn Mode: F        
     Ciphers..: Y      Cached files...: 10   Xlevel...: 2  ET Data..: Y        
     Passwords: Y      Max.Cipher/Pwds: 100  Logoff...: T  Remote...: POPUP    
     ABS......: 2      DBID/Fnr format: 1    Notoken..: N  ADASCR...: N        
     PC prot..: N      Hold cmd access: R    LF prot..: Y  Filetab..: FILETAB  
 Command ==>                                                                   
      Help        Exit                                                  Menu   

The following information is provided:

Field Description
Assembled / Version

The date and time when the parameter module was assembled.


The database number.


Indicates type of authorization (normal or cross-level).


The security class being used.

For more information, see the parameters DBCLASS and NWCLASS.


Whether or not universal access is allowed.

Max Kept

The number of files for which security information is to be cached for each user.

For more information, see the parameters DBNCU and NWNCU.


Not used.


The amount of storage (in kilobytes) to be used for caching user information related to the security system.

For more information, see the parameter GWSIZE.

Message Level

The tracing level for database security checks.

For more information, see the parameter GWMSGL.


Indicates whether or not caching of security information is in effect.

Warn Mode

Warn mode (warning or fail).


Indicates whether or not ADASAF should extract Adabas cipher codes from RACF and apply them to the relevant Adabas commands.

For more information, see the parameter CIPHER.

Cached Files

The number of files for which security information is to be cached for each user.

For more information, see the parameter MAXFILES.


The type of database cross-level security checking to be performed

For more information, see the parameter XLEVEL.

ET Data

Indicates whether or not ADASAF should protect commands that access or create ET data.

For more information, see the parameter ETDATA.


Indicates whether or not ADASAF should extract Adabas passwords from RACF and apply them to the relevant Adabas commands.

For more information, see the parameter PASSWORD.

Max Cipher/Pwds

The maximum number of passwords and cipher codes to be extracted from RACF for the current Adabas nucleus.

For more information, see the parameter MAXPCC.


Indicates when ADASAF should log off users from the SAF security system.

For more information, see the parameter LOGOFF.


The mechanism ADASAF should use to protect calls from remote users.

For more information, see the parameter REMOTE.


The level of Adabas Basic Services protection.

For more information, see the parameter ABS.

DBID/Fnr format

The format of the Database ID and file number in resource profiles.

For more information, see the parameter DBFLEN.


Indicates whether or not calls from unsecured mainframe clients are to be allowed.

For more information, see the parameter NOTOKEN.


Indicates whether or not the SAF Userid or Group is used as the ADASCR password.

For more information, see the parameter ADASCR.

PC prot

Indicates whether or not PC commands are protected.

For more information, see the parameter PCPROT.

Hold cmd access

Indicates whether access commands which place records on hold require read or update security access to the relevant resource.

For more information, see the parameter HOLDCMD.

LF prot

Indicates whether or not LF commands are protected.

For more information, see the parameter LFPROT.


The name of the grouped resource name load module used by this nucleus, or ‘(none)’ if grouped resource names are not in effect.

For more information, see the parameter FILETAB.

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