Version 8.2.1
 —  Adabas SAF Security Messages and Codes  —

SAF Return Codes

ADASAF and the SAF Security Kernel display an eight-byte code containing various return and reason codes from SAF. This information is shown in a number of messages denoted "SSSSSSSS".

The SAF and ADASAF return codes contains the following structure:

Position Within Message Code Information Content
Byte: 1 SAF return code (R15 after RACROUTE)
Byte: 2 Function code (see section SAF Internal Function Codes)
Byte: 3 RACROUTE return code
Byte: 4 RACROUTE reason code
Byte: 5-8 Internal reason code

The SAF trace messages written to DDPRINT, when GWMSGL is not 0, include the first four bytes of the following information, printed as eight hexadecimal digits. The ADASAF trace messages include the first four bytes of the following information, also printed as eight hexadecimal digits:

Position Within Trace Message Information Content
Digits 1 and 2 SAF return code (R15 after RACROUTE)
Digits 3 and 4 Function code (see section SAF Internal Function Codes)
Digits 5 and 6 RACROUTE return code
Digits 7 and 8 RACROUTE reason code

Refer to the IBM Security Server RACROUTE Macro Reference manual for a thorough explanation of all possible return/reason codes. CA-Top Secret and CA-ACF2 can provide different return code values in some circumstances.

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