Version 8.2.3
 —  Utilities  —

VALIDATE: Validate Data Storage and Associator


The VALIDATE function validates the contents of the Data Storage against the values in the Associator. This is done by issuing commands to create a DVT that is validated against each corresponding value in the indices.

ADAVAL VALIDATE cannot be performed on the checkpoint or security files.

This document covers the following topics:

Essential Parameters

FILE: Files to Be Validated

FILE specifies a one or more Adabas file numbers and/or file ranges. A maximum of 1000 files may be specified.

Continuation for a file list is as follows:

ADAVAL            FILE=13,31-35 

ADAVAL will concatenate the file list for each specification of the FILE parameter.

SORTSIZE: Sort Area Size

SORTSIZE specifies the number of blocks or cylinders available for the sort data set. If specifying blocks, the value must be followed by a "B" (for example, "2000B"). A block value is automatically rounded up to the next full cylinder. See the Adabas DBA Reference documentation for information about estimating the SORTSIZE value.

TEMPSIZE: Temporary Storage Area Size

TEMPSIZE specifies the number of blocks or cylinders available for the temp data set. If specifying blocks, the value must be followed by a "B" (for example, "2000B"). A block value is automatically rounded up to the next full cylinder. See the section LOAD File Space Allocation in the ADALOD description for information about estimating the TEMPSIZE value.

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Optional Parameters

CODE: Cipher Code

The CODE parameter is required if the file or file(s) being validated are enciphered.

DESCRIPTOR: List of Descriptors to Validate

The DESCRIPTOR parameter restricts validation processing to one descriptor field, providing a way to limit the validation run in cases where that the Associator is very large or there is a need to evaluate a specific descriptor. If DESCRIPTOR is not specified, ADAVAL validates all qualifying descriptor fields.

The following is an example of DESCRIPTOR use:

LPB: Prefetch Buffer Size

LPB specifies the size, in bytes, of the internal prefetch buffer. The maximum value is 32760 bytes. The default depends on the current ADARUN LU value. ADAVAL VALIDATE may reduce the LPB value below that specified if the LU value is too small.

LRECL: Maximum Descriptor Value

LRECL specifies the maximum length of all descriptor values in any record of the file being validated. This length is used by ADAVAL to create a temporary record buffer. If the LRECL value is too small, response code 53 (ADARSP053) occurs when an oversized record is found. The default for LRECL is 4000 bytes; the maximum length allowed is 32760 bytes.

LWP: Work Pool Size

LWP specifies the size of the work pool to be used for descriptor value sorting. The value can be specified in bytes or kilobytes followed by a "K". If no value is specified, the default is 1048576 bytes (or 1024K); however, to shorten ADAVAL run time for files with very long descriptors or an unusually large number of descriptors, set LWP to a higher value. To avoid problems with the Sort data set, a smaller LWP value should be specified when validating relatively small files.

The minimum work pool size depends on the Sort data set's device type:

Sort Device Minimum LWP Minimum LWP
Bytes Kilobytes
2000 106496 104K
2314 090112 88K
3375 131072 128K
3380 139264 136K
3390 159744 156K
NOUSERABEND: Termination without Abend

When an error is encountered while the function is running, the utility prints an error message and terminates with user abend 34 (with a dump) or user abend 35 (without a dump). When NOUSERABEND is specified, it must be specified as the first parameter (before all other parameters) for the utility function.

If NOUSERABEND is specified, the utility will not abend after printing the error message. Instead, the message "utility TERMINATED DUE TO ERROR CONDITION" is displayed and the utility terminates with condition code 20.

PASSWORD: Files Password

This parameter is required if the file or file(s) to be validated are password-protected.

SORTDEV: Sort Device Type

The SORTDEV parameter indicates the device type to be used for the sort data set that ADAVAL uses to sort descriptor values (the sort data set size is specified with SORTSIZE). This parameter is required only if the device type to be used is different from that specified by the ADARUN DEVICE parameter.

TEMPDEV: Temporary Storage Device Type

The TEMPDEV parameter indicates the device type to be used for the temp data set that ADAVAL uses to store intermediate data. The data set size is specified with the TEMPSIZE parameter. This parameter is required only if the device type to be used is different from that specified by the ADARUN DEVICE parameter.

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