Version 8.2.3
 —  Utilities  —

ADAULD Input Processing

ADAULD is used to unload an Adabas file from

Processing a Save Tape as Input

If a save tape is used as input, a DD/SAVE sequential file is expected. Database or file save tapes created online and offline are acceptable. The save tape must have been created using ADASAV version 5.1 or above.

The ADARUN DBID specified for the ADAULD run must match the DBID found on the save tape.

If the file has hyperdescriptors defined, the corresponding hyperexits must be specified in the ADARUN parameters for ADAULD. If the hyperexit routines are no longer available, the file must be unloaded with MODE=SHORT specified. See the Adabas DBA Reference documentation for more information about hyperexits.

For an online save tape:

If an online save tape created using ADASAV version 5.1 is to be used, the additional parameters PLOGNUM and SYN1 or SYN4 must be specified:

For online save tapes created using ADASAV version 5.2 or above, this information is included on the tape. You can specify PLOGNUM or SYN1 or SYN4 to override the tape information.

The ADAULD utility protocol on DD/DRUCK displays a short header indicating the kind of save tape encountered, when it was created, the version of ADASAV used to create it, the database ID found on the save tape, and for online save tapes, the session number of the corresponding protection log and the block number of the SYN1/SYN4 checkpoint:

A D A R E P    Vv.r   SMs     DBID = nnnnn  STARTED             yyyy-mm-dd   hh:mm:ss   
ADAULD UNLOAD FILE=3, SAVETAPE                                         
*                                                         *            
*  UNLOAD FROM            ONLINE DATABASE SAVE            *            
*  CREATED AT             yyyy-mm-dd  hh:mm:ss            *            
*  BY ADASAV VERSION      V vr                            *            
*  DBID                   nnnnn                           *            
*  DSID                   1 / 0 /   yyyy-mm-dd  hh:mm:ss  *            
*  PLOG SESSION NR        17                              *            
*  SYN1 BLOCK NR          137                             *            
*                                                         *            

ADAULD first reads the file control block (FCB) and file definition table (FDT) from the save tape. Then:

After opening the DD/SAVE and DD/PLOG input data sets, ADAULD cross-checks to ensure that the input tapes are correct. If an invalid save tape is encountered, ADAULD terminates and displays error-134 (invalid save tape supplied). If an invalid protection log tape is encountered, ADAULD terminates with error-135 (invalid protection log supplied).

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