Version 8.2.3
 —  Utilities  —

Processing Save Tape Input

If the SAVETAPE keyword is specified, the report is printed from a save tape.

The save tape

ADAREP does not scan the complete save tape: normally, it is sufficient to supply only the first cassette/tape reel.

ADAREP reads through the save tape to pick up the general control blocks (GCBs), the block of unreadable blocks (BUB), the mirror table, the mirror BUB, the free space table (FST), and all the file control blocks (FCBs). Once these are in main memory, ADAREP continues as for a normal database report. The file definition tables (FDTs) are read from the save tape as they are needed: they are not buffered in main memory.

Adabas versions 7.2 and above do not support and therefore do not save BUB or mirror information. However, BUB and mirror information on save tapes from Adabas 7.1 is still reported.

This document covers the following topics:

Supplying Protection Log Input

If an online save tape is used, the corresponding protection log may optionally be specified as a DD/PLOG sequential input file:

Parameters PLOGNUM and SYN1 or SYN4 identify the protection log number and block number of the SYN1 or SYN4 checkpoint. The information provided by these parameters is supplied on the tape, so specifying PLOGNUM or the SYN1 or SYN4 parameters overrides the information on the tape.

When DD/PLOG is supplied, two tape units are needed in parallel: it is not possible to concatenate the save tape and the protection log as for ADASAV RESTONL.

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Checking Input Tapes

After opening the DD/SAVE and DD/PLOG input data sets, ADAREP cross-checks to ensure that the input tapes are correct:

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Concurrent Parameters

CPLIST/ CPEXLIST information and the number of records loaded for a file cannot be printed from the save tape. If the CPLIST/ CPEXLIST parameter is specified or the NOCOUNT parameter is not specified with SAVETAPE, ADAREP prints a warning message, changes these options internally, and continues processing.

If the save tape was created using ADASAV version 5.3.2 or above, the VOLSER number is printed on the report. For save tapes created using earlier versions of ADASAV, asterisks are printed as VOLSER numbers.

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Reports for Delta Save Tapes

For delta save tapes, much of the information is either inaccessible or must be reconstructed:

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Report Layout

The purpose of the save tape report is to determine what the save tape contains.

The save tape report is preceded by a short header indicating the kind of save tape supplied, whether it was created online or offline, when it was created, the version of ADASAV used to create it, the database ID on the save tape, and possibly the delta save identifier of the save tape. For online save tapes, the session number of the corresponding protection log and the block number of the SYN1/SYN4 checkpoint (either supplied or derived from the tape) is displayed.

A D A R E P    Vv.r   SMs     DBID = nnnnn  STARTED             yyyy-mm-dd   hh:mm:ss   
ADAREP REPORT SAVETAPE                                                 
*                                                         *            
*  REPORT FROM            ONLINE DATABASE SAVE            *            
*  CREATED AT             yyyy-mm-dd  hh:mm:ss            *            
*  BY ADASAV VERSION      V vr                            *            
*  DBIB                   nnnnn                           *            
*  DSID                   1 / 0 /   yyyy-mm-dd  hh:mm:ss  *            
*  PLOG SESSION NR        17                              *            
*  SYN1 BLOCK NR          137                             *            
*                                                         *            
*                    *                                                 
*  DATA BASE REPORT  *                                          yyyy-mm-dd   hh:mm:ss   
*                    *                                                 

The database ID printed in the first line of the report is taken from the ADARUN DBID parameter. This DBID is not cross-checked with the database ID on the save tape. Instead, the save tape DBID is used throughout the report once the save tape is opened and the GCBs read.

The physical layout for file save reports is a table of RABN ranges indicating how each RABN in the database is used. Because a file save tape contains only the FCBs of the saved files, gaps exist in the physical layout table and are reported as "unknown" ranges rather than errors.

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