Version 8.2.3
 —  Utilities  —

Functional Overview

Primary Adabas direct access (DASD) data sets must be formatted using the ADAFRM utility.

These data sets include the Associator, Data Storage, and Work data sets as well as the intermediate storage (Temp, Sort, and Command/Protection/Recovery logging) data sets.

Formatting must be performed before any new data set can be used by the Adabas nucleus or an Adabas utility. After increasing a data set with the ADADBS INCREASE or ADD function, new RABNs must also be formatted.

ADAFRM also provides functions to reset existing Associator, Data Storage, or Work blocks/cylinders to binary zeros (nulls). Resetting fills the specified blocks in an existing Associator, Data Storage, or Work data set with binary zeros.

Finally, if you are using Adabas 8 or later, you can use this utility to clear multiple PLOG headers from the PLOG, without requiring that you reformat the entire PLOG. For more information, read about using the FROMRABN, NUMBER, and SIZE parameters together, as described in the ADAFRM FROMRABN, NUMBER, and SIZE parameter documentation.

On BS2000 systems, we recommend that you format the containers in block units. The concept of cylinders does not exist on this platrorm. It is easier to calculate the size of the container in PAM pages from the number of blocks (or RABNs) to format using the device table in Device and File Considerations. Note also, the RABNs per cylinder column in the table. Formatting will be rounded down to this unit size. So to format 30010B in the ASSO of a 2300 device will only format 30008 RABNs.

Statement Restrictions

More than one ADAFRM function (ASSOFRM, DATAFRM, RLOGFRM, and so on) can be performed in the same job. However, each function must be specified on separate statements. See the examples at the end of the do for more information.

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Formatting Operation

Formatting with ADAFRM comprises two basic operations:

  1. creating blocks (called RABNS) on the specified tracks/cylinders;

  2. filling the created blocks with binary zeros (nulls).

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