Version 8.2.3
 —  Triggers and Stored Procedures  —


The unload and load utilities for the Adabas triggers and stored procedures facility are part of the online Trigger Maintenance facility and are run in a Natural environment:

Utility ... is used to
TRGUNLD unload trigger definitions from the Adabas trigger file and related file-field table entries and write them to a work file.
TRGLOAD load trigger definitions and related file-field tables from the TRGUNLD work file into the trigger file.

The work file for TRGUNLD is a Natural work file (work file 1) that is defined either

The TRGUNLD work file is used as input to the TRGLOAD utility.

A report is prepared at the end of the unload or load summarizing the triggers processed.

This document covers the following topics:

Starting a Utility

Start of instruction setTo invoke a utility:


If the TRGULND utility is invoked from the command line in the online system without a parameter list, the following window is presented:

17:51:42          ***** A D A B A S TRIGGER MAINTENANCE *****       YYYY-MM-DD
     | 17:51:46  **** A D A B A S TRIGGER MAINTENANCE ****   YYYY-MM-DD   |
     | -----------------  Trigger  Unload  Utility  -------------------   |
     |                                                                    |
     |       Specify the following information to identify                |
     |       the Triggers to be unloaded to Work File 1:                  |
     |                                                                    |
     |        File Name ..... ________________________________            |
     |        Field ......... ________________________________            |
     |        Pre-triggers .. ____                                        |
     |        Command Type .. __                                          |
     |        Active State .. _                                           |
     |        Trigger Type .. _                                           |
     |                                                                    |
     |       Use 'PF3' to cancel or hit  Enter' when ready                |

Command ==> trgunld
      Help        Exit  Field Trigr Admin Procs             FTRG  FDIC  Canc

Enter values for the parameters as needed to limit the trigger definitions being unloaded. Any parameters left blank assume the default values.

If no parameters are specified for TRGUNLD, all triggers on the trigger file are unloaded and the related file-field table entries as well.


If the TRGLOAD utility is invoked from the command line in the online system without a parameter list, the following window is presented:

18:13:43          ***** A D A B A S TRIGGER MAINTENANCE *****       YYYY-MM-DD
User DBAU |---------------------------------------------------------|nr 105
          |                                                         |
          |  ---------------  Trigger  Load  Utility  ------------- |
          |                                                         |
          |     Specify the following information to identify       |
          |     the Triggers to be loaded from Work File 1:         |
          |                                                         |
          |        File ...... ________________________________     |
          |        Field ..... ________________________________     |
          |        Replace ... ___                                  |
          |        With FFT .. ___                                  |
          |                                                         |
          |     Use 'PF3' to cancel or hit  Enter' when ready       |
          |                                                         |

Command ==> trgload
      Help        Exit  Field Trigr Admin Procs             FTRG  FDIC  Canc

If no parameters are specified for TRGLOAD, all triggers and file-field table entries found on the TRGUNLD work file are loaded into the trigger file.

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Utility Parameters

Wildcard Notation

The following "wildcard" or special character notation can be used in values specified for FILE and FIELD parameters discussed in the following sections for each utility:

Character Example Load triggers with file or field names...
* PERS* that start with "PERS"
> PERS> that have a value greater than "PERS"
< PERS< that have a value less than "PERS"

TRGUNLD Parameters

The following parameters are available to limit the triggers unloaded from the trigger file into the work file during TRGUNLD processing (the default value for each parameter is "*" to include all possibilities):

Parameter Description
Name of a file found in the trigger definition. Valid values are
a file name ("wildcard" notation allowed)
* all files (the default)
Name of a field found in the trigger definition. Valid values are
a field name ("wildcard" notation allowed)
* all fields (the default)
Specifies pre-trigger or post-trigger. Valid values are
Y pre-trigger
N post-trigger
* both
Command type that causes trigger to fire. Valid values are
R read
F find
I insert
U update
D delete
* all command types (the default)
State of the trigger to be processed. Valid values are
A active
D not active (deactivated)
* both
Type of participation of trigger in user's ET logic. Valid values are
A asynchronous
N non-participating
P participating
* all participation types

TRGUNLD Parameter Examples


Specifying the FILE parameter limits the triggers unloaded to those defined for the specified file, in this case the EMPLOYEES file.


Combining parameters further limits the triggers unloaded. In this case, only active, non-participating pre-triggers defined for the VEHICLES file are unloaded. Note that the parameters must be separated by the input delimiter as specified in the ID parameter in the Natural environment.

TRGLOAD Parameters

The following parameters are available to limit the triggers loaded from the TRGUNLD work file to the trigger file during TRGLOAD processing:

Parameter Description
Name of a file found in the trigger definition. Valid values are
a file name ("wildcard" notation allowed)
* all files (the default)
Name of a field found in the trigger definition. Valid values are
a field name ("wildcard" notation allowed)
* all fields (the default)
Request that the file-field table entry found on the TRGUNLD input data set be loaded with the trigger. Valid values are
Y yes (the default)
N no
Request that a trigger definition being loaded that already exists on the database replace the old one. Valid values are
Y yes: replace the existing definition with the new one
N no (the default): do not replace the existing definition and return an error message

TRGLOAD Parameter Examples


Load into the trigger file all file-field table entries and triggers found on the TRGUNLD input work file for files starting with "EMP".


Ignore any file-field table entries read from the work file. If any trigger definition read from the work file has the same specifications as an existing trigger definition, replace the existing definition with the definition from the work file.

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End of Processing Reports

Unload Report (TRGUNLD)

A report is written out at the end of the unload process stating the number of trigger definitions and the number of file-field table entries unloaded.


The first page of the report indicates the source file and database for unloading the triggers and summarizes the selection criteria. Following this is a list of each record being unloaded into the work file:

18:12:00            *****  TRIGGERS UNLOAD UTILITY *****            YYYY-MM-DD
Unloading from Trigger File     12 on Database    105 
Rec  File  Details
---  ----- -----------------------------------------------------------
Unloading Pre and Post Triggers for file(s) *
and field name(s) * for all command types

FFT     45 ZB-FIELD (ZB,2,A)
FFT     45 ZF-FIELD (ZF,2,A)
FFT     45 ZZ-FIELD (ZZ,4,P)
GRP      4 Group Record
FFT      4 AREA-CODE (AN,6,A)
FFT      4 BIRTH (AH,6,U)

The end of the report lists a summary count of records written to the work file. The physical work file written includes these records plus two additional records used for internal purposes.

18:13:04            *****  TRIGGERS UNLOAD UTILITY *****            YYYY-MM-DD
 Unloading from Trigger File     12 on Database    105
 Rec  File  Details
 ---  ----- -----------------------------------------------------------
 FFT      7 NA-FIELD (NA,40,A)
 FFT      7 NT-SUPER (NT,110,A)
 FFT      7 TI-FIELD (TI,70,A)
 FFT      7 TY-FIELD (TY,10,A)

 Total records written to Work File 1

 File-Field Table Entries: ...    141
 Group Control Records: ......      2
 Trigger Definitions: ........     13

 Total Records: ..............    156

 ***  TRGUNLD completed successfully.  ***

The final page of the report summarizes the triggers unloaded by categories. This report is useful for cross-checking with the TRGLOAD utility.

**** Trigger Unload Statistics ****

Number of Triggers Unloaded by Categories

Pre or Post :           Pre:      7
                       Post:      6

Trigger Type:  Asynchronous:      6
              Participating:      3
          Non-Participating:      4

Command Type:          READ:      6
                       FIND:      0
                     INSERT:      0
                     DELETE:      2
                     UPDATE:      1
                      *ANY*:      4

Field Criteria:       *ANY*:      4
                   Specific:      9

Load Report (TRGLOAD)

A report is written at the end of the unload process, stating the number of trigger definitions and the number of file-field table entries loaded.


The first page of the report indicates the target database for loading the triggers, the source database where the work file was created, and a summary of the selection criteria. Following this is a list of each record being loaded into the work file.

20:05:05            *****  TRIGGERS LOAD UTILITY  *****           YYYY-MM-DD
Rec  File  Details
---  ----- -----------------------------------------------------------

Loading Trigger Definitions into database    106 file     14
from data set unloaded from database    105 file     12
created on 1999-07-26 20:04 from version  711

FFT     50 AA-FIELD (AA,8,A)
FFT     50 AC-FIELD (AC,20,A)
FFT     50 AD-FIELD (AD,20,A)
FFT     50 AE-FIELD (AE,20,A)
FFT     50 AF-FIELD (AF,1,A)
FFT     50 AG-FIELD (AG,1,A)
FFT     50 AH-FIELD (AH,6,U)
FFT     50 AI-FIELD (AI,20,A)
FFT     50 AJ-FIELD (AJ,20,A)
FFT     50 AK-FIELD (AK,10,A)

The end of the report lists a summary count of records read from the work file and how they were loaded into the database.

20:08:43            *****  TRIGGERS LOAD UTILITY  *****           YYYY-MM-DD
 Rec  File  Details
 ---  ----- -----------------------------------------------------------

 Total records loaded from Work File 1

 File-Field Table Entries: ...    109
 Group Control Records: ......      1
 Trigger Definitions: ........     65

 Total Records Loaded: .......    175
 Records found with errors ...      0
 Total Records Read: .........    178

 ***  TRGLOAD completed successfully.  ***

The final page of the report summarizes the triggers loaded by categories. This report is useful for cross-checking with the TRGUNLD utility.

******* Trigger Load Statistics *******

Number of Triggers Loaded by Categories

Pre or Post :           Pre:     34
                       Post:     31

Trigger Type:  Asynchronous:     23
              Participating:     32
          Non-Participating:     10

Command Type:          READ:     25
                       FIND:      6
                     INSERT:     14
                     DELETE:      2
                     UPDATE:      3
                      *ANY*:     15

Field Criteria:       *ANY*:     19
                   Specific:     46

Top of page

Utility Response Codes

Code Meaning
000 Function completed successfully.
013 Invalid file-field table entry specified. Triggers requires access to a file-field table that maps long file names to file numbers and field names to Adabas two-character field identifiers. See section File-Field Tables for more information.
016 No trigger definition found with this criteria.
023 Field name not found for this file. The field name specified does not exist in the file-field table for this file. See section File-Field Tables for more information.
025 Invalid command type. See list above for valid values.
027 No field found for this file and command type.
029 No trigger found for this file, command, and field criteria.
039 Natural subprogram name is invalid.
041 Trigger type may be "A", "N", or "P" only.
042 CALLNAT type may be "C", "E", or "N" only.
043 Record buffer usage may be "A", "N", or "U" only.
047 Trigger already exists with this criteria.
103 File name must not be blank.
110 File-field table entry already exists for file.
1xxx Function resulted in an Adabas response code 22 (ADARSP022) where "xxx" represents the subcode.
3xxx Nonzero Adabas response code was returned, where "xxx" is the actual Adabas response code.
9999 Function not successful. Verify parameters and existing trigger definitions. For more information, contact your Software AG technical support representative.

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