Version 8.2.3
 —  Planning for Adabas 8  —

User Exit Changes

This document describes the user exit changes for Adabas 8.

User Exit 1

With the introduction of user exit 11, support for user exit 1 will be dropped. However, to ease the migration, a sample user exit, UEX11UX1, is supplied that you can insert in front of your existing user exit 1 to have it invoked as user exit 11. This sample will only work for direct calls made using the ACB direct call interface; it will not work for direct calls made using the Adabas 8 ACBX direct call interface. The exit is still subject to exit 11 constraints, as described in User Exit 11. In particular, changes are allowed only to the file number (CQEFNR), Additions 2 (ACBADD2), Additions 3 (ACBADD3), and user area (ACBUSER) fields. The nucleus will ignore changes in any other ACB field and all other changes to the CQE. Please refer to comments in the sample user exit for more details, including how to link it with an existing user exit 1. Adabas nucleus support for this transition aid will be withdrawn in a future Adabas release.

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User Exit 11

This new user exit is given control by Adabas immediately after a command is received by the Adabas nucleus. The command itself has yet to be processed except for the determination of the type of command (simple access, complex access, update).

One of the most common applications of this user exit is to insert a security password or a cipher code into the ACBX.

This user exit functionality largely matches that of the classic user exit 1, except for the fact that edited copies of the CQE and ACBX data structures are used during user exit 11 processing, rather than the actual structures used by user exit 1. Only certain fields in the ACBX may be changed by the exit: ACBXFNR (file number), ACBXADD2 (Additions 2), ACBXADD3 (Additions 3), and ACBXUSER (user area). The nucleus will ignore changes in any other ACBX fields and all changes to the CQE. DSECT EX11PARM maps the user exit 11 parameter list.

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Hyperexit Changes

Updated hyperexit logic is supplied in this release that allows for the extended MU/PE fields in hyperdescriptor specifications. The Adabas 8 nucleus detects if an old hyperexit has been provided and returns a response code if it detects an old parameter list.

In addition, Adabas 8 includes a Hyperexit Stub that allows your existing hyperexits to use the Adabas 8 parameter list without change. The Hyperexit Stub is intended as a temporary solution for those customers who do not wish to immediately update their hyperexits to use the new Adabas 8 parameter areas. For more information about all hyperexit support in Adabas 8, read Hyperdescriptor Exits 01 - 31 .

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