Version 8.2.3
 —  Operations  —

Setting Adabas Session Parameters

This document describes how to set Adabas session parameters on the ADARUN control statement. The information is organized as follows:

General Guidelines

Use the following guidelines when setting the various Adabas session parameters:

  1. Ensure that the following are specified correctly:

  2. If the session is to be restricted to read only (no updating permitted), use the READONLY parameter.

  3. If the session is to be restricted to Adabas utilities only, use the UTIONLY parameter.

  4. Review buffer and table sizes to be in effect for the session:

    Parameter Description
    ASYTVS, LFIOP, TFLUSH Buffer flush control
    LBP Length of the buffer pool
    LCP Length of security pool
    LDEUQP Length of unique (UQ) descriptor pool

    If you have Adabas Transaction Manager Version 7.4 or earlier installed, this parameter defines the length of the distributed transaction processing area (Work part 4) for use with DTP=RM.

    If you have Adabas Transaction Manager Version 7.5 or later installed, this parameter defines the size (in blocks) of the WORK4 index which is used to administer the data on DDWORKR4.

    LFP Length of internal format buffer pool
    LI Length of table for ISN lists
    LP Length of data protection area (Work part 1)
    LQ Length of table of sequential commands
    LRDP Length of the cluster redo pool
    LS Length of sort area
    LU Length of intermediate user buffer
    LWKP2 Length of Work part 2
    LWP Length of Adabas work pool
    MSGBUF Length of message buffer for use with SMGT=YES
    NAB Number of attached buffers
    NC Number of elements in command queue
    NH Number of elements in hold queue
    NISNHQ Maximum number of records in hold queue per user
    NQCID Maximum number of active command IDs per user
    NSISN Maximum number of ISNs per TBI element
    NT Number of threads
    NU Number of elements in user queue
  5. Review the time limits to be in effect for the session:

    Parameter Description
    CT Command timeout limit
    MXTNA Maximum inactivity limit using OP command for individual user
    MXTSX Maximum execution limit for Sx command for individual user
    MXTT Maximum transaction time limit using OP command for individual user
    TLSCMD Sx command time limit
    TNAA Inactivity limit for access only users
    TNAE Inactivity limit for ET logic users
    TNAX Inactivity limit for EXU users
    TT Transaction time limit
  6. If dual protection logging is to be used, the DUALPLD and DUALPLS parameters apply.

  7. If multiple (2-8) protection log data sets are to be used, the NPLOG, PLOGDEV, and PLOGSIZE parameters apply.

  8. If command logging is to be used, the following parameters are applicable:


  9. If a sequential command log is to be used, the LOGGING parameter applies.

  10. If dual command log data sets are to be used, the DUALCLD and DUALCLS parameters apply.

  11. If multiple (2-8) command log data sets are to be used, the NCLOG, CLOGDEV, and CLOGSIZE parameters apply.

  12. If the multifetch or prefetch feature is to be used, the following parameters are applicable:


  13. Determine if any of the following user exits are to be activated:

    User Exit Description
    CDXnn Collation (sort) descriptor processing
    DSFEX1 Delta Save Facility user exit for use with DSF=YES
    HEXnn User hyperdescriptor processing
    UEX1 User processing before command execution (retired)
    UEX2 Dual log copy
    UEX3 User phonetic processing
    UEX4 User processing after command processing and before command logging
    UEX5 Adabas Review hub event handler
    UEX6 User processing before data compression
    UEX8 Message/utility user processing
    UEX9 User processing during file unload
    UEX11 User processing before command execution
    UEX12 Multiple log data set copy
  14. Enable the nucleus to run with specific subsystems and associated products or in certain environments:

    Parameter Description
    CACHE Adabas Caching Facility (ACF)
    CLUSTER Adabas cluster nucleus session control (ALS or ASM)
    DSF Adabas Delta Save Facility (ADE)
    DTP Enable the nucleus for distributed transaction processing as a resource or transaction manager (ATM)
    FASTPATH Adabas Fastpath (AFP)
    REVIEW Adabas Review (REV)
    SMGT Enhanced error handling (PINs) and message buffering subsystem
    STP Triggers and Stored Procedures Facility
    VISTA Adabas Vista (AVI)
  15. If CLUSTER is either LOCAL or SYSPLEX, determine the cluster environment settings:

    Parameter Description
    CLOGMRG Merge cluster command logs automatically
    CLUCACHENAME Custer cache structure/area name
    CLUCACHESIZE Parallel cluster global cache area size
    CLUCACHETYPE Parallel cluster global cache area construct type
    CLUGROUPNAME Cluster name
    CLULOCKNAME Custer lock structure/area name
    CLULOCKSIZE Parallel cluster global lock area size
    DIRRATIO/ELEMENTRATIO Together define the ratio of directory entries to data elements
    LRDP Length of the cluster redo pool
    MXCANCEL Time limit for a canceled peer nucleus to terminate
    MXMSG Time limit for an inter-nucleus command to be processed
    NUCID Cluster nucleus ID
  16. Determine the status of the nucleus in a network:

    Parameter Description
    LOCAL Enable nucleus for network connections
    TCPIP TCP/IP direct link to the nucleus
    TCPURL Identify the location of the TCP/IP link
  17. Determine if any of the following parameters are applicable for the session:

    Parameter Description
    DEVICE Device type for first block of Associator
    FORCE Ignore active database ID setting in the ID table
    IGNDIB Ignore active nucleus entry in data integrity block (DIB)
    IGNDTP Ignore data in Work part 4 on startup for use with DTP=RM
    NONDES Non-descriptor searches
    OPENRQ Open command required
    PLOGRQ Selective/normal protection log required
    QBLKSIZE Sequential block size
  18. When performing an autorestart following an abend, use the optional AREXCLUDE parameter to exclude any problem files from processing.

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Using Session Statistics to Determine Parameter Settings

The Adabas session statistics are printed automatically at the end of a session and may be displayed during the session. These statistics can help you determine the optimum settings for each parameter. Adabas Online System may also be used to obtain session statistics.

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Parameters for Operating Systems

Some ADARUN parameters are operating-system dependent, and must be set according to the particular operating environment.


Parameter Description
CMADDR Start address for common memory pool
CMDQMODE Command queue memory pool location
CMFIX Fix location for common memory pool
CMLFIX Below 16MB; see CMFIX
CMSCOPE Access to common memory pool
CMSIZE Use and size of common memory pool
GROUPS Resource naming restrictions
IDTNAME ID table name
TAPEREL Tape handling
TASKCTGY Adabas task category control

z/OS and z/VSE or Compatible Systems

Parameter Description
SVC z/OS or z/VSE SVC assignment for Adabas

z/OS Systems Only

Parameter Description
xxxxCACHE Disable controller caching for Adabas components, as desired. Caching is active if not explicitly disabled.

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