Version 8.2.3
 —  Messages and Codes  —

XTS* - Software AG Internal Transport Subsystem Messages

The Software AG internal transport subsystem Messages and Codes documentation provides information for each warning and error message that you can encounter using the internal transport subsystem of Software AG products.

This documentation is organized as follows:

Warnings Provides the message ID, message text, and a brief explanation for each warning message.
Errors Provides the message ID, message text, and a brief explanation for each error message.
Generic TCP/IP Messages Lists the message ID and message text for each generic TCP/IP error. For complete information on the TCP/IP error conditions, refer to your TCP/IP documentation.

The internal component API returns warnings as positive values and errors as negative values.

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Overview of Messages

XTS0000W | XTS0001W | XTS0003W | XTS0004W | XTS0005W | XTS0006W | XTS0007W | XTS0008W | XTS0009W | XTS0010W | XTS0011W | XTS0012W | XTS0013W | XTS0014W | XTS0015W
XTS0000W XTS Success

The transport subsystem processing completed successfully.

XTS0001W XTS No LISTEN has been issued

A server has only XTSconnect entries and no XTSlisten. It is possible for a server to connect only to a proxy, and the warning helps applications determine if XTSlisten is missing.

XTS0003W XTS Load message file failed

The transport subsystem failed to load the XTS.MSG file. This file contains text for the error messages; there is an internal table also, so XTS.MSG is not mandatory.

XTS0004W XTS Client already registered

Multiple XtsBindClient calls occurred for the same client. Only the first call is considered.

XTS0005W XTS More data

The receive buffer defined by a transport subsystem send and wait call is not big enough to get all data received by the transport subsystem. A subsequent call has to be made to receive all data.

XTS0006W XTS No SSL random file warning

There is no random file defined for a transport subsystem/Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) application; a random file usage by SSL is highly recommended.

XTS0007W XTS Notify connect

This is a receive callback notification for an incoming connection.

XTS0008W XTS Notify disconnect

This is a receive callback notification for a disconnection.

XTS0009W XTS Notify chirp

This is a receive callback notification for a chirp.

XTS0010W XTS Notify unsupported

This is a receive callback notification when protocols set by XTSlisten are not supported.

XTS0011W XTS Notify message reference dead

This is a receive callback notification indicating the active message references are deleted when a client disconnects.

XTS0012W XTS Notify outbound connect

This is a receive callback notification for an outbound connection.

XTS0013W XTS Notify listen failure

This is a notification to the callback routine submitted by XtsRegisterByTargetName or XtsRegisterByTargetId indicating a failure of an XTSlisten URL.

XTS0014W XTS Notify connect failure

This is a notification to the callback routine submitted by XtsRegisterByTargetName or XtsRegisterByTargetId indicating a failure of an XTSconnect URL.

XTS0015W XTS Notify unchirp

This is a notification to the callback routine submitted by XtsRegisterByTargetName or XtsRegisterByTargetId indicating an unchirp message was received from another node.

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Overview of Messages

XTS0050E | XTS0051E | XTS0052E | XTS0053E | XTS0054E | XTS0055E | XTS0056E | XTS0057E | XTS0058E | XTS0059E | XTS0060E | XTS0061E | XTS0062E | XTS0063E | XTS0064E | XTS0065E | XTS0066E | XTS0069E | XTS0070E | XTS0071E | XTS0072E | XTS0073E | XTS0074E | XTS0075E | XTS0077E | XTS0078E | XTS0079E | XTS0082E | XTS0083E | XTS0084E | XTS0085E | XTS0086E | XTS0087E | XTS0088E | XTS0089E | XTS0090E | XTS0094E | XTS0095E | XTS0096E | XTS0097E | XTS0098E | XTS0100E | XTS0101E | XTS0102E | XTS0103E | XTS0104E | XTS0105E | XTS0106E | XTS0107E | XTS0108E | XTS0109E | XTS0110E | XTS0111E | XTS0112E | XTS0113E | XTS0114E | XTS0115E | XTS0116E | XTS0117E | XTS0118E | XTS0119E | XTS0120E | XTS0121E | XTS0122E | XTS0123E | XTS0124E | XTS0126E | XTS0127E | XTS0128E | XTS0129E | XTS0130E | XTS0131E | XTS0132E | XTS0150E | XTS0151E | XTS0152E | XTS0153E | XTS0154E | XTS0155E | XTS0156E | XTS0157E | XTS0158E | XTS0159E | XTS0163E | XTS0167E | XTS0168E | XTS0169E | XTS0170E | XTS0171E | XTS0172E | XTS0173E | XTS0174E | XTS0200E | XTS0201E | XTS0203E | XTS0204E | XTS0205E | XTS0207E | XTS0209E | XTS0214E | XTS0215E | XTS0218E | XTS0219E | XTS0220E | XTS0221E | XTS0222E | XTS0223E | XTS0224E | XTS0225E | XTS0226E | XTS0227E | XTS0228E | XTS0229E | XTS1000E
XTS0050E XTS Semaphore Error

A failure to create a semaphore occurred. Contact Software AG customer support.

XTS0051E XTS Memory Allocation Error

A failure to allocate memory occurred. Contact Software AG customer support.

XTS0052E XTS Server already registered

The transport subsystem server is already registered.

XTS0053E XTS Incorrect URL

A URL with a syntax error was encountered. Check the Directory Server repositories.

XTS0054E XTS Failure Loading Protocol Handler

A failure to load protocol handlers (for example, Xtstcp.lib) occurred. It was probably caused by a configuration problem. Contact Software AG customer support.

XTS0055E XTS Protocol Init failed

A protocol initialization failure occurred. Contact Software AG customer support.

XTS0056E XTS Invalid protocol type

The specified protocol is not supported by the transport subsystem. This is possibly and error in URL syntax.

XTS0057E XTS Listen Failed

A listen failed. Check the log file for protocol-specific errors. This is caused mostly by trying to listen on a port taken by another server.

XTS0058E XTS Accept Failed

The accept failed. Check the log file for protocol-specific errors.

XTS0059E XTS Connect Failed

The connect failed. Check the log file for protocol-specific errors.

XTS0060E XTS No directory information

No XTSaccess information is provided for the server to which the application wants to connect. Please add a target definition through the Directory Server.

XTS0061E XTS Failure to create a thread

A failure to create a thread occurred. Contact Software AG customer support

XTS0062E XTS Timeout error

A failure to connect or send data in the time set by the user occurred. To complete the connect or send, repeat the call or increase the timeout value.

XTS0063E XTS Send Failed

A completion code is returned to the send callback routine when send fails. Check the log file for the protocol-specific error code.

XTS0064E XTS Invalid reference

An invalid message reference was passed by the user.

XTS0065E XTS Send incomplete

A send was interrupted by a client disconnection.

XTS0066E XTS No such server

A nonexistent server name was passed by the user. It applies to the transport subsystem statistics and dumps calls.

XTS0069E XTS Resolve Target failed

The client failed to send a handshake message to the server; Error caused by the server going down or a protocol send error.

XTS0070E XTS Resolve Target Reply failed

The server failed to reply to the client during handshaking. This error is caused by the client going down or by a protocol send error.

XTS0071E XTS Target cannot be resolved

The client failed to resolve the target name. This error is caused by different names used by the server and the client but with the same address.

XTS0072E XTS Not initialized

The transport subsystem call was submitted before the transport subsystem was initialized. Errors were returned by XtsShutdown, XtsSendMessageByRT, and the transport subsystem statistics call.

XTS0073E XTS Bind Client failed

The client bind failed because of a protocol send error or because the server went down.

XTS0074E XTS Too many user threads

The number of user threads in existence reached the maximum (64). Stop creating new user threads or reduce their time to live (timeout).

XTS0075E XTS Created thread failed

The transport subsystem failed to create a new user thread. This is an SMP error, possibly because of the limitations of the number of threads that a system can support. Contact Software AG customer support.

XTS0077E XTS Conversion failed

The conversion between wide character and MBNS failed. Contact Software AG customer support.

XTS0078E XTS No Target Name

The target name is a zero pointer. Pass a valid string.

XTS0079E XTS No Client Name

The client name is a zero pointer. Pass a valid string.

XTS0082E XTS Zero Length not accepted

The length of the data to be sent is zero, Make the length a positive number.

XTS0083E XTS Target ID Out of Range

The target ID value is bigger than "2113929215".

XTS0084E XTS Channel Inactive

The server-client connection was no longer active when XtsSendByRt or XtsBindClient were called. This error is generated by a client going down during the call.

XTS0085E XTS Disconnect message

A client or server disconnection was detected during a transport subsystem call.

XTS0086E XTS Hash table error

An internal transport subsystem hash table error occurred. Contact Software AG customer support.

XTS0087E XTS Thread key error

An allocate/delete thread memory failure occurred. Contact Software AG customer support.

XTS0088E XTS No CONNECT or LISTEN has been issued

A server registration failed to submit at least one listen or connect. Check the XTSlisten or XTSconnect URL parameters.

XTS0089E XTS Protocol not supported

An attempt was made to use XtsBindClient over the RAW or XTSDS protocol. This feature is not supported.

XTS0090E XTS Single Thread not supported

This error code is returned when the transport subsystem call does not support the single thread feature. Examples include XtsRegisterServerByName(ID) and XtsGiveThread.

XTS0094E XTS Zero pointer

A zero pointer was passed by the user. This is an invalid value.

XTS0095E XTS Hash table full

An internal transport subsystem hash table error occurred. Contact Software AG customer support.

XTS0096E XTS Send User Exit failed

The user exit send routine failed. Check the user exit code.

XTS0097E XTS Recv User Exit failed

The user exit receive routine failed. Check the user exit code.

XTS0098E XTS Load User Exit failed

The transport subsystem failed to load the user exit library. Check the environment or the user exit routine names.

XTS0100E XTS Shutdown in process

This error code is returned when the transport subsystem is in shutdown mode (because XtsShutdown was called by another thread).

XTS0101E XTS Route Timeout

The proxy cannot deliver the message because the route timeout was insufficient. Change the route timeout.

XTS0102E XTS Route Table overflow

The proxy cannot deliver the message because of a route table overflow. Repeat the transport subsystem call.

XTS0103E XTS Route TTL expired

The proxy cannot deliver the message because the route time to live was insufficient. Change the time to live time.

XTS0104E XTS Route failed

The proxy cannot deliver the message because of a route failure. Repeat the transport subsystem call.

XTS0105E XTS Null parameter

A null parameter is encountered when a notify callback routine registration is called.

XTS0106E XTS Connection Rejected

The connection was rejected by the notify callback routine.

XTS0107E XTS Replica redirected

The connection was redirected by the callback routine.

XTS0108E XTS timeout - connect in progress

A timeout error occurred, but connection is in progress. Submit the call again or increase the timeout value.

XTS0109E XTS invalid session

An invalid session handle was used by the transport subsystem session calls.

XTS0110E XTS invalid key

An invalid session handle was used by the transport subsystem session calls.

XTS0111E XTS Count converters failed

The count of available converter names failed.

XTS0112E XTS Convert enum failed

The enumeration of text converter names failed.

XTS0113E XTS Buffer too small

The text conversion buffer is not big enough..

XTS0114E XTS No more ports available

No replicated server ports are available .

XTS0115E XTS Text converter library load failed

The load of the transport subsystem converter ending failed.

XTS0116E XTS Text converter resolve failed

The text converter interface function could not be resolved.

XTS0117E XTS Name to EDDkey map failed

The ICU converter name to Software AG ECS EDD key conversion failed..

XTS0118E XTS XDS library loading failed

The XDS library used by ADVDIR could not be loaded.

XTS0119E XTS DS access time out error

A timeout occurred accessing the Directory Server (the default timeout is one minute).

XTS0120E XTS Failed to set ECS environment

A failure occurred when setting the ECS environment.

XTS0121E XTS Set UDP Port failed

The UDP port selected by user cannot be used (because it is used by another application).

XTS0122E XTS Sync and async send in raw mode not allowed

Using synchronous and asynchronous calls on the same channel is not allowed.

XTS0123E XTS Unknown received buffer

The transport subsystem received an unknown buffer from an application.

XTS0124E XTS Function retired

The transport subsystem function is not supported any longer.

XTS0126E XTS invalid duplicate server

This error is generated when the same server is registered again with a different protocol than the one used when it was first registered.

XTS0127E XTS Fatal error

An internal error occurred, indicating a severe transport subsystem code problem. Contact Software AG customer support.

XTS0128E XTS Load library failed

The transport subsystem failed to load a library (the log file indicates which one).

XTS0129E XTS Key not found

The key used to retrieve transport subsystem parameters does not exist.

XTS0130E XTS Xts.Config Key not found

The key used by the user to retrieve transport subsystem parameters from xts.config file does not exist.

XTS0131E XTS No directory information for XTS profile

The profile is not defined in the Directory Server.

XTS0132E XTS Load function failed

A failure occurred loading a function (the name of the function and the name of the library are in the log file).

XTS0150E XTS SSL init failed

The transport subsystem failed to initialize the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) library. Check the log file for the SSL error messages.

XTS0151E XTS SSL Verify CA locations failed

The Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) failed to load the CA certificates. Probable causes include an invalid path specification or nonexistent CA certificates.

XTS0152E XTS SSL Certificate file not specified

No Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) certificate was specified.

XTS0153E XTS SSL Invalid Certificate

The URL-specified Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) certificate has an invalid format.

XTS0154E XTS SSL Invalid Key File

The URL-specified Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) key file has an invalid format.

XTS0155E XTS SSL Invalid Key

The Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) key specified by the user is invalid.

XTS0156E XTS SSL Connect failed

A Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) connect failed (caused by an SSL handshaking error). Check the log file for the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) error messages.

XTS0157E XTS SSL Accept failed

A Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) accept failed (caused by an SSL handshaking error). Check the log file for the SSL error messages.

XTS0158E XTS SSL Read failed

A Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) read failed. Check the log file for the SSL error messages.

XTS0159E XTS SSL Write failed

A Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) write failed. Check the log file for the SSL error messages.

XTS0163E XTS SSL Failed loading library

A failure to load the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) library occurred. Check the environment.

XTS0167E XTS SSL Illegal host name

The peer certificate subject name and host name are different, indicating an illegal connection.

XTS0168E XTS SSL No local certificate

There is no local Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) certificate.

XTS0169E XTS SSL No remote certificate

There is no local Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) certificate.

XTS0170E XTS SSL insufficient user memory

There is insufficient user memory for returning the requested data.

XTS0171E XTS SSL certificate rejected

The certificate was rejected during verification.

XTS0172E XTS SSL zero length message return

The Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) write or read routines returned an invalid zero value. Contact Software AG customer support.

XTS0173E XTS SSL want read error

The Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) write routine returned want read error code. Contact Software AG customer support. This is a transport subsystem internal sequence error.

XTS0174E XTS SSL want write error

The Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) read routine returned want write error code. Contact Software AG customer support. This is a transport subsystem internal sequence error.

XTS0200E DS Open File failed

A failure to open a file occurred. Check if the file exists and that the path is correct.

XTS0201E DS Incomplete Entry

A URL syntax error occurred. Check the log file for detailed information.

XTS0203E DS Service not provided

An invalid Directory Service selection was made.

XTS0204E DS Null parameter

A Directory Service call was encountered with a null parameter.

XTS0205E DS Incomplete Entry

An attempt to add an incomplete URL record was made.

XTS0207E DS Unknown request

An unknown XTSDS request was encountered. Check the syntax of the Directory Server call.

XTS0209E DS Delete Failed

A Directory Service delete call failed. Check the log file for detailed information.

XTS0214E DS Already Exists

An attempt was made to add a record that already exists.

XTS0215E DS Failure Loading Service Handler

A failure occurred loading a directory service. Check the environment. Contact Software AG customer support.

XTS0218E DS Invalid target Name

The target name contains one of the following characters: "#", ".", "[", "]", "=", "\", "\", or "*". The target name is invalid.

XTS0219E DS Incomplete request

An incomplete XTSDS request was caused by a zero value of the target, qualifier, or user data.

XTS0220E DS No URL entries

The XTSDS server does not have any URL to return for the retrieve call.

XTS0221E DS XDS error

An XDS processing error occurred..

XTS0222E DS Rollback is not implemented

No Directory Service rollback was performed..

XTS0223E DS OVO error

An OVO error occurred during Directory Service processing.

XTS0224E DS One time set violation

A one-time setting function was called multiple times. A programs encoding mode cannot change once it is set.

XTS0225E DS Encoding conflict

The INIDIR file encoding conflicts with programs encoding.

XTS0226E DS Create file failed

The file creation failed during Directory Service processing..

XTS0227E DS IO file failed

A file I/O error occurred during Directory Service processing.

XTS0228E DS Wrong file format`

The INIDIR file format was not recognized.

XTS0229E DS Send buffer bigger than maximum allowed

An internal transport subsystem error occurred, generated when a URL is added or deleted from the Directory Server and its size exceeds 65520 bytes.

XTS1000E XTS Unknown error = code

This message is returned by XtsGetMessage when it cannot find text for a given error code.

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Generic TCP/IP Messages

Overview of Messages

XTS1001E | XTS1002E | XTS1003E | XTS1004E | XTS1005E | XTS1006E | XTS1007E | XTS1008E | XTS1009E | XTS1010E | XTS1011E | XTS1012E | XTS1013E | XTS1014E | XTS1015E | XTS1016E | XTS1017E | XTS1018E | XTS1019E | XTS1020E | XTS1021E | XTS1022E | XTS1023E | XTS1024E | XTS1025E | XTS1026E | XTS1027E | XTS1028E | XTS1029E | XTS1030E | XTS1031E | XTS1032E | XTS1033E | XTS1034E | XTS1035E | XTS1036E | XTS1037E | XTS1038E | XTS1039E | XTS1040E | XTS1041E | XTS1042E | XTS1043E | XTS1044E | XTS1045E | XTS1046E | XTS1047E | XTS1048E | XTS1049E | XTS1050E | XTS1051E | XTS1052E | XTS1053E | XTS1054E | XTS1055E | XTS1056E | XTS1057E | XTS1058E | XTS1059E | XTS1060E | XTS1061E | XTS1062E | XTS1063E | XTS1064E | XTS1065E | XTS1066E | XTS1067E | XTS1068E | XTS1069E | XTS1070E | XTS1071E | XTS1072E | XTS1073E | XTS1074E | XTS1075E | XTS1076E | XTS1077E | XTS1078E | XTS1079E | XTS1080E | XTS1081E | XTS1082E | XTS1083E | XTS1084E | XTS1085E | XTS1086E | XTS1087E | XTS1088E | XTS1089E | XTS1090E | XTS1091E | XTS1092E | XTS1093E | XTS1094E | XTS1095E | XTS1096E | XTS1097E | XTS1098E | XTS1099E | XTS1100E | XTS1101E | XTS1102E | XTS1103E | XTS1104E | XTS1105E | XTS1106E | XTS1107E | XTS1108E | XTS1109E | XTS1111E | XTS1112E | XTS1113E | XTS1114E | XTS1115E | XTS1116E | XTS1118E | XTS1119E | XTS1120E | XTS1122E | XTS1123E | XTS1124E | XTS1125E | XTS1126E | XTS1127E | XTS1128E | XTS1129E | XTS1130E | XTS1131E | XTS1132E | XTS1133E | XTS1134E | XTS1135E | XTS1136E | XTS1137E | XTS1138E | XTS1139E | XTS1140E | XTS1141E | XTS1142E | XTS1143E | XTS1144E | XTS1145E | XTS1146E | XTS1147E | XTS1148E | XTS1149E | XTS1150E | XTS1151E | XTS1152E | XTS1153E | XTS1154E | XTS1155E | XTS1156E | XTS1157E | XTS1158E | XTS1159E | XTS1160E | XTS1161E | XTS1162E | XTS1163E | XTS1164E | XTS1165E | XTS1166E | XTS1167E | XTS1168E | XTS1169E
XTS1001E TCP/IP Operation not permitted

XTS1002E TCP/IP No such file or directory

XTS1003E TCP/IP No such process

XTS1004E TCP/IP Interrupted function call

XTS1005E TCP/IP I/O error

XTS1006E TCP/IP No such device or address

XTS1007E TCP/IP Arg list too long

XTS1008E TCP/IP Exec format error

XTS1009E TCP/IP Bad file number

XTS1010E TCP/IP No children

XTS1011E TCP/IP Operation would cause deadlock

XTS1012E TCP/IP Not enough core

XTS1013E TCP/IP Permission denied

XTS1014E TCP/IP Bad address

XTS1015E TCP/IP Block device required

XTS1016E TCP/IP Mount device busy

XTS1017E TCP/IP File exists

XTS1018E TCP/IP Cross-device link

XTS1019E TCP/IP No such device

XTS1020E TCP/IP Not a directory

XTS1021E TCP/IP Is a directory

XTS1022E TCP/IP Invalid argument

XTS1023E TCP/IP File table overflow

XTS1024E TCP/IP Too many open sockets

XTS1025E TCP/IP Inappropriate ioctl for device

XTS1026E TCP/IP Text file busy

XTS1027E TCP/IP File too large

XTS1028E TCP/IP No space left on device

XTS1029E TCP/IP Illegal seek

XTS1030E TCP/IP Read-only file system

XTS1031E TCP/IP Too many links

XTS1032E TCP/IP Broken pipe

XTS1033E TCP/IP Argument too large

XTS1034E TCP/IP Result too large

XTS1035E TCP/IP Resource temporarily unavailable

XTS1036E TCP/IP Operation now in progress

XTS1037E TCP/IP Operation already in progress

XTS1038E TCP/IP Socket operation on non-socket

XTS1039E TCP/IP Destination address required

XTS1040E TCP/IP Message too long

XTS1041E TCP/IP Protocol wrong type for socket

XTS1042E TCP/IP Bad protocol option

XTS1043E TCP/IP Protocol not supported

XTS1044E TCP/IP Socket type not supported

XTS1045E TCP/IP Operation not supported

XTS1046E TCP/IP Protocol Family not supported

XTS1047E TCP/IP Address family not supported by protocol family

XTS1048E TCP/IP Address already in use

XTS1049E TCP/IP Cannot assign requested address

XTS1050E TCP/IP Network is down

XTS1051E TCP/IP Network is unreachable

XTS1052E TCP/IP Network dropped connection on reset

XTS1053E TCP/IP Software caused connection abort

XTS1054E TCP/IP Connection reset by peer

XTS1055E TCP/IP No buffer space available

XTS1056E TCP/IP Socket is already connected

XTS1057E TCP/IP Socket is not connected

XTS1058E TCP/IP Cannot send after socket shutdown

XTS1059E TCP/IP Too many references

XTS1060E TCP/IP Connection timed out

XTS1061E TCP/IP Connection refused

XTS1062E TCP/IP Too many levels of symbolic links

XTS1063E TCP/IP File name too long

XTS1064E TCP/IP Host is down

XTS1065E TCP/IP No route to host

XTS1066E TCP/IP Directory not empty

XTS1067E TCP/IP Too many processes

XTS1068E TCP/IP Too many users

XTS1069E TCP/IP Disc quota exceeded

XTS1070E TCP/IP Stale NFS file handle

XTS1071E TCP/IP Too many levels of remote in path

XTS1072E TCP/IP Device not ready

XTS1073E TCP/IP Write-protected media

XTS1074E TCP/IP Unformatted media

XTS1075E TCP/IP No connection

XTS1076E TCP/IP Old, currently unused AIX errno

XTS1077E TCP/IP Restart the system call

XTS1078E TCP/IP Invalid file system control data

XTS1079E TCP/IP Media surface error

XTS1080E TCP/IP I/O completed, but needs relocation

XTS1081E TCP/IP No attribute found

XTS1082E TCP/IP Out of STREAM resources

XTS1083E TCP/IP System call timed out

XTS1084E TCP/IP Next message has wrong type

XTS1085E TCP/IP Protocol error

XTS1086E TCP/IP No message on stream read queue

XTS1087E TCP/IP fd not associated with a stream

XTS1088E TCP/IP Security authentication denied

XTS1089E TCP/IP Not a trusted program

XTS1090E TCP/IP Illegal byte sequence

XTS1091E TCP/IP Network subsystem is unavailable

XTS1092E TCP/IP WINSOCK.DLL version out of range

XTS1093E TCP/IP Successful WSAStartup not yet performed

XTS1094E TCP/IP Cross mount point (not really error)

XTS1095E TCP/IP cannot start operation

XTS1096E TCP/IP Cannot access a needed shared library

XTS1097E TCP/IP operation (now) in progress

XTS1098E TCP/IP Lib section in a.out corrupted

XTS1099E TCP/IP Attempting to link in too many shared libraries

XTS1100E TCP/IP Cannot exec a shared library directly

XTS1101E TCP/IP Graceful shutdown in progress

XTS1102E TCP/IP Streams pipe error

XTS1103E TCP/IP Structure needs cleaning

XTS1104E TCP/IP Not a XENIX named tip file

XTS1105E TCP/IP No XENIX semaphores available

XTS1106E TCP/IP Is a named type file

XTS1107E TCP/IP Remote I/O error

XTS1108E TCP/IP No medium found

XTS1109E TCP/IP Wrong medium type

XTS1111E TCP/IP Host not found

XTS1112E TCP/IP Non-authoritative host not found

XTS1113E TCP/IP This is a non-recoverable error

XTS1114E TCP/IP Valid name, no data record of requested type

XTS1115E TCP/IP Resource unavailable

XTS1116E TCP/IP Operation canceled

XTS1118E TCP/IP Disc quota exceeded

XTS1119E TCP/IP Identifier removed

XTS1120E TCP/IP Too many open files

XTS1122E TCP/IP Multihop attempted

XTS1123E TCP/IP No locks available

XTS1124E TCP/IP The link has been severed

XTS1125E TCP/IP No message of the desired type

XTS1126E TCP/IP Function not supported

XTS1127E TCP/IP Directory not empty

XTS1128E TCP/IP Operation not supported

XTS1129E TCP/IP Value too large to be stored in data

XTS1130E TCP/IP Stale NFS file handle

XTS1131E TCP/IP There is no more data available

XTS1132E TCP/IP The call has been canceled

XTS1133E TCP/IP Invalid procedure table from service provider

XTS1134E TCP/IP Invalid service provider version number

XTS1135E TCP/IP Unable to initialize a service provider

XTS1136E TCP/IP System call failure

XTS1137E TCP/IP Service not found

XTS1138E TCP/IP Type not found

XTS1139E TCP/IP There is no more data available

XTS1140E TCP/IP The call has been canceled

XTS1141E TCP/IP Refused

XTS1142E TCP/IP Cbannel number out of range

XTS1143E TCP/IP Level 2 not synchronized

XTS1144E TCP/IP Level 3 halted

XTS1145E TCP/IP Level 3 reset

XTS1146E TCP/IP Link number out of range

XTS1147E TCP/IP Protocol driver not attached

XTS1148E TCP/IP No 43 CSI structure available

XTS1149E TCP/IP Level 2 halted

XTS1150E TCP/IP Invalid exchange

XTS1151E TCP/IP Invalid request descriptor

XTS1152E TCP/IP Exchange full

XTS1153E TCP/IP No anode

XTS1154E TCP/IP Invalid request code

XTS1155E TCP/IP Invalid slot

XTS1156E TCP/IP File locking deadlock error

XTS1157E TCP/IP Bad fon file fmt

XTS1158E TCP/IP Process died with the lock

XTS1159E TCP/IP Lock is not recoverable

XTS1160E TCP/IP Machine is not on the network

XTS1161E TCP/IP Package not installed

XTS1162E TCP/IP The object is remote

XTS1163E TCP/IP Advertise error

XTS1164E TCP/IP Mount error

XTS1165E TCP/IP Communication error on send

XTS1166E TCP/IP Locked lock was unmapped

XTS1167E TCP/IP Name not unique on network

XTS1168E TCP/IP FD invalid for this operation

XTS1169E TCP/IP Remote address changed

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