Version 8.2.3
 —  Messages and Codes  —

AVI-xxxx-xx - Adabas Vista Processing Messages

Adabas Vista messages related to client processing have the following format:

AVI-nnnn-ss Message Text

wherennnn is the message number and ss is a hexadecimal severity code:

Severity Code Explanation
00 Software AG use
04 Information only
10 Warnings

Overview of Messages

AVI-0013-04 | AVI-0013-10 | AVI-0015-10 | AVI-0017-10 | AVI-0018-10 | AVI-0019-10 | AVI-0020-04

AVI-0013-04 Config File is now available

This message is issued after an AVI-0013-10 message when Adabas Vista detects that the configuration file has become available again.


None. This message is for information only.

AVI-0013-10 One or more users were unable to access Config File

The Adabas Vista configuration file is not currently available. One or more users have been allowed to continue processing although the partitioning and translation capabilities of Adabas Vista are not available to the user(s) until the configuration file becomes available.


Check the availability of the Adabas Vista configuration file.

AVI-0015-10 Initialization error.....ADABAS VISTA is N O T active

Adabas Vista was unable to initialize successfully and has been deactivated.


Check the message text for the reason for the failure and if necessary contact your local Software AG representative.

AVI-0017-10 Config File Error (DdbidFfnr); Rspnnnnn Srspsssss

An Adabas response code was returned when accessing the Adabas Vista configuration file and the client runtime control Error Reporting WTO option is set to YES. The returned response code and subcode are indicated in the message.


Ensure that the correct configuration file database and file number are being used. Refer to the Adabas Messages and Codes documentation for an explanation of the response code.

AVI-0018-10 Internal error (DdbidFfnr); Rsp00249 Srspsssss

An Adabas Vista processing error occurred and the client runtime control Error Reporting WTO option is set to YES. The Database ID and File Number provided indicate the source of the error. The response code 249 (ADARSP249) may be different depending on the value provided for the client runtime control Error Response Code. The subcode of the response code is also provided.


For information about the subcode provided, refer to the subcodes provided for response code 249 (ADARSP249).

AVI-0019-10 Adabas Rspnnnnn Srspsssss Srce: DdbidFfnr CC Targ: DdbidFfnr CC

An Adabas response code was returned and the Error Reporting client runtime control's WTO option is set to YES. The response code and subcode are displayed. The Srce (application) database number, file number, command code and the Targ (resulting) database number, file number, command code are also displayed.


This (optional) message is provided to warn of potential Adabas issues.

AVI-0020-04 Jobname: aaaaaaaa Comm-ID: hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh (aaaaaaaa)

After an Adabas Vista console message has been issued, this message is used to help identify the user responsible.


None. This message is for information only.

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