The Adabas ADARUN statements and parameters define the nucleus operating environment. The error messages that can result from ADARUN statements and parameters are described in this section. These messages have the following format:
ADARUN error-nn,message-text
where nn is the message number and message-text describes the error. All ADARUN error messages are accompanied by a user abend 35 (abnormal end without a dump) code.
For information regarding ADARUN parameter syntax, refer to the Adabas operations documentation.
error-1 | error-2 | error-3 | error-5 | error-6 | error-7 | error-8 | error-9 | error-10 | error-12 | error-13 | error-20 | error-21 | error-22 | error-23 | error-24 | error-25 | error-31 | error-32 | error-33 | error-34 | error-98 | error-99 | error-107 | error-140 | WARNING 26 | WARNING 27 | WARNING 28
error-1 | I/O-error DDCARD |
Explanation |
A job control (JCL/JCS) error occurred. |
Action |
Correct the error and rerun the job. |
error-2 | Unknown module |
Explanation |
Either the ADARUN PROG parameter or the library allocation JCL is incorrect. |
Action |
Correct the error and rerun the job. |
error-3 | Invalid parmcard |
Explanation |
An ADARUN parameter statement is missing the literal "ADARUN" at the beginning of the ADARUN statement. |
Action |
Correct the error and rerun the job. |
error-5 | Invalid parm |
Explanation |
One of the following has occurred:
Action |
Correct the error and rerun the job. |
error-6 | Syntax error |
Explanation |
ADARUN detected invalid parameter syntax. |
Action |
Correct the error and rerun the job. |
error-7 | Unknown keyword |
Explanation |
ADARUN detected an invalid keyword parameter. |
Action |
Correct the error and rerun the job. |
error-8 | Error from load |
Action |
ADARUN detected a nonzero return code from the operating system's load function. |
Action |
Refer to any related ADAInn or other messages for the specific return code value, then refer to the appropriate operating system information for the action to take. |
error-9 | No user program |
Explanation |
ADARUN was not called by a user program, or required ADARUN parameters were missing. |
Action |
Correct the JCL or control statements and rerun the job. |
error-10 | Module = non-XS |
Explanation |
BS2000 only. ADARUN was loaded from the XS library. During the loading procedure, the specified non-XS module was deleted. |
Action |
Do not mix XS and non-XS libraries. |
error-12 | Invalid CMDQMODE = operand (above, below) |
Explanation |
BS2000 only. The CMDQMODE parameter specified an incorrect syntax option. |
Action |
Job terminates. Set the correct parameter value. |
error-13 | Invalid TAPEREL = operand (NO, RELEASE, KEEP, UNLOAD, KEEPUNL) |
Explanation |
BS2000 only. The TAPEREL parameter specified an incorrect syntax option. |
Action |
Job terminates. Set the correct parameter value. |
error-20 | RMODE error |
Explanation |
ADARUN detected one or more loaded modules linked with RMODE={ANY | 31} while it runs in AMODE=24. |
Action |
Check the load library and either relink modules linked with AMODE=24 to AMODE={ANY | 31}, or relink modules linked with RMODE=ANY to RMODE=24. |
error-21 | CLU parm error |
Explanation |
ADARUN detected inconsistent CLUSTER parameter:
Action |
Correct the error and rerun the job. |
error-22 | NXLOG error |
Explanation |
ADARUN detected inconsistent parameter:
Action |
Correct the error and rerun the job. |
error-23 | RPL PARM error |
Explanation |
ADARUN detected an inconsistent replication parameter.
Action |
Correct the error and rerun the job. |
error-24 | CLOG PARM error |
Explanation |
ADARUN detected an inconsistent command logging parameter:
Action |
Correct the error and rerun the job. |
error-25 | REV PARM error |
Explanation |
ADARUN detected an inconsistent Adabas Review parameter:
Action |
Correct the error and rerun the job. |
error-31 | IDTNAME does not start "ADA" |
Explanation |
This is a BS2000 only error. The user has defined the IDTNAME or the ENVNAME in the SSFB2C parameter module which does not begin with "ADA". This will lead to a failure in communication between Client applications and nucleus. |
Action |
Correct the IDTNAME in the ADARUN parameter list so that it begins with "ADA" and restart the nucleus. |
error-32 | SWITCHNR out of range 0 - 31 |
Explanation |
ADARUN detected an inconsistent Adabas BS2000 parameter. The job switch number to be set when a non-zero return code occurs is out of the range of 1 to 31. |
Action |
Correct the error and rerun the job. |
error-33 | SUBMPSZ needs to be higher than x100000 |
Explanation |
ADARUN detected an inconsistent Adabas BS2000 parameter. The size of the declared subtask memory pool is too small. |
Action |
Correct the error and rerun the job. |
error-34 | PAMREQS must be a value > 0 |
Explanation |
ADARUN detected an inconsistent Adabas BS2000 parameter. The maximum number of PAM blocks sent in one PAM macro must be greater than zero. |
Action |
Correct the error and rerun the job. |
error-98 | Adabas v.v cannot run on NXS hardware |
Explanation |
BS2000 only. Adabas 6.2 and above require 31-bit processors. |
error-99 | Adabas v.v cannot run under BS2000 version lower than (<) 10 |
Explanation |
BS2000 only. Adabas 6.2 and above require BS2000 version 10 or above. |
error-107 | detected during system open Replication initialization error |
Explanation |
An error occurred during initialization of replication. Refer to the messages preceding Parm-Error 107 to determine what action to take. |
Action |
Correct the condition specified in the message(s) displayed before Parm-Error 107 and restart initialization of replication. If the replication definitions are stored on the Replicator system file and a change must be made to the Event Replicator Server definitions, complete the following steps:
error-140 | PPT-Area allocation failed |
Explanation |
The allocation of the PPT area failed. An attempt was made to allocate 32 ASSO blocks. |
Action |
Increase the ASSO size of database and rerun the job. |
WARNING 26 | Parameter AMODE out of service |
Explanation |
BS2000 only. ADARUN statement AMODE=31 detected. This parameter has been removed from Adabas. Targets that use SSF must run in AMODE 31. |
Action |
The job continues. Remove AMODE= from your ADARUN statements. |
WARNING 27 | Parameter IDTMODE out of service |
Explanation |
BS2000 only. IDTMODE=ABOVE statement detected. This parameter has been removed from Adabas. IDTs created by SSF are allocated above the 16-megabyte line. |
Action |
The job continues. Remove IDTMODE= from your ADARUN statements. |
WARNING 28 | Parameter NECB out of service |
Explanation |
BS2000 only. NECB= statement detected. This parameter has been removed from Adabas. The posted ECB queue can no longer overflow. |
Action |
Job continues. Remove NECB= from your ADARUN statements. |