Version 8.2.3
 —  Messages and Codes  —

List of Abbreviations

Abbreviation Meaning
AB attached buffers
AC address converter
ADACB Adabas control block
ASSO Associator
BP buffer pool
CID command ID
CLOG command log
CQ command queue
CQE command queue element
DATA Data Storage
DBID database ID
DIB data integrity block
DSST Data Storage space table
DVT descriptor value table
FB format buffer
FCB file control block
FDT field definition table
FID format ID
FNR file number
FST free space table
GCB general control block
GFID global format ID
HQ hold queue
IB ISN buffer
ISN internal sequence number
MU multiple-value field
NI normal index
PE periodic group
PLOG protection log
PPT parallel participant table (nucleus cluster environments)
RABN relative Adabas block number
RB record buffer
SB search buffer
SIBA sequential data protection data set
TBI table of ISNs
TBS table of sequential ISNs
UI upper index
UQ user queue
UQE user queue element
URL universal resource locator
VB value buffer
WORK Work data set
WP work pool

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