Version 8.2.3
 —  Messages and Codes  —

SAGE* - z/VSE Batch Job Exit Utility Messages

These messages are written over the redisplayed SAGUSER batch control statements, starting in column 26, by the Software AG job exit utility (batch) for z/VSE systems.

Overview of Messages

SAGE020 | SAGE021 | SAGE022 | SAGE023 | SAGE024 | SAGE025

SAGE020 - SAGIPT not found in the SDL

An entry for the phase SAGIPT was not found in the SDL.

The SAGUSER control statements cannot be processed.


Verify that the phase SAGIPT was loaded into the SVA (using the SET SDL command). Load the phase if required, run the program SAGINST, and resubmit the job.

SAGE021 - DD name table not found

The control table used by the job control exit cannot be found.

The SAGUSER control statements cannot be processed.


Verify that the program SAGINST ran correctly. If not, rerun it and verify that one of the following messages is displayed: SAGI005, SAGI006, or SAGI016.

SAGE022 - No room in DD name table

The control table used by the job control exit is full.

The SAGUSER control statements cannot be processed.


Wait until some of the currently running jobs have completed and rerun the job that received the error message.

SAGE023 - Invalid or missing FILE=

The SAGUSER control statement does not contain a "FILE=" parameter.

The SAGUSER control statement cannot be processed.


Add the correct file designation to the control statement and rerun the job.

SAGE024 - Invalid or missing MEMBER=

The SAGUSER control statement does not contain a "MEMBER=" parameter.

The SAGUSER control statement cannot be processed.


Add the correct member designation to the control statement and rerun the job.

SAGE025 - Invalid SAGUSER control statement

The SAGUSER control statement does not contain any valid keyword parameters.

The SAGUSER control statement cannot be processed.


Add the correct parameters to the control statement and rerun the job.

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