Version 8.2.3
 —  Messages and Codes  —

PLX* - ADACLU Messages

ADACLU messages apply only to Adabas nucleus cluster environments.

All of the following messages are both printed on the console and written to the DD/PRINT data set.

Each message begins with a timestamp in the format hh:mm:ss and a job name.

The dbid and nucid are shown as five numeric characters with leading zeros.

Overview of Messages

PLX042 | PLX043 | PLX044 | PLX045 | PLX046 | PLX047 | PLX048 | PLX049 | PLX050 | PLX051 | PLX052 | PLX053 | PLX054 | PLX055 | PLX056 | PLX057 | PLX058 | PLX059 | PLX060 | PLX061 | PLX062 | PLX064 | PLX066 | PLX067 | PLX068 | PLX069 | PLX071 | PLX073 | PLX074 | PLX075 | PLX076 | PLX078 | PLX080 | PLX084 | PLX085 | PLX086 | PLX087 | PLX088 | PLX089 | PLX090 | PLX091 | PLX092 | PLX093 | PLX097 | PLX099 | PLX101 | PLX102 | PLX103

PLX042 dbid X0 failed NW RSP rsp/node-subcode

An internal command to Entire Net-Work was issued to retrieve the Entire Net-Work node name. It failed with the response code (rsp) and subcode (subcode) listed in the message. If the response code was set by Entire Net-Work, the message may contain the N-W node number (node).


Verify that Entire Net-Work is active. If so, issue the Entire Net-Work command D T to examine the target list and confirm Entire Net-Work is active and responsive. Contact your Software AG technical support representative if you are unable to resolve the error.

PLX043 dbid Net-Work detected {up|down}

This message occurs during initialization or whenever a nucleus detects a change of status for an Entire Net-Work. Normally only one nucleus on a system will issue this and process the change of state event. If the new state is up, it will be followed by messages PLX044, PLX048 and PLX088. PLX087 will be issued on other member nuclei.


No action is required for this informational message.

PLX044 dbid System image target target established

During initialization or whenever an Entire Net-Work becomes active, the system target is defined to it. The system target is needed to support command routing to remote systems and to update PLXCB structures on systems with no nuclei. It is issued only by the nucleus that issued PLX043 when it detected that Entire Net-Work has started.


No action is required for this informational message.

PLX045 dbid Unable to allocate PLXMAP for system-target on system-name {/svc}

A PLXMAP update was received from a remote system for which there was no existing PLXMAP. A free PLXMAP slot could not be located. The update is discarded.

This may occur if systems containing cluster nuclei were removed from the sysplex and other systems containing nuclei were added. On some platforms the system name is followed by the SVC number being used on the named system.


If ADACOM is running, issue the DUMP PLXMAP command to examine the assignment of each PLXMAP. Contact your Software AG technical support representative for additional assistance.

PLX046 dbid Feed{acquire|release} target target failed NW RSP rsp/node-subcode nucid

A nucleus was unsuccessful when attempting to acquire or release the Entire Net-Work target. This may be either the DBID target or the system image target. The response and subcode are set by Entire Net-Work (NW). Most common is response code 145 (ADARSP145), indicating that the DBID target is already defined on another node. In that case the node in the message is where the target is currently held.

This error may occur when an Entire Net-Work becomes unavailable or when the target is not in the correct state for the action.


Issue the Entire Net-Work command D T to examine the target. Contact your Software AG technical support representative if you are unable to resolve the conflict.

PLX047 dbid No suitable system found for DBID target

Entire Net-Work must be active and there must be at least one active nucleus if the system is to hold the DBID target. A poll of all systems with active nuclei found no such suitable system.


Start a nucleus or Entire Net-Work on a system to which the DBID target may be assigned.

PLX048 dbid System system-name{/svc} selected for DBID target

After polling systems with active nuclei, the system named in the message (system-name) was selected as the most suitable to hold the DBID target. It is issued only by the nucleus that issued PLX043 when it detected that Entire Net-Work has started. On some platforms the system name is followed by the SVC number being used on the named system


No action is required for this informational message.

PLX049 dbidPLXMAP cmd RSP rsp/node-subcode from target on system-name{/svc}

A PLXMAP update containing information about active nuclei and load-balancing information was attempted for the system named in the message (system-name). The update failed with the response and subcode given in the message. The command may be V2, implying the update was sent using Adabas messaging (XCF for Cluster Services) or X3, implying the update was sent using Entire Net-Work. If a PLXMAP exists for the named system, the load balancing counters and nucleus information may be cleared. On some platforms the system name is followed by the SVC number being used on the named system


If you are unable to identify a cause for the error, contact your Software AG technical support representative for assistance.

PLX050 dbid ADACLU INIT DBID=dbid NUCID=nucid

The cluster nucleus listed in the message (nucid) for the cluster identified in the message (dbid) is initializing its PLXCB structures. It is followed by one or more relevant initialization messages:

Message Text Explanation
Acquiring new PLXCB

Having determined that no Adabas cluster control block (PLXCB) currently exists, ADACLU is attempting to acquire a new one.

Cannot change number of users now. There are NUCS/ADACOMS active

Once the cluster is active; that is, once a nucleus or ADACOM starts, the PLXCB NU parameter is set and cannot be changed without bringing down the entire cluster, changing the parameter value, and restarting.

If you need to change the PLXCB NU parameter value and resize the PLXCB, terminate all cluster nuclei, ADACOMs, and users, and restart.

Cannot free PLXCB at this time. There are NUCS/ADACOMS active

Once the cluster is active; that is, once a nucleus or ADACOM starts, the PLXCB NU parameter is set and cannot be changed without bringing down the entire cluster, changing the parameter value, and restarting.

If you need to change the PLXCB NU parameter value and resize the PLXCB, terminate all cluster nuclei, ADACOMs, and users, and restart.

Freeing old PLXCB

The NU parameter value is being changed. The old environment is being freed.

GETMAIN failed for PLXCB

An attempt to acquire GETMAIN space for a new Adabas cluster control block (PLXCB) failed. The cluster nucleus terminates abnormally (abends).

Ensure that sufficient space is available to allocate the PLXCB structures and resubmit the job.

Max users for image number-of-users

Displays the maximum number of users (NU) allowed for the operating system image.

PLXCB is located at address

The location of the PLXCB, either new or existing, is provided.

PLXCB version is vrs
Program level is vrs

An existing PLXCB is of a version incompatible with this nucleus. The nucleus terminates abnormally (abends).

PSW key pswkey not compatible with PLXCB key plxcbkey

A previously allocated PLXCB cannot be used because of a difference between the PSW and storage keys. Run the cluster in the PLXCB key or delete the existing PLXCB and reallocate it in the desired key.

IDTHPRFX not found

This is an internal error. The nucleus terminates abnormally (abends). Contact your Software AG technical support representative for assistance.

Obtain of IDTHPRFX failed

The IDTH prefix created when the IDT was created accommodates 15 cluster DBIDs. It was necessary to acquire storage to extend the IDTH prefix for additional DBIDs. Insufficient storage was available (in z/OS this is ECSA).

Increase the region size to resolve this problem. For additional assistance, contact your Software AG technical support representative.

PLX051 dbid IDTH prefix is not valid

The IDT table header has been corrupted. The Adabas cluster terminates abnormally (abends).


Reinstall the Adabas SVC to reconstruct the IDT.

PLX052 dbid Number of IDTE entries is zero

The ID table header has been corrupted. The Adabas cluster terminates abnormally (abends).


Reinstall the Adabas SVC to reconstruct the IDT.

PLX053 dbid GETMAIN for CLUPLXB failed

GETMAIN for CLUPLXB is acquired above the 16MB line in ECSA. You have insufficient space these for CLUPLXB.


Increase the space available to CLUPLXB in ECSA.

PLX054 dbid MPM initialization failed

This is an internal error. The Adabas cluster terminates abnormally (abends).


Contact your Software AG technical support representative.

PLX055 dbid GETMAIN for CQXE failed

Virtual storage was insufficient to allocate the CQXE structures.


Increase the virtual storage available and restart the nucleus.

PLX056 dbid Dataspace/S64 acquisition failed

The Adabas Parallel Services nucleus was unable to connect to a storage object. Further details are available in the associated ADACOM job's messages.


If the cause is not clear after examining the messages in the associated ADACOM, notify your Software AG technical support representative.

PLX057 dbid Dataspace/S64 delete failed

The Adabas Parallel Services nucleus was unable to delete a storage object. Further details are available in the associated ADACOM job's messages.


If the cause is not clear after examining the messages in the associated ADACOM, notify your Software AG technical support representative.

PLX058 dbid ALSERV failed

An error occurred attempting to define an ALET to access shared dataspaces.


If the cause is not clear after examining the messages in the associated ADACOM, notify your Software AG technical support representative.

PLX059 dbid pointer to IDTH is zero

This is an internal error. The Adabas cluster terminates abnormally (abends).


Contact your Software AG technical support representative.

PLX060 dbid Invalid function code for ADACLU

This is an internal error. The Adabas cluster terminates abnormally (abends).


Contact your Software AG technical support representative.

PLX061 dbid No useable PLXNUC found

This is an internal error. The Adabas cluster terminates abnormally (abends).


Contact your Software AG technical support representative.

PLX062 dbid Job is not authorized

Adabas Cluster Services and Adabas Parallel Services nuclei must run with z/OS APF authorization.


APF-authorize all load libraries.

PLX064 dbid Maximum NUCID is 65000

The range of valid NUCIDs is 1-65000. The Adabas cluster terminates abnormally (abends).


Provide a valid NUCID for the cluster nucleus and restart.

PLX066 dbid Duplicate NUCID in active PLXNUC

An active PLXNUC entry was found in the PLXCB structure for the same NUCID as the starting nucleus.


Nucleus IDs must be unique. If the PLXNUC entry is the result of an earlier nucleus that failed in such a way that it could not be deactivated, the ADARUN FORCE=YES parameter will allow the PLXNUC to be overwritten. Note that incorrect or inappropriate use of FORCE=YES, such as when the NUCID is still active, may cause all nuclei in the cluster to fail and expose the database to corruption.

PLX067 dbid Initialization of ADACLU complete

The Adabas cluster initialized successfully.


No action is required for this informational message.

PLX068 dbid Termination of ADACLU beginning

This message is informational only. It indicates whether shutdown processing for ADACLU has begun.


No action is required for this informational message.

PLX069 dbid Termination of ADACLU complete

This message is informational only. It indicates whether shutdown processing for ADACLU has been completed.


No action is required for this informational message.

PLX071 dbid ADACLU - Invalid CLUINTER eyecatcher
dbid ADACLU - Invalid thread number
dbid ADACLU - CLUINTER in use

These are internal errors. The Adabas cluster terminates abnormally (abends).


Contact your Software AG technical support representative.

PLX073 dbid NUCID in use as a cluster DBID

The NUCID cannot be the same as any DBID using the same IDT (ADASVC instance).


Specify a different NUCID and resubmit the job.

PLX074 dbid CLUFREEUSER command accepted

The CLUFREEUSER command syntax and operands have been validated.


No action is required for this informational message.

PLX075 dbid CLUFREEUSER invalid syntax starting text

An error was detected in the syntax or operands of a CLUFREEUSER operator command.


Reissue the CLUFREEUSER operator command with correct syntax and operands.

PLX076 dbid message-text

Various message texts (message-text) are associated with this message number. Each is explained in the following table:

Message Text Explanation
No users were deleted The CLUFREEUSER operator command was issued, but no eligible users were found to delete.
Not deleted pending RSP 9/20 is number-of users The CLUFREEUSER operator command was issued but the FORCE parameter was not specified and the number of users specified were pending a response code 9 (ADARSP009), subcode 20.
Number of users deleted is number The CLUFREEUSER operator command was issued and the number of users listed in the message were deleted.

No action is required for these informational messages.

PLX078 dbid A local single nucleus is already up (an IDTE is active for this DBID)

An Adabas Cluster Services or Adabas Parallel Services nucleus is attempting to start, but there is already an active single nucleus with the same DBID.


Stop the single nucleus and try again.

PLX080 UID mismatch freeing PLXUSER/UTE address UID uid1 UTE uid2

ADACLU did not find the expected user ID string when attempting to release a PLXUSER (UTE).


If the UTE value is all zeros, the UTE was already free. This can come about if an error recovery routine such as a z/OS ESTAE attempts to clean up by issuing CL commands. Natural has error recovery that may do this, particularly if a Natural program is canceled. If this is not the case, or the UTE is non-zero, this is an internal logic error. Contact your Software AG technical support representative.

PLX084 dbid Net-Work DBID target not held

During initialization, termination, or when an Entire Net-Work change of state is detected, the Entire Net-Work DBID target was found not to be assigned to any system.


No action is required for this informational message.

PLX085 dbid Net-Work DBID target not acquired

The Entire Net-Work DBID target could not be successfully assigned or acquired. This message is accompanied by others such as PLX046, PLX047, PLX048, and PLX089.


If you are unable to determine the cause of the error, contact your Software AG technical support representative for assistance.

PLX086 dbid Net-Work DBID target acquired by system-name{/svc}

This message is issued when a nucleus has detected the DBID target is either released or not assigned, a suitable system was selected to acquire the target, and a nucleus on the system identified in the message (system-name) has successfully acquired the Entire Net-Work DBID target. On some platforms the system name is followed by the SVC number being used on the named system.


No action is required for this informational message.

PLX087 dbid Net-Work DBID target held bysystem-name{/svc}

During initialization, termination or when an Entire Net-Work change of state is detected, the Entire Net-Work DBID target was found to be assigned to the system named in the message. This message is issued by all member nuclei whenever the DBID target assignment changes. On some platforms the system name is followed by the SVC number being used on the named system.


No action is required for this informational message.

PLX088 dbid Net-Work DBID target acquired by this image

This nucleus has successfully acquired the Entire Net-Work DBID target.


No action is required for this informational message.

PLX089 dbid Net-Work DBID target released by this image

The last nucleus, on the system to which the Entire Net-Work DBID target is assigned, is terminating. The DBID target is released and may be acquired by another system, should a suitable one become available.


No action is required for this informational message.

PLX090 dbid Attempting to create dataspaces/S64

The nucleus has signaled ADACOM to attempt to allocate cluster data spaces and shared 64-bit addressable memory objects.


No action is required for this informational message.

PLX091 dbid Attempting to delete dataspaces/S64

This nucleus is terminating and is the last nucleus of this DBID. ADACOM has been signaled to delete cluster data spaces and shared 64-bit addressable memory objects.


No action is required for this informational message.

PLX092 dbid Dataspaces/S64 deleted

The cluster data spaces and shared 64-bit addressable memory objects have been successfully deleted.


No action is required for this informational message.

PLX093 PLXUSER X2/code RSP rsp/node-subcode target

An Adabas Cluster Services or Adabas Parallel Services nuclei issued an internal X2 command to release a PLXUSER representing a user either originating from or routed to another system. Such users have PLXUSERs on both systems. The command failed with the displayed response code and subcode.

The code listed in the message identifies the reason for the X2 command:

Code X2 Command Reason
8014 Delete PLXUSER on remote system.
8020 Query PLXUSER status for a user originating from a remote system.
8024 Query PLXUSER status for a local user assigned to a remote system.

If the PLXUSER cannot be released at this time, attempts will be made at intervals to release it. Contact your Software AG technical support representative for assistance if the reason for the response code cannot be identified.

PLX097 dbid Dataspaces acquired

The cluster data spaces and shared 64-bit addressable memory objects have been successfully allocated.

PLX099 dbid ADACOM not available

ADACOM cannot be found.


Determine why ADACOM is not available and correct the problem. Then restart.

PLX101 dbid NUCID nucid not found

The nucleus entered in a TARGET operator command was not active. The nucleus ID (nucid) is given in the message.


Try again, specifying the nucleus ID of an active nucleus or using another form of the TARGET operator command.

PLX102 dbid No active nuclei on system

No active nuclei were found on the system image entered in a TARGET operator command.


Try again, specifying the name of a system image with one or more active nuclei or using another form of the TARGET operator command.

PLX103 dbid Active nuclei under multiple SVCs on system-name
Reissue TARGET command using NUCID
NUCID nucid SVC svc

A TARGET operator command specified the name of a system. There are multiple Entire Net-Work nodes on the named system with active Adabas Cluster Services nuclei, each node using a different SVC. There will be one instance of the detail line for every active nucleus on the named system.


Select any nucleus ID active on the desired Entire Net-Work node. Reissue the operator command and specify the selected NUCID instead of the system name. Note that the specific nucleus may not be the one to service the request. The NUCID is used only to select a candidate nucleus from the set of active nuclei.

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