Version 8.2.3
 —  Messages and Codes  —

ADAWRK Utility Error Messages

Overview of Messages

ERROR-121 | ERROR-122 | ERROR-124 | ERROR-125 | ERROR-126 | ERROR-127 | ERROR-128 | ERROR-129 | ERROR-130 | ERROR-131 | ERROR-132 | ERROR-133 | ERROR-134 | ERROR-135 | ERROR-136 | ERROR-137 | ERROR-138 | ERROR-139 | ERROR-140 | ERROR-141 | ERROR-142 | ERROR-143 | ERROR-144 | ERROR-145 | ERROR-146 | ERROR-147 | ERROR-148 | ERROR-149 | ERROR-150 | ERROR-151 | ERROR-152 | ERROR-153 | ERROR-154 | ERROR-155 | ERROR-156 | ERROR-157 | ERROR-158 | ERROR-159 | ERROR-160 | ERROR-165 | ERROR-166 | WARN-001 | WARN-002 | WARN-003 | WARN-004 | WARN-005 | WARN-006 | WARN-007 | WARN-008

ERROR-121 Invalid value for parameter TIMEZONE. TIMEZONE must be set to MACHINE, LOCAL, or an integer value in the range -23 to +23. When entering + OR -, enclose the number in single quotes. e.g. TIMEZONE='+5'

An invalid value was specified for the TIMEZONE parameter.


Supply the correct parameter value and rerun the ADAWRK job.

ERROR-122 Invalid value for parameter CHECKPOINT. Must be set to YES or NO.

An invalid value was specified for the CHECKPOINT parameter.


Supply the correct parameter value and rerun the ADAWRK job.

ERROR-124 Invalid value for parameter FORCE. Must set to YES or NO.

An invalid value was specified for the FORCE parameter.


Supply the correct parameter value and rerun the ADAWRK job.

ERROR-125 Invalid value for parameter REPLICATION. Must be set to YES, NO, DETAIL or FULL.

An invalid value was specified for the REPLICATION parameter.


Supply the correct parameter value (from those listed in the message) and rerun the ADAWRK job.

ERROR-126 Invalid value for parameter REPORTFILE. Must be set to YES or NO.

An invalid value was specified for the REPORTFILE parameter.


Supply the correct parameter value and rerun the ADAWRK job.

ERROR-127 Invalid value for parameter SUMMARY. Must be set to YES or NO.

An invalid value was specified for the SUMMARY parameter.


Supply the correct parameter value and rerun the ADAWRK job.

ERROR-128 Invalid value for parameter TRANSACTIONS. Must be set to YES, NO or FULL.

An invalid value was specified for the TRANSACTIONS parameter.


Supply the correct parameter value and rerun the ADAWRK job.

ERROR-129 Invalid value for parameter FILES. File number provided must be > 0 and < 65536.

An invalid value was specified for the FILES parameter.


Supply a file number in the correct range and rerun the ADAWRK job.

ERROR-130 Invalid range for parameter FILES. When file range provided, VALUE1 < VALUE2.

An invalid value was specified for the FILES parameter.


Ensure that when providing a range of file numbers the first value (VALUE1) is less than the second value (VALUE2), then rerun the ADAWRK job.

ERROR-131 IOR cccc call failed return code rc

An internal call failed.


Contact your Software AG technical support representative with the details of this message.

ERROR-132 Cannot identify Work data sets as no Work data sets were provided in the JCL and NOPPT was specified

ADAWRK was unable to find Work data sets.


Either include statements for the Work data sets in the JCL or remove the NOPPT parameter.

ERROR-133 TIMESTAMP mismatch on Work data set

ADAWRK detected inconsistent timestamps in the Work data set provided.


Contact your Software AG technical support representative with the details of this message.

ERROR-134 Work data set dsn has wrapped

ADAWRK detected that the Work data set has wrapped and that old protection data has been overwritten. The Work data set name (dsn) is given in the message.


Contact your Software AG technical support representative with the details of this message.

ERROR-135 While processing a non cluster Work, a cluster nucleus Work block was found

While processing a Work data set from a non-cluster nucleus, ADAWRK detected a work block that originated from a cluster nucleus.


Contact your Software AG technical support representative with the details of this message.

ERROR-136 While processing a cluster Work data set, a non cluster nucleus Work block was found

While processing a Work data set from a cluster nucleus, ADAWRK detected a work block that originated from a non-cluster nucleus.


Contact your Software AG technical support representative with the details of this message.

ERROR-137 Work block size value longer than Work block size

While processing a Work data set, ADAWRK detected a work block with a size indicator greater than the block size of the work block.


Contact your Software AG technical support representative with the details of this message.

ERROR-138 Invalid version in Work block

While processing a Work data set, ADAWRK detected a work block with a version number that is not supported.


Contact your Software AG technical support representative with the details of this message.

ERROR-139 Invalid database ID in Work block

While processing a Work data set, ADAWRK detected a work block with a different database ID.


Ensure that you have not mixed the Work files you are passing to ADAWRK.

ERROR-140 Invalid timestamp in Work block

While processing a Work data set, ADAWRK detected a work block with an invalid timestamp.


Contact your Software AG technical support representative with the details of this message.

ERROR-141 Invalid HSI record in Work block

While processing a Work data set, ADAWRK detected a work block with an invalid HSI record.


Contact your Software AG technical support representative with the details of this message.

ERROR-142 Cluster nucleus Work data set time stamps did not occur in chronological order

While processing a cluster Work data set, ADAWRK detected timestamps that are not in the correct order.


Contact your Software AG technical support representative with the details of this message.

ERROR-143 Recovery data found on provided Work data sets

While processing the specified Work data sets, ADAWRK was unable to detect any recovery data.


Ensure that you have not mixed the Work files you are passing to ADAWRK.

ERROR-144 Parameter DTP is not currently supported

The DTP parameter is not yet supported.


Remove the parameter and resubmit the job.

ERROR-145 Parameter REPLICATION is not currently supported

The REPLICATION parameter is not yet supported.


Remove the parameter and resubmit the job.

ERROR-146 Invalid nucleus ID in Work block

While processing the Work data set, an invalid nucleus ID was detected.


Ensure that you have not mixed the Work files you are passing to ADAWRK.

ERROR-147 Userid cannot exceed 8 bytes

A user ID longer than eight bytes was specified when providing a user ID to be used for selecting transactions.


Correct the user ID and resubmit the job.

ERROR-148 Missing Work data set entry in PPT block

When processing the PPT block in the specified Associator data set, a missing entry was detected.


Contact your Software AG technical support representative for assistance.

ERROR-149 Dynamic allocation/open Work failed

When trying to dynamically allocate or open the Work data sets, a failure occurred.


Investigate the cause of the error. Contact your Software AG technical support representative for assistance.

ERROR-150 Insufficient workpool space for buffers

ADAWRK encountered a shortage of space in the Work pool during execution.


Check JCL, increase region size, and resubmit the job. If the problem persists, contact your Software AG technical support representative for assistance.

ERROR-151 I/O error reading a Work data set

ADAWRK encountered an I/O error reading a Work data set.


Review the additional error message accompanying this message and rectify the problem. Then resubmit the job.

ERROR-152 I/O error reading PPT

ADAWRK encountered an I/O error reading the PPT.


Review the additional error message accompanying this message and rectify the problem. Then resubmit the job.

ERROR-153 Inconsistent Work data sets provided

ADAWRK detected inconsistencies in the Work data sets provided.


Contact your Software AG technical support representative with the details of this message.

ERROR-154 Parameter LWP must be specified in, e.g LWP=512K

The value provided for the LWP parameter must be specified in kilobytes.


Provide a value for LWP in kilobytes and try again.

ERROR-155 Parameter LWP error : must be between 100K and 1048576K

The value provided for the LWP parameter is not in the correct range.


Provide a value for LWP in the correct range and try again.

ERROR-156 Parameter error(s) detected

This message appears when errors have been detected in parameter processing.


Messages indicating which parameters are in error will have been issued earlier. Refer to these other error messages to resolve the issue. Then try again.

ERROR-157 No space in Work pool to satisfy request
Please review the settings of the LWP parameter.

An internal ADAWRK storage request has failed.


Consider increasing the setting of the ADAWRK LWP (length of Work pool) parameter. If this does not resolve the issue, contact your Software AG technical support representative for assistance.

ERROR-158 All Work data sets for nuclei referred to in Work-part-1 data not provided.

Records have been detected in the Work part 1 data referring to clustered nuclei, but the work data sets for the other nuclei have not been provided as input to ADAWRK in JCL. Inconsistent ADAWRK output may result.


Ensure that all Work data sets for all component nuclei of the cluster are included as input to ADAWRK. Then try again.

ERROR-159 Invalid value for parameter FILES. File number specified more than once.

The same file number has been specified more than once in the ADAWRK FILES parameter. This is invalid.


Correct the parameter and try again.

ERROR-160 More than on replication data begin record received

More than one internal replication begin record was encountered during ADAWRK processing.


Contact your Software AG technical support representative for assistance.

ERROR-165 Bad replication data record

A bad replication data record was encountered.


Contact your Software AG technical support representative for assistance.

ERROR-166 Work data set has wrapped
The replication restart point was not found on the work data set(s) provided.
Replication information may have been lost.

ADAWRK detected that the Work data set has wrapped and that old protection data has been overwritten. The replication restart point (RRP) could not be determined.


Contact your Software AG technical support representative with the details of this message.

WARN-001 A timestamp was encountered reading the Work data sets indicating that ADAWRK is running against a running Adabas nucleus. ADAWRK will continue.

ADAWRK detected that the Work data sets it is reading are being used by an active database.


No action is required for this informational message.

WARN-002 Flush point values not established

While processing the specified Work data sets, ADAWRK was unable to determine the flush point.


No action is required for this informational message.

WARN-003 End of buffer flush values not established

While processing the specified Work data sets, ADAWRK was unable to determine the end of buffer flush point.


No action is required for this informational message.

WARN-004 Start of buffer flush values not established

While processing the specified Work data sets, ADAWRK was unable to determine the start of buffer flush point.


No action is required for this informational message.

WARN-005 Backward repair point values not established

While processing the specified Work data sets, ADAWRK was unable to determine the backward repair point.


No action is required for this informational message.

WARN-006 Work data set dsn found in PPT but not provided to ADAWRK.

The PPT refers to a Work data set that has not been provided as input to ADAWRK in JCL. It may be that the data set has been omitted in error. Inconsistent ADAWRK output may result.


If the data set was not intentionally excluded from the run, include the relevant data set as input to ADAWRK. Then try again.

WARN-007 Work data set dsn not found in PPT but provided to ADAWRK

The PPT does not refer to a Work data set that has been provided as input to ADAWRK in JCL. It may be that the data set has been included in error. Inconsistent ADAWRK output may result.


If the data set was not intentionally included from the run, remove the relevant data set as input to ADAWRK. Then try again.

WARN-008 Work data set for nucleus that triggered the last buffer flush not provided

The Work data set for the nucleus that triggered the last buffer flush has not been provided as input to ADAWRK in JCL. Inconsistent ADAWRK output may result.


If the data set was not intentionally excluded from the run, include the relevant data set as input to ADAWRK. Then try again.

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