Version 8.2.3
 —  Messages and Codes  —

ADAULD Utility Error Messages

This document describes ADAULD messages.

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ADAULD Errors (ERROR-121 - ERROR-148)

Overview of Messages

ERROR-121 | ERROR-122 | ERROR-123 | ERROR-124 | ERROR-125 | ERROR-126 | ERROR-127 | ERROR-128 | ERROR-129 | ERROR-130 | ERROR-131 | ERROR-132 | ERROR-133 | ERROR-134 | ERROR-135 | ERROR-136 | ERROR-137 | ERROR-138 | ERROR-139 | ERROR-140 | ERROR-141 | ERROR-142 | ERROR-143 | ERROR-144 | ERROR-145 | ERROR-146 | ERROR-147 | ERROR-148 | ERROR-150
ERROR-121 Cipher-code missing

The file is ciphered but no cipher code is supplied.


Supply the correct cipher code and rerun the ADAULD job.

ERROR-122 Cipher code supplied, but file is not ciphered

Remove the cipher code and rerun the ADAULD job.

ERROR-123 No records selected

No records found according to the given search criterion. The resulting unloaded file contains only the field definition table (FDT).

ERROR-124 Error limit reached

"error-count" errors have occurred (the displayed message contains an actual count). ADAULD execution is terminated.

ERROR-125 Invalid value for parameter 'NUMOUT'

NUMOUT must be 1 or 2. If NUMOUT=2, user exit 9 must is loaded.


Supply a correct parameter or a user exit, and rerun the job.

ERROR-126 'SELVAL' parameter missing

Supply a valid selection criterion and rerun the job.

ERROR-127 Invalid value for the parameter 'LRECL' or 'LPB'

The LRECL and LPB parameters must be less than 32,768.


Supply the correct parameter value and rerun the ADAULD job.

ERROR-128 Different record lengths for DDOUT1 and DDOUT2

The maximum record lengths of the output data sets must be equal.


Supply the correct output data sets and rerun the ADAULD job.

ERROR-129 Invalid 'SORTSEQ' parameter parameter

The field cannot be used to determine the unload sequence because it

  • is undefined;

  • is not a descriptor;

  • is a phonetic descriptor; or

  • (or part of the field) is within a periodic (PE) group.


Choose another sequence, and rerun the ADAULD job.

ERROR-130 Descriptor desc-name has option option

Unloading the file in descriptor "desc-name" sequence may lead to variations in the normal sequence (anomalies).


If you nevertheless want to perform that unload sequence, supply the "option" parameter. Otherwise, choose another unload sequence. Then rerun the ADAULD job.

ERROR-131 Invalid ETID parameter

The file to be unloaded is not defined with the multiclient option.


Remove the ETID parameter and rerun the ADAULD job.

ERROR-132 Missing ETID parameter

The file to be unloaded is defined with the multiclient option. Selecting records according to a search criterion requires that a single ETID be specified.


Specify the ETID parameter, and rerun the ADAULD job.

ERROR-133 The file number supplied is a checkpoint or security file

Checkpoint and security files may not be unloaded.


Supply a correct input file and rerun the job.

ERROR-134 Invalid save tape supplied

The data set supplied as the DD/SAVE input data set is not a save tape.


Supply a valid save tape and rerun the job.

ERROR-135 Invalid protection log supplied

Once of the following occurred:

  • The requested protection log has DBID dbid1, session number plognum1, but the supplied protection log has DBID dbid2, session number plognum2.

  • The SYN1/SYN4 checkpoint is not contained in the protection log block blocknumber.

  • The SYN2/SYN5 checkpoint is not contained anywhere on the protection log.

  • Another SYN1/SYN4 checkpoint was encountered before the expected SYN2/SYN5 checkpoint.

  • The supplied input tape is not a protection log.


Supply the correct protection log and parameters, and rerun the job.

ERROR-136 TEMP data set too small

The temp data set is not large enough to buffer all Data Storage blocks found for file file-number on the protection log.


Supply a larger temp data set and rerun the job.

ERROR-137 The input tapes of a multivolume save data set are mounted in the wrong order

The tapes of a multivolume data set are mounted in the wrong order. ADAULD terminates.


Supply the tapes in the correct order and rerun the job.

ERROR-138 Error during DSF processing

An error occurred while the Adabas Delta Save Facility was processing the requested function for the delta save data set. The Delta Save Facility returned the response code provided in the message.


Refer to the information for the specified response code. Correct the error and rerun the job.

ERROR-139 Unload without full save not possible

The full save tape required to unload from a delta save data set is not supplied.


Supply the full save data set and rerun the job.

ERROR-140 Invalid value for the parameter CODE

A valid value has at most eight (8) digits or blanks.


Supply a valid parameter value and rerun the job.

ERROR-141 No protection log supplied

The unloaded file was changed during an online save operation but no protection log is supplied. The unloaded data is probably inconsistent.

ERROR-142 Invalid DDISN parameter

The DDISN parameter must not be specified if SORTSEQ=descriptor,MU is also specified, or if the descriptor specified with SORTSEQ is a hyperdescriptor.


Supply the correct parameter value and rerun the job.

ERROR-143 The input data set/file DDEBAND or DDISN does not have the record format variable or variable blocked (V or VB)

The record format of DD/EBAND and DD/ISN must be V or VB.


Supply the correct input and rerun the job.

ERROR-144 Invalid ET-ID

When running DECOMPRESS on a multiclient file, Adabas processes either

  • the entire file if ET-ID is not specified; or

  • the selection of records allowed for the client identified by ET-ID.

The user ID referred to by the `ETID' parameter is either not defined or has not been assigned an owner ID.


Investigate the cause of the error; correct it; and rerun the job.

ERROR-145 Hyperdescriptor exit was not specified in ADARUN

While unloading a file from SAVETAPE, the descriptor value table (DVT) could not be created because the file contains a hyperdescriptor but the hyperdescriptor exit was not specified in the ADARUN parameters for the database.


Specify ADARUN HEXnn parameter in the ADARUN parameters for the database and rerun the job. For more information about the HEXnn parameter, read HEXnn: Hyperdescriptor User Exit.

ERROR-146 Hyperdescriptor exit was not specified in ADARUN

An error was encountered while generating the descriptor value table (DVT) when a file was being unloaded from SAVETAPE. A response code is returned. For more information, read Nucleus Response Codes.


Investigate the cause of the error, correct it, and rerun the job.

ERROR-147 FDT plus IT prefix do not fit into the output record

The maximum record length of the output data set is to small.


Specify the correct output data set or a data set with the correct maximum record length and rerun the job.

ERROR-148 Error during hyperexit call
A call to hyperexit number nn resulted in a response 79 with subcode code

A hyperexit call failed with response code 79 (ADARSP079) and the subcode given in the message during SAVETAPE processing.


Investigate the subcode to determine the reason for the error.

ERROR-150 Inconsistent SAVETAPE tape
The SAVETAPE tape does not contain the expected data.
All records must refer to
DBID dbid1, Session Number n1, and Time Stamp tttt1.
A Record was found referring to
DBID dbid2, Session Number n2, and Time Stamp tttt2

The SAVETAPE identified in the message (tape) does not contain expected data. All records on the tape must contain references to DBID dbid1, session number n1, and time stamp tttt1. However, a record was found that incorrectly referred to DBID dbid2, session number n2, and time stamp tttt2


Correct the cause of the incorrect reference and rerun the ADAULD job.

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ADAULD Information Messages

MODE=SHORT will be forced
Found field(s) defined with COLDE option

At least one field was found with the collation descriptor option defined. In this case, MODE=SHORT is required. Adabas has forced this parameter setting.


None required. This message is for information only.

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