Version 8.2.3
 —  Messages and Codes  —

ADAU* Utility Status Messages

These general status messages describe current utility operating status. Often, they are the response to a DSTAT operator command.

Each of the messages in this section starts with the relevant database ID.

Overview of Messages

ADAU01 | ADAU02 | ADAU08 | ADAU09 | ADAU10 | ADAU11 | ADAU12 | ADAU13 | ADAU14 | ADAU15 | ADAU16 | ADAU17 | ADAU18 | ADAU19 | ADAU20 | ADAU21 | ADAU22 | ADAU23 | ADAU24 | ADAU25 | ADAU26 | ADAU27 | ADAU28 | ADAU29 | ADAU30 | ADAU31 | ADAU32 | ADAU33 | ADAU35 | ADAU36 | ADAU37 | ADAU38 | ADAU39 | ADAU40 | ADAU41 | ADAU42 | ADAU43 | ADAU44 | ADAU45 | ADAU46 | ADAU47 | ADAU48 | ADAU49 | ADAU50 | ADAU51 | ADAU53 | ADAU54 | ADAU55 | ADAU56 | ADAU57 | ADAU60 | ADAU61 | ADAU62 | ADAU63 | ADAU64 | ADAU65 | ADAU66 | ADAU67 | ADAU68 | ADAU69 | ADAU70 | ADAU71 | ADAU72 | ADAU73 | ADAU74 | ADAU75 | ADAU76 | ADAU7A | ADAU7C | ADAU7D | ADAU84 | ADAU85 | ADAU86 | ADAU87 | ADAU88 | ADAU89 | ADAU91 | ADAU92

ADAU01 version job-name name RC ret-code

z/VSE systems only: ADAUSER cannot perform CDLOAD or LOAD ADARUN. ADAUSER provides the following information:

version the Adabas version
job-name the z/VSE job name
name LOAD for SVC4, or CDLO for SVC65
ret-code LOAD return code from the CDLOAD or LOAD supervisor call (SVC)

ADAUSER provides a dump using JDUMP, and then terminates with the information that is required to resolve the load problem.

ADAU02 version job-name pgm incorrect RMODE

ADAUSER detected an RMODE error. ADAUSER provides the following information:

version the Adabas version
job-name the name of the z/VSE job
pgm the name of the program with the incorrect RMODE

Relink the program with RMODE=24.

ADAU08 Operator type-in : command

This message confirms entry of the operator command command.

ADAU09 Invalid request -- only DSTAT allowed

This message is a reply to a utilities operator command other than DSTAT, which is the only valid operator command at this time.


Enter the operator command DSTAT.

ADAU10 count blocks of total saved

This message is the response to the ADASAV operator command DSTAT. The count value is the number of blocks already processed, and total is the total number of blocks to be saved.

ADAU11 count blocks out of total restored

This message is the response to the ADASAV operator command DSTAT. The count value is the number of blocks already restored, and total is the total number of blocks to be restored.

ADAU12 Restoring protection log tape

This message, a response to the ADASAV utility's operator command DSTAT, indicates that the second pass of the RESTONL function has begun. The file or database has been restored, and ADASAV is now processing the protection log.

ADAU13 VOLSER for dd-name = volser RABN [ A | D ] first-rabn#

This message is displayed by ADASAV when reading from or writing to a new tape. The "A" or "D" that might appear between "RABN" and the first RABN number (first-rabn#) stand for Asso or Data.

ADAU14 ADASAV - run with save tape session-id

This message shows the session number assigned to the save tape created by the save operation.

ADAU15 File file {added to | removed from} file list (reason)

The specified file was added or removed from the file list for the specified reason.

  • Reasons for adding files: coupled or expanded file

  • Reasons for removing files:

    • file not loaded

    • inconsistent expanded or coupled file

    • file in inconsistent state

    • not flagged "modified"

If the file is added to the file list, it is saved; if the file is removed from the file list, it is not saved at all.


None required. This is an informational message only. To restore a file that was removed from the file list, the appropriate previous SAVE data set must be used.

ADAU16 No file has been modified since last save; no output data set was created

The output data set is not created because there is no change.


The previous SAVE tapes should be used to restore the file. To restore a removed file, the appropriate save data set must be used.

ADAU17 Merging DELTA SAVE tapes

This message is the response to the ADASAV operator command DSTAT. ADASAV is currently creating a delta save data set by merging.

ADAU18 count blocks out of total merged

This message is a response to the ADASAV operator command DSTAT. ADASAV is currently creating a full save data set by merging. count blocks have already been written; total blocks are to be written.

ADAU19 During restore delta phase

This message is a response to the ADASAV operator command DSTAT. ADASAV is currently in the second phase of a delta restore operation. The full save data set has already been restored.


The ADADBS OPERCOM utility issued the specified operator command.


None required. This informational message informs you of any changes in file access, etc., that may result from ADADBS OPERCOM operation.

ADAU21 Sorting/loading descriptor descriptor

This message is a response to ADALOD operator command DSTAT, and indicates that ADALOD is sorting and loading the inverted list for the specified descriptor.

ADAU22 Loading data storage. RECNO=count

This message is a response to the ADALOD operator command DSTAT, and advises that ADALOD is now loading records into data storage. Thus far, the specified number of records have been loaded.

ADAU23 Sorting ADAM records. RECNO=count

This message is a response to the ADALOD operator command DSTAT, and advises that ADALOD is now presorting data storage (DS) records by their ADAM keys. Thus far, the specified number of records have been sorted.

ADAU24 Computing index space for descriptor

This message is a response to the ADALOD operator command DSTAT, and indicates that ADALOD is now computing index space requirements for the specified descriptor.

ADAU25 UNLOADING DATASTORAGE, FILE=file-number, RECNO=record-count

This message is a response to the ADAORD operator command DSTAT, and indicates that ADAORD is now unloading the Data Storage for the specified file to DD/FILEA. Thus far, the number of records specified by "record-count" have been unloaded.

ADAU26 Unloading index, file=file-number

This message is a response to the ADAORD operator command DSTAT, and indicates that ADAORD is now unloading the inverted list for the specified file to DD/FILEA for the file "file-number".

ADAU27 Unloading DSST, file = file-number

This message is a response to the ADAORD operator command DSTAT, and indicates that ADAORD is now unloading the Data Storage space table (DSST) for the specified file to DD/FILEA.

ADAU28 Unloading AC, file=file-number

This message is a response to the ADAORD operator command DSTAT, and indicates that ADAORD is now unloading the address converter (AC) for the specified file to DD/FILEA.

ADAU29 Loading datastorage, file=file-number, RECNO=record-count

This message is a response to the ADAORD operator command DSTAT, and indicates that ADAORD is now loading the Data Storage for the specified file from DD/FILEA. Thus far, the number of records specified by "record-count" have been loaded.

ADAU30 Loading index, file=file-number

This message is a response to the ADAORD operator command DSTAT, and indicates that ADAORD is now loading the inverted list for the specified file from DD/FILEA.

ADAU31 Loading DSST, file = file-number

This message is a response to the ADAORD operator command DSTAT, and indicates that ADAORD is now loading the Data Storage space table (DSST) for the specified file from DD/FILEA.

ADAU32 Loading AC, file=file-number

This message is a response to the ADAORD operator command DSTAT, and indicates that ADAORD is now loading the address converter (AC) from DD/FILEA.

ADAU33 Client option in effect for file file-number

The ADAULD utility displays this message to indicate that the file being loaded has the CLIENT option in effect.

ADAU35 USERISN-option in effect for file file-number

The ADAULD utility displays this message to indicate that the file being loaded has the USERISN option in effect.

ADAU36 Missing second output data set

User exit 9 returned an indication to write a record to DDOUT2, which is not defined. All records are written to DDOUT1.


If the records are to be unloaded onto two output data sets under control of user exit 9, specify DDOUT2 and rerun the job.

ADAU37 Blocks block-a - block-n could not be formatted

The number of blocks to be formatted must be at least the number of blocks per track.

If the number of blocks to be formatted is more than the number of blocks per track, then "block-n" must be the last block of the track.

Block "block-n" is not the last block of a track, or the ADAFRM SIZE parameter is less than the number of blocks per track. The partial track was not formatted.


To format the remaining blocks, specify a block range that spans a complete track.

ADAU38 File not linked into file chain

The file has been loaded, but for some reason could not be linked into the expanded file chain. The cause could be one of the following:

  • another file in the chain is locked

  • the chain was modified during the load operation


Link the file into the expanded file chain using Adabas Online System (AOS).

ADAU39 No checkpoint written

The nucleus is in read-only state. A checkpoint cannot be written.

ADAU40 Point of no return reached

The ADAORD utility has begun its second pass. Any abend after this point requires that the file or database be restored before being used.

ADAU41 ADAORD invoked from job job-name

ADAORD was started by the specified job. This message follows message ADAU40.

ADAU42 ADAVAL file=file-number, descriptor=descriptor

This message occurs in response to the ADAVAL DSTAT operator command, and indicates that ADAVAL is now validating descriptor "descriptor" in file "file-number".

ADAU43 More records on ADALOD input than requested by NUMREC

The ADALOD NUMREC parameter restricts the number of records to be loaded. In this case, the input data set contains more records than requested.


No action is required. Processing continues normally, but returns a response code of 4 (ADARSP004) to the operating system.

ADAU44 More records on ADALOD input than ISNs available

All ISNs available in the address converter (AC) are already assigned to records in the input file, and new ISNs cannot be allocated because NOACEXTENSION is active.


Processing continues normally, but returns a response code of 4 (ADARSP004) to the operating system. If the file is part of an expanded file, you can load the remaining records into another part of the expanded file.

ADAU45 Abend during chain processing

Warning: An abnormal termination (abend) occurred while ADALOD was updating the expanded file's chain information. The information could be inconsistent, and any further processing of the file will create incorrect results.


Perform ADAREP to create an expanded file report, and check the expanded file linkage. Any errors must be corrected before processing can continue.

ADAU46 Abend during file processing

An error occurred while ADALOD was processing the file. The file is now in load status, but cannot be accessed.


Correct the cause of the error, and then either

  • restart the ADALOD job;

  • delete the file and rerun the ADALOD job; or

  • restore the SAVE file copy and rerun the ADALOD job.

ADAU47 Abend during finishing processing

The file processing has completed, but a problem occurred while writing either

  • recovery log information; or

  • the checkpoint.


If necessary, ensure that you can redo the ADALOD job when a RESTORE/REGENERATE is done.

ADAU48 Loading records with USERISN-option suppressed

The USERISN option was in effect when the file was created by ADACMP or ADAULD. The USERISN option has been suppressed by specifying USERISN=NO. All ISNs are assigned by ADALOD.

ADAU49 Loading records with USERISN-option in effect

The file is loaded with the USERISN option in effect. All ISNs are taken from the input file.

ADAU50 function input volume = volume, PLOGNUM = session-number
FROMBLK = block-number-a, FROMTIME = date time
TOBLK = block-number-b, TOTIME = date time

This message is a response to the ADARES operator command, DSTAT:

function either REGENERATE or BACKOUT
volume the current input volume
session-number the protection log number now being processed
block-number-a block-number-b define the range of blocks (from a to b) over which the input volume has been processed
date the dates derived from the timestamps of the corresponding blocks
time the times derived from the timestamps of the corresponding blocks

ADAU51 Repair count blocks / record-count records processed

This message is a response to the ADARES operator command, DSTAT. When the message is displayed, the REPAIR function has processed "count" blocks and "record-count" records from the protection log input data set.

ADAU53 function copy count blocks copied from log-dataset to DDSIAUS1/2 current block = block-number , time = date / time

This message is a response to the ADARES operator command, DSTAT. function is either PLCOPY or CLCOPY. count blocks have been copied from DDPLOGR1/2 or DDCLOGR1/2 to the output data set.

ADAU54 Copy count blocks copied from DDSIIN to DDSIAUS1/2

This message is a response to the DSTAT operator command during ADARES operation. count is the number of blocks copied by the COPY function.

ADAU55 Loading records with client option in effect

The file to be loaded will be defined as a multiclient file.

ADAU56 Loading records with client option suppressed

The file to be loaded is a multiclient file but will be defined as normal; that is, as a non-multiclient file.

ADAU57 LWP high-water mark: xxxx out of yyyyy bytes (zz%)

This message reports on the percentage of the LWP work pool used. You may want to use this information to tune the LWP parameter for your installation.

ADAU60 utility password exists and has been overwritten

The specified password for the ADASCR INSERT function already exists. The related information (file numbers, access and update levels) has been overwritten.

ADAU61 Parameter test successful

The utility parameter test, as requested by specifying the TEST parameter, was completed successfully.

ADAU62 Unable to write checkpoints -
The nucleus is not active or cannot be reached, and the Associator JCL has not been specified

No checkpoint could be written for a MERGE function because either the Adabas nucleus was not available or the Associator job control was not specified.

None. The MERGE function continues.


If a checkpoint is required, start the nucleus or provide the Associator job control for the MERGE function.

ADAU63 Starting point for ADARES REGENERATE: FROMPLOG >= log-number (next nucleus session)

This message is displayed on the ADASAV job protocol at the end of an ADASAV RESTORE execution. It indicates the protection log that should be used as input to a subsequent ADARES REGENERATE job.

"log-number" is the protection log number. If that session happens to be a database save operation, the session number of the next nucleus session following the save operation must be used.


If the ADASAV RESTORE execution is to be followed by an ADARES REGENERATE operation, use the protection log with the indicated nucleus session number as input for the REGENERATE function.

ADAU64 Starting point for ADARES REGENERATE:
FROMPLOG >= log-n, FROMCP= chk-pnt, FROMBLK= blk-num [,NUCID=nucid]

This message is displayed on the ADASAV job protocol at the end of an ADASAV RESTORE execution. It points out the protection log (log-n) that should be input to a possible subsequent ADARES REGENERATE job, and to the checkpoint ( chk-pnt ) where the REGENERATE function should begin. "blk-num" is the (pre-merge) protection log block number of the checkpoint. "nucid" identifies the particular cluster nucleus where the checkpoint originally (that is, before a PLOG merge) resided.


If the ADASAV RESTORE execution is to be followed by an ADARES REGENERATE operation, use the protection log with the indicated nucleus session number as input for the REGENERATE function, and specify the "chk-pnt" checkpoint and "blk-num" as parameters.

ADAU65 Loading records from version v unload tape

Adabas version "v" created the unload data set specified as input.

ADAU66 Restoring file(s) from version v save tape

The save data set specified as input was created by Adabas version "v".

ADAU67 Unloading file=file-number, RECNO=rec-count

In response to ADAULD operator command DSTAT, ADAULD is currently unloading file "file-number". At this point in time, "rec-count" records have been unloaded.

ADAU68 Index of file file-number is {compressed | uncompressed}

The utility is processing a file with a compressed or uncompressed index, as indicated.

ADAU69 DDWORKnn not reset. DBID is dbid1 expected DBID is dbid2

A nonempty Work data set was assigned to an ADASAV RESTOREDB job that belongs to another database.

The Work data set is not reset.

ADAU70 Waiting for PLOG/CLOG switch

The ADADBS utility issued either an FEOFPL or an FEOFCL. If there is no free PLOG or CLOG, the nucleus may potentially wait for a free PLOG/CLOG.


No action is required for this informational message.

ADAU71 Locking RLOG data set for nucleus got RSP=rc, SUBC=sc

The utility's request to lock the RLOG data set for the Adabas nucleus failed. The nucleus could experience a short hard wait if it attempts to access the RLOG data set at the same time as the utility.

ADAU72 Unlocking RLOG data set for nucleus got RSP=rc, SUBC=sc

The utility's request to unlock the RLOG data set for the Adabas nucleus failed. An ADADBS or Adabas Online System function could experience a medium wait if it needs to be recorded in the RLOG data set.

ADAU73 Recovery Aid deactivated- re-prepare the recovery log datasets. Processing continues.

For restoring the database, initialization of RLOG data set access failed (utility error 058). ADASAV deactivates the Recovery Aid and continues the restore. ADASAV will terminate with return code 4.


Reactivate the Recovery Aid by executing the ADARAI PREPARE function again.

ADAU74 This function execution will not be logged in the recovery log. Processing continues.

For a utility function that does not change the database or files, initialization of RLOG data set access failed (utility error 058). The utility continues without recording its run in the recovery log and terminates with return code 4.


Determine why the utility error 058 occurred. Correct the error.

ADAU75 PLOGR n for NUCID= nucid is not empty, DSNAME= plog-name

While converting from a version of Adabas that uses the parallel participant table (PPT) structure to a higher version of Adabas, the system determined that the specified protection log (PLOG) for the specified earlier version nucleus (NUCID=0 for a noncluster nucleus) remained uncopied/unmerged. The conversion fails.


You can bypass this check if necessary by using the ADACNV CONVERT IGNPPT parameter.

ADAU76 Statistics interval information on yyyy-mm-dd at hh:mm:ss
Total PLOG blocks read = plogblks
Total PLOG records read = plogrecs
Total replicated transactions = repltx
Pending replicated transactions = pendtx
High watermark in replication pool = himark
Current watermark in replication pool = currmark
Timestamp of last committed transaction - yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss

This message display statistics about the processing of the Event Replicator utility ADARPL.


No action is required for this informational message.

ADAU7A ECS error error-number in function ecs-function

ECS is the Entire Conversion Services, a subsystem of the Adabas universal encoding support (UES) system. This message is written after a function of the subsystem has failed. The following ECS functions may return errors:

ECS LOAD An error loading ECS. Check that the ECS load module is in the Adabas load library.
COX LOAD An error loading ADACOX. ADACOX is loaded if the database is UES-enabled. ADACOX is the Adabas conversion exit for special conversions.
APS INIT An error occurred during Software AG internal product software (APS - POSIX Services) initialization. Verify that the APS library is in the load library concatenation and/or that the APS parameters are specified in SYSPARM.
SLIBLOAD An error loading SAGECS, SAGOVO, or SAGSMP2. Check that these modules from the Software AG base technology library can be found in the load library concatenation.
DDECSOJ An error occurred during initialization while reading ECS standard conversion objects. Check that the nonexecutable binary ECS conversion object library is specified in the DDECSOJ DD statement of the JCL.
GETHANDLE nnnn An error occurred reading the ECS encoding descriptor object EDDnnnn. Check that the nonexecutable binary ECS conversion object library is specified in the DDECSOJ DD statement of the JCL. Check that EDDnnnn is contained in the library. If it is not, then either an invalid number was specified or the object is missing and must be added.
GETHANDLE mmmm/nnnn See the GETHANDLE nnnn explanation. In this case, an ECS plane table object (PTO) is missing Txxx2yyy where xxx or yyy are the hexadecimal value of the decimal mmmm or nnnn, respectively. For some conversion combinations, it may be necessary to request additional PTOs from your Software AG support representative.

Resolve the problem and try again.

ADAU7C Entire Conversion Services v.r.s initialized

The specified version / revision / system-maintenance level of Entire Conversion Services has been initialized.

ADAU7D Collation exit exit-number initialized

The specified collation exit supporting a collation descriptor field has been initialized.

ADAU84 message-text

This message is issued during utility processing. The actual message text varies, depending on the utility, as described in the following table.

Message Text Utility Description
Checking Adabas system file with NOOPEN in effect ADAACK or ADAICK NOOPEN was not specified in Adabas utilities. Consequently, ADAACK or ADAICK will issue OP commands to check the files. The OP commands may cause problems for the checkpoint file or the security file, so no OP command is issued for these files and this message appears.
Retained field definition table cleared for not loaded file number ADACNV While converting a database to Version 8, ADACNV encountered one or more FDTs stored in the FDT blocks for files that are not loaded in the database. These FDTs have been removed.

NOOPEN was not specified in Adabas utilities. Consequently, ADAACK or ADAICK will issue OP commands to check the files. The OP commands may cause problems for the checkpoint file or the security file, so no OP command is issued for these files and this message appears.


No action is required for this informational message.

ADAU85 Replication for file fnr is switched off because either the target DBID is not equal to the original DBID or replication is not active in the target database

The file (fnr) to be restored to a database with a different DBID or to a database where replication is turned off has a nonzero Event Replicator Server target DBID set in the FCB. The target DBID will be reset for this file.


No action is required for this informational message. The Event Replicator Server target DBID for the file is reset automatically.

ADAU86 Possible LOB inconsistency encountered processing file fnr
Out-of-sync flag is set
base file=base-fnr, LOB file=lob-fnr

While processing the file (fnr) listed in the message, which is part of a LOB file group, the utility detected that one file in the group is out-of-sync with the other file. The base file number (base-fnr) and the LOB file number (lob-fnr) are also given in the message. The utility detects this condition and ends with return code 4 or 8.

This problem can occur if, through a logically incorrect sequence of utility operations, either or both files were exported from and reimported into the database, but not put back to the same point in time. In other words, one file would contain the results of a LB field update that the other, associated, file does not contain.


Investigate the sequence of utility operations on the files involved and determine why they are not in sync. Take actions to bring them back in sync. Then, if necessary, run the following function to mark the two files as being in sync.


ADAU87 Possible LOB inconsistency encountered processing file fnr
Unable-to-track flag is set
base file=base-fnr, LOB file=lob-fnr

While processing the file (fnr) listed in the message, which is part of a LOB file group, the utility detected that utility operations had been performed on the file group that left Adabas unable to track the LOB-update-status of the files. The base file number (base-fnr) and LOB file number (lob-fnr) are also given in the message. The utility that detects this condition ends with return code 4.

The LOB-update-status values of the files in a LOB file group reflect the LOB values in a base or LOB file when the file is exported from or imported to the database. Most utility operations either preserve the LOB-update-status of a file or change it to a defined new value, but some do not. In this case, the unable-to-track flag is set to signal that Adabas has become unable to guarantee that utility operations have kept the LOB file group in sync.


If you know that no (logically incorrect) utility operations were performed that put the files in a LOB file group out of sync, you can use the following function to mark the two files as being in sync.


ADAU88 Possible LOB inconsistency encountered processing file
LOB-update-status mismatch
base file=base-fnr, update-status=stat-val1
LOB file=lob-fnr, update-status=stat-val2

While processing the file (fnr) listed in the message, which is part of a LOB file group, the utility detected that the base file and LOB file are out-of-sync. The base file number (base-fnr) and LOB file number (lob-fnr) and their respective LOB-update-status values (stat-val1 and stat-val2) are also given in the message. The utility ends with return code 4 or 8.

The LOB-update-status values of the files in a LOB file group reflect the LOB values in a base or LOB file when the file is exported from or imported to the database. As LOB operations are performed on the LOB file group, the LOB-update-status value changes for both files at the same time, resulting in a status value that is different if either or both files are exported or imported again.

A mismatch condition can occur if a logically incorrect sequence of utility operations caused the files to contain the results of different LOB updates.


Investigate the sequence of utility operations on the files involved and determine why they are not in sync. Take actions to bring them back in sync. Then, if necessary, run the following function to make the two files as being in sync.


ADAU89 Unable to establish or validate the basefile-LOB file linkage because one of the files was locked or not loaded

ADALOD could not establish the complete linkage between the base file and the LOB file because the file specified in the BASEFILE or LOBFILE parameter was either locked or not loaded.

ADALOD sets part of the file linkage only in the file just loaded and ends with return code 4.


If the other file does not exist, specify the correct BASEFILE or LOBFILE parameter when loading that file. This will establish the complete base-file-LOB file linkage.

If the other file is locked, wait until the utility function that locked the files has ended. Then, check whether the base file-LOB file linkage is in place (for example, using ADAREP). If necessary, you can use the following function to reestablish the base file-LOB file linkage:


ADAU91 The last formatted ISN was not set for file fn.
This will be set to MAXISN at utility completion.
The last formatted secondary ISN was not set for file fn.
This will be set to MAXISN2 at utility completion.

The last formatted ISN or secondary ISN was not set for the file listed in the message (fn). When the utility completes, the last formatted ISN will be set to the value of MAXISN or the last formatted secondary ISN will be set to the value of MAXISN2.


No action is required for this informational message.

ADAU92 utility still initializing

This message is a response to the utility DSTAT operator command, if the corresponding utility is still in its initialization phase.


No action is required for this informational message.

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