Version 8.2.3
 —  Messages and Codes  —

ADARPL Utility Error Messages

Overview of Messages

ERROR-121 | ERROR-122 | ERROR-123 | ERROR-124 | ERROR-125 | ERROR-126 | ERROR-127 | ERROR-128 | ERROR-129 | ERROR-130 | ERROR-131 | ERROR-132 | ERROR-133 | ERROR-134 | ERROR-135 | ERROR-136 | ERROR-137 | ERROR-138 | ERROR-139 | ERROR-140 | ERROR-141 | ERROR-142 | ERROR-143 | ERROR-144 | ERROR-145 | ERROR-146 | ERROR-147 | ERROR-148 | ERROR-149 | ERROR-150 | ERROR-151 | ERROR-152 | ERROR-153 | ERROR-154 | ERROR-156 | ERROR-157

ERROR-121 Date and time must be reasonable. Time is invalid without a Date. Date must be entered in the form YYYYMMDD. Time must be entered in the form HHMMSSTH.

One or more of the specified date and time fields appear invalid.


Correct the date and time entries and try again.

ERROR-122 At least 1 file-number must be supplied using the FILES= parameter.

The FILES parameter has been specified incorrectly. When the FILES parameter is specified, it must be in the format of FILES=nnnnn, where nnnnn is a valid file number.


Correct the FILES parameter and try again.

ERROR-123 RPLDSBI must be a string of Y, N or Placeholders in single quotes.

The RPLDSBI parameter has been specified incorrectly. The RPLDSBI parameter must be specified in single quotes and one Y or N value must be specified for each file specified for the ADARPL run (for example RPLDSBI='Y,N,N,Y,Y,N,Y'.


Correct the RPLDSBI parameter and try again.

ERROR-124 TOTIME, FROMTIME and RESENDTIME require their respective DATE value.

A TOTIME, FROMTIME, or RESENDTIME parameter was specified without the corresponding *DATE parameter.


Specify the corresponding TODATE, TOTIME, or RESENDDATE parameter with the appropriate *TIME parameter and try again.

ERROR-125 Invalid RPLTARGETID or RPLTARGETS. The value supplied must be a positive integer less than or equal to 65535.

An invalid value was specified for the RPLTARGETID or RPLTARGETS parameters. Valid values for these parameters range from "1" to "65535"; values higher than "65535" are invalid.


Correct the target IDs and try again.

ERROR-126 No. of RPLTARGETS, RPLKEY, and RPLDSBI must be equal to No. of FILES.

An incorrect number of values was specified for the RPLTARGETS, RPLKEY, or RPLDSBI parameters. The number of values must match the number of files specified by the FILES parameter for the ADARPL run.


Correct the parameter values and try again.

ERROR-127 RPLTARGETID and RPLTARGETS parameters are mutually exclusive.

An attempt was made to specify both the RPLTARGETID and RPLTARGETS parameters in the same ADARPL run. This is invalid.


Specify one or the other parameter and try again.

ERROR-128 Event Replicator Server id, no active subscription or destination for file number.

No active destination or subscription could be found for the file listed in the message on the Event Replicator Server named in the message.


First verify and correct (as necessary) the file number or the Event Replicator Server target ID for the ADARPL run. If they are correct, modify the Replicator system file subscription and destination definitions. Then try the ADARPL run again.

ERROR-129 Database dbid not defined to Event Replicator Server id.

The database with the database ID listed in the message is not defined to the Event Replicator Server listed in the message.


Verify and correct the JCL or input parameters for the ADARPL run. If they are correct, modify the Replicator system file definitions. Then try again.

ERROR-130 Event Replicator Server id replication pool overflow.

The replication pool for the Event Replicator Server listed in the message has an overflow condition, which is a critical error.


Refer to the Event Replicator Server job's system log for error messages, which may provide possible actions to take.


An attempt to specify the RPLKEY or RPLDSBI parameters was made without also specifying either a RPLTARGETID or RPLTARGETS parameter. When specifying the RPLKEY and RPLDSBI parameters, a corresponding RPLTARGETID or RPLTARGETS parameter must be specified.


Correct the input parameters and try again.

ERROR-132 Dates and times must conform to the following general rule: FROMDATE/TIME <= RESENDDATE/TIME <= TODATE/TIME

The date and time values specified for the ADARPL run violate one or more of the following rules:

  • FROMDATE and FROMTIME parameter values must specify dates and times earlier than those specified for the RESENDDATE and RESENDTIME parameters

  • RESENDDATE and RESENDTIME parameter values must specify dates and times earlier than those specified for the TODATE and TOTIME parameters.


Correct the date and time parameters and rerun the ADARPL job.

ERROR-133 The file number cannot exceed 65535.

The file number specified on the FILES parameter was greater than "65535", which is invalid. Valid values for the FILES parameter range from "1" through "65535".


Correct the file number and rerun the job.

ERROR-134 REPLAY is a required input parameter.

An attempt to run the ADARPL utility without specifying the REPLAY parameter. You cannot run the ADARPL utility without specifying the REPLAY parameter.


Add the REPLAY parameter and rerun the ADARPL job.

ERROR-135 The Adabas nucleus is currently NOT active.

An attempt was made to run the ADARPL utility was made when the Adabas nucleus was not active. The Adabas nucleus must be active to run ADARPL.


Activate the Adabas nucleus and try again.

ERROR-136 A resp 50 has been received during the Adabas open, probable invalid file number specified.

An error occurred trying to open one of the file numbers specified for the ADARPL run.


Verify and correct the file numbers specified for the ADARPL run and then rerun the job.

ERROR-137 Invalid block number found.
The blocks of the current PLOG are not supplied in the correct order. The block counts must be ascending by 1.
Current block count = count
Protection Log Number = number
Supply the correct sequence of protection logs and rerun the job.

ADARPL has detected an incorrect protection log. The current block count is shown, as well as the protection log number to assist diagnosis.


Verify and check the PLOG data sets specified in the ADARPL job.

ERROR-138 DBID mismatch.
DBID on PLOG does not match DBID-parameter
Supply the correct PLOG tapes and rerun the job.

ADARPL has detected a DBID mismatch.


Verify and check the PLOG data sets and the DBID parameter specified in the ADARPL job.

ERROR-139 ADARPL replication pool overflow.
Increase LRPL parameter and rerun the job.

ADARPL has exceeded the replication pool size allocated via the LRPL parameter.


Verify and check the input parameter LRPL specified in the ADARPL job, and increase it, as necessary, for successful job execution.

ERROR-140 Unexpected Event Replicator Server response rsp.

ADARPL has received a non-zero response code from the Event Replicator Server.


Use the response code in the error message to analyze and correct the problem.

ERROR-141 RPLCLEANUP was issued for this ADARPL token

An operator command of RPLCLEANUP was issued and the ADARPL token was removed. Further execution is not possible.


Verify and determine why the RPLCLEANUP operator command was issued.

ERROR-142 Duplicate ADARPL jobs for the same FNR are not allowed

ADARPL has detected a concurrent execution of another ADARPL against the same file number on this DBID.


Verify the execution of ADARPL jobs or check that the input parameters to ADARPL are correct.

ERROR-143 Parameter RPLSORT must be set to YES or NO

ADARPL has detected that the setting for the RPLSORT parameter is incorrect.


Verify that the input parameter RPLSORT is set to "YES" or "NO".

ERROR-144 RPLTARGETID or RPLTARGETS must be specified if FILES are not specified

ADARPL has detected that the parameters RPLTARGETID or RPLTARGETS is required because the FILES parameter is not specified.


Verify and check the input parameters to the ADARPL job for correct information, specifying RPLTARGETID or RPLTARGETS if required.

The value supplied must be a positive integer less than or equal to 65535.

ADARPL had detected a TOKEN, PLOGDBID, or ORIGINDBID value which is not a valid number.


Review and change, if necessary, the number listed in the ADARPL parameters. Then run the ADARPL job again.

ERROR-146 RPLTARGETID must be specified if TOKEN is specified

ADARPL has detected a TOKEN parameter in the same run in which an RPLTARGETID parameter was not specified. When you specify the TOKEN parameter, you must also specify the RPLTARGETID parameter.


Review and change the ADARPL parameters, as necessary. Then run the ADARPL job again.

ERROR-147 When parameter TOKEN is specified, only the following additional parameters are valid: LRPL, NU, and RPLTARGETID

ADARPL has detected a TOKEN parameter in the same run as another ADARPL parameter that is not allowed when the TOKEN parameter is specified. Only the LRPL, NU, and RPLTARGETID parameters can be specified in an ADARPL run using TOKEN.


Review and change the ADARPL parameters, as necessary. Then run the ADARPL job again.

ERROR-148 TOKEN token not found in Event Replicator Server

There are no replay processes active with the token number listed in the message.


Review and change the ADARPL RPLTARGETID and TOKEN parameters, as necessary. Then run the ADARPL job again.

ERROR-149 TOKEN token was not an ADARPL token.

The token listed in the message is a valid token number, but is not for a replay process.


Review and change the ADARPL TOKEN parameter, as necessary. Then run the ADARPL job again.

ERROR-150 RPLSORT missing, possibly the Adabas is not connected to the Event Replicator Server

ADARPL has detected that the Event Replicator Server does not have information about RPLSORT, which is provided during an initialization handshake between an Adabas database and an Event Replicator Server.


Verify that the Adabas database and the Event Replicator Server have established communication.

ERROR-151 File number is not the anchor file in the expanded file chain

The file listed in the message is not the anchor file in the Adabas expanded file chain. Only the anchor file can be specified in the FILES parameter.


Specify the file number of the anchor file in the expanded file chain and try again.

ERROR-152 Incomplete transaction found on PLOG

A transaction started before the input PLOG data set specified for replay processing and ended after the FROMDATE and FROMTIME replay specifications.


Add the preceding PLOG data set in sequence to the input PLOG data sets for replay processing and try again.

ERROR-153 Incomplete transaction found on PLOG

The ET record was not found for a transaction that was to be included in replay processing.


Add the next PLOG data set in sequence to the input PLOG data sets for replay processing and try again.

ERROR-154 File num not loaded in database dbid

An attempt to run the ADARPL utility failed because the file specified for the run does not exist in the specified database. The file number and database ID are given in the message.


Verify that the correct file number is specified and that the file does exist in the database. Then try again.

ERROR-156 The source database Adabas version is not compatible with the Reptor Adabas version

The version of Adabas or the Event Replicator used by the Adabas database is not the same as the version of Adabas or Event Replicator used by the Event Replicator Server.


Resolve the discrepancy in Adabas or Event Replicator versions before you try again.

ERROR-157 Either PLOGFILES specified for the master file only, or not all files of expanded file chain specified

A file number specified in PLOGFILES parameter is a component of an expanded file chain. At this time, the PLOGFILES parameter cannot specify files in an expanded chain and cannot be specified if any of the files listed in the FILES parameter is for a file in an expanded chain.


Correct the ADARPL parameters and try again.

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