Version 8.2.3
 —  Messages and Codes  —

ADAR* System Messages

All ADARnn messages are written to the operator console.

Overview of Messages

ADAR01 | ADAR10 | ADAR12 | ADAR13 | ADAR14 | ADAR15 | ADAR16 | ADAR17 | ADAR18 | ADAR19 | ADAR20 | ADAR21 | ADAR31 | ADAR76 | ADAR77 | ADAR78

ADAR01 version job-name load-name RC=ret-code

The LOAD or CDLOAD macro failed and ADARUN was not able to load ADAIOR. ADARUN issues a message and ends with an abnormal end (abend). The value of load-name is either "LOAD" for LOAD (SVC 4) or "CDLO" for CDLOAD (SVC65). The value of ret-code is the return code from the CDLOAD or LOAD macro, and can have the following meanings:

Return codes from the CDLOAD macro include

0 successfully completed
4 GETVIS area size OK
8 specified length exceeds GETVIS area
12 insufficient GETVIS storage
16 CDLOAD directory is full
20 nonexistent phase (when RETPNF=YES)
24 move mode phase requested

Return codes from the LOAD macro include:

0 LOAD completed successfully
4 phase not found, was deleted, or recataloged
8 unrecoverable I/O error
12 invalid library/sublibrary structure found
16 address range violation: directory entry exceeds partition, or phase does not fit in partition
20 security violation
24 incompatible library directory entries: phase length, relocation state or load point/partition start or load point/entry point address differences. The library directory entry overwrites the local entry.
28 partition/logical transient area is too small

ADAR10 Logic error at module+offset R0=reg0 R1=reg1 R2=reg2 R3=reg3 R4=reg4 R5=reg5 R6=reg6 R7=reg7 R8=reg8 R9=reg9 RA=regA RB=regB RC=regC RD=regD RE=regE RF=regF

A logic error occurred during ADARAI processing either while collecting information during a utility or nucleus run, or while executing the ADARAI utility itself. The logic error is identified by the module and offset and the registers at the time of the error are provided in subsequent lines of the message.


Contact your technical support representative. Provide the actions required to trigger the error and the text of the error message itself.

ADAR12 action error 'error' on file data set

An I/O error occurred during an operation, identified by the action value, which was issued against a data set by the Adabas Recovery Aid collection or utility component. The data set is identified by the file value and the error will be identified by the error value.

OPEN - data set was being opened
CLOSE - data set was being closed
READ - data set was being read
WRITE - data set was being written to
error A description of the error that occurred
RLOG - error occurred on the RLOG data set
PLOG - error occurred on a PLOG data set
ASSO - error occurred on an ASSO data set

The 'error' value indicates the error that occurred while accessing the identified data set.

ADAR13 Inconsistent DBID asso-dbid, RLOG DBID rlog-dbid

The database ID for the database in the GCBs (asso-dbid) does not correspond with the database ID with which the RLOG was initialized (rlog-dbid). This message is issued by the Adabas Recovery Aid collection component and causes the utility operation or nucleus initialization request to fail.


Either the RLOG used for this utility run was not initialized to run with the database in use, or the database ID of the database was changed. In this case, the RLOG must be reinitialized using the ADARAI PREPARE function.

ADAR14 Generation gen-num started

A utility operation was executed that caused a new generation to be started. The number of this new generation, which becomes the current generation, is 'gen-num'. This message is issued by the collection component of the Adabas Recovery Aid when a new generation is started.

ADAR15 ADARAI request request returned RC=rc reason=reason

The ADARAI data collection component was called for request request; however, this request terminated with a return code and reason code as shown by rc and reason respectively. If rc is less than 8, the request completed successfully but messages may have been issued. If rc is 8 or greater, the request failed.


In many cases, this error is issued due to a situation highlighted by a previous Adabas or system message. However, if there is no obvious reason why this message has been issued, report the message to your technical support representative.

ADAR16 Insufficient storage for ADARAI processing requested reqsize bytes obtained stgsize bytes

The Adabas Recovery Aid utility component attempted to obtain reqsize bytes of storage for its processing but only succeeded in obtaining stgsize bytes of storage. ADARAI processing fails.


Increase the amount of storage available to ADARAI by at least the byte count difference between reqsize and stgsize.

ADAR17 RLOG open error DD/RLOGR1 not found

The Adabas Recovery Aid collection or utility component attempted to open the RLOG data set DDRLOGR1 but the file was not available to the job.


Provide the DDRLOGR1 file to the job and rerun the job.

ADAR18 RLOG open error error

The Adabas Recovery Aid collection or utility component attempted to open the RLOG data set ; however. an open error occurred as identified by the 'error' value. This indicates that the DDRLOGR1 file has been found but some other error occurred.


Correct the error indicated by the 'error' value and rerun the job.

ADAR19 Serious ADARAI error failure could not be set in the RLOG dataset

When the Adabas Recovery Aid collection component encounters any sort of problem, it attempts to set the status of the current generation to indicate that problems occurred while recording the generation. In the case where this message is issued, it was not possible to set the failure in the RLOG data set. This is particularly serious because the current generation will appear to be in a normal status but data will be missing. An attempt to use this generation to recover the database will probably lead to data being lost or invalid.

The Adabas Recovery Aid data collection interface terminates abnormally with abend code 33, which means that the utility or nucleus run will also be terminated abnormally.


A new generation should be started immediately for the database in question and a note kept that the generation for which this error occurred is invalid. You should then proceed to determine what the problem was based on other error messages issued prior to this error message. If necessary, contact your technical support representative for assistance.

ADAR20 The current generation is status

This message is issued by the Adabas Recovery Aid collection component when the current generation has any status other than the normal status. It is issued when the ADARAI data collection interface is called to insure that the user is aware that the current generation is in a state that may not be automatically recovered.


This is an information message and may be ignored if the status of the RLOG is acceptable to the installation. If not, a new generation should be started as soon as possible and the cause of the abnormal status for the generation investigated.

ADAR21 PLOG information not found for all or some of the following blocks:
PLOG number plog
Low PLOG block number lowblk [NUCID nucid]
High PLOG bkicj number highblk [NUCID nucid]

When the Adabas Recovery Aid utility ADARAI is building a given generation, it checks to make sure that all PLOGs required by the generation are available to it. This is based on the normal sequence of PLOG entries from the start of the generation to the end of the generation. When ADARAI expects a given range of PLOG blocks to be available but cannot find the relevant PLOG in its data, this message is issued. The data values provided are as follows:

plog The number of the PLOG in which the missing blocks are found.
lowblk The lowest identifiable PLOG block that cannot be found. When it is nonzero, a cluster nucleus ID follows.
highblk The highest PLOG block that cannot be found. When it is nonzero, a cluster nucleus ID follows.
nucid When it is nonzero, a cluster nucleus ID is appended after a high or low PLOG block number.

This can happen if the current generation is the subject of the operation and the nucleus was not down at the time, or the last PLOG copy job had not completed. If this is not the case, it indicates that one or more PLCOPY jobs failed to record their information on the RLOG. To determine when and why this happened, refer back to the PLOG job that copied the blocks in question to determine why the data was not written to the RLOG data set.

ADAR31 Generation restricted due to reason

After certain events on a database, ADARAI cannot generate a recovery job which will recover the database or files on the database without changes. When this occurs, the Adabas Recovery Aid collection component sets the generation into which the data is logged to the restricted status. This message is issued when this occurs and reason identifies why the generation was set to RESTRICTED.


This message is for information only, however, it is recommended that once this message has been issued, a new generation is started as soon as possible to insure that a generation is available with a normal status.

ADAR76 RLOG: count-a blocks out of count-b used (nn%)

The minimum number of generations in the RLOG data set are using more than 50% of the RABNs available on the data set. This fact is determined when the Adabas Recovery Aid collection component writes information to the RLOG data set. Successful completion of the current nucleus or utility session is not affected by the situation. The meanings of the variable values are as follows:

count-a total blocks available for logging on the RLOG
count-b number of blocks currently being used on the RLOG
nn percentage of RLOG blocks now used

None required. This message is for your information only.

ADAR77 Recovery log file overflow

The Adabas Recovery Aid data collection component attempted to write information for the current generation; however, the current generation does not fit on the RLOG and none of the other generations on the RLOG could be deleted. RLOG logging stops. Information for the current session could not be completely logged, and no further information will be logged. This does not affect successful completion of the current nucleus or utility session.


Run the ADARAI LIST utility function to archive the existing RLOG information and/or back up the RLOG data set. Increase the size of the RLOG. Finally, run ADARAI PREPARE followed by an ADASAV SAVE (database) to reestablish the RLOG logging operation.

ADAR78 Unknown file element created

The Adabas Recovery Aid data collection component was unable to provide the ADARAI utility with information about the sequential file used during utility execution. An "unknown file element" was written to the RLOG instead of a "file element". This does not affect successful completion of the current nucleus or utility session.


Information about this sequential file can be recorded manually for later use in the ADARAI RECOVER function. If an ADARAI RECOVER function is executed using this generation/file, the job control statements needed for this file cannot be created. Instead, the "unknown file element" will be displayed and the ADARAI RECOVER function will complete with a return code of 04. The generated job control must then be edited to add the manually recorded file information.

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