Version 8.2.3
 —  Messages and Codes  —

ADAMER Utility Error Messages

Overview of Messages

ERROR-122 | ERROR-124 | ERROR-125 | ERROR-126 | ERROR-127 | ERROR-130 | ERROR-131

ERROR-122 Incorrect FDT found in input data set

The structure of the FDT read from the input data set does not satisfy the rules.


Check whether the input data set is valid. Supply a correct input data set and rerun the job.

ERROR-124 Invalid value for the parameter ADAMDE

The name of the ADAM descriptor was not found in the FDT.


Supply ADAMDE=ISN or ADAMDE=xx, where "xx" is any valid descriptor name. Then rerun the job.

ERROR-125 Invalid ADAMDE field: xx

Conflicting field attributes or unknown descriptor name. An ADAM descriptor must

  • be a single field (no MU option);

  • be a unique descriptor;

  • not be contained in a periodic group;

  • not have the NU option;

  • have a default length (cannot be variable).


Supply the correct parameter value and rerun the job.

ERROR-126 Invalid value for the parameter BITPARM

See the Adabas Utilities documentation for further information.


Supply the correct parameter value and rerun the job.

ERROR-127 Data Storage size too small

The amount of Data Storage to store the records is greater than the data size parameter.


Supply the correct parameter value and rerun the job.

ERROR-130 Input data set has spanned records. ADAM files may not be spanned.

The input data set has spanned record support active. The spanned record option is not allowed for ADAM files.


Check whether the input data set is valid. Supply a correct input data set and rerun the job.

ERROR-131 Input data set is a LOB file. ADAMER is not allowed for LOB files.

The input data set is a large object (LOB) file. LOB files may not be input to ADAMER.


Check whether the input data set is valid. Supply a correct input data set and rerun the job.

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