Version 8.2.3
 —  Messages and Codes  —

ADAK* System Messages

The following messages may appear when errors occur in the Adabas CICS and BS2000 TP monitor interface operations.

When CICS is started, the Adabas TP monitor component displays several informational or error messages on the system console. These often contain the addresses of key Adabas and CICS control blocks which are useful in problem determination.

Overview of Messages

ADAK001 | ADAK01 | ADAK02 | ADAK02A | ADAK02B | ADAK03 | ADAK04 | ADAK040 | ADAK041 | ADAK042 | ADAK043 | ADAK044 | ADAK045 | ADAK046 | ADAK047 | ADAK048 | ADAK049 | ADAK05 | ADAK050 | ADAK051 | ADAK052 | ADAK053 | ADAK054 | ADAK055 | ADAK056 | ADAK057 | ADAK058 | ADAK059 | ADAK06 | ADAK061 | ADAK062 | ADAK063 | ADAK064 | ADAK065 | ADAK066 | ADAK068 | ADAK069 | ADAK07 | ADAK070 | ADAK071 | ADAK072 | ADAK073 | ADAK074 | ADAK08 | ADAK080 | ADAK09 | ADAK10

ADAK001 Installation messages will be written to queue qname file dname

This message is produced when the following ACIOPT statement is coded:


It provides the name of the transient data queue (qname) where installation messages are written and the DD name (z/OS) or DLBL name (z/VSE) of the file (dname) associated with the transient data queue


No action is required for this informational message.

ADAK01 dbid Unexpected return code ret-code in function

During BS2000 TP monitor interface operations, the return code (ret-code) given in the message occurred in one of the following functions and for the specified reason:

Function Reason
TRGENAMP enable memory pool (ENAMP) to target failed
IDTENAMP enable memory pool (ENAMP) for IDT failed
DSOFEI DSOFEI macro failed
UENAEI ENAEI failed for user name
SOLSIG SOLSIG macro failed
LNKLEVEL the ADALNK and ADARER levels disagree (see the first and last bytes of "ret-code")

See the BS2000 Executive Macro documentation for an explanation of "ret-code".

ADAK02 Types of LOADLIB for ADALNK (adalink) and ADARER mismatch

During BS2000 TP monitor interface operations, one module was loaded from an XS library and the other from an NXS library. NXS and XS components cannot be mixed.

This message is accompanied by the ADAK01 message.

The adalink field of this message has the format xx0000yy, where xx is the level of the ADALNK and yy is the level of the ADARER (router). The value of yy must be greater than or equal to the value of xx.

If yy is less than xx, the IDT common memory where the ADARER is loaded has been created by and loaded from an older Adabas version. For example, if xx=83 and yy=81, an Adabas 61x ADALNK is using an Adabas 53x ADARER.


Check the Adabas library versions of the databases that are using the IDTNAME (the default is ADABAS5F) of your ADALNK.

Either upgrade databases using older Adabas libraries to the new version, or use different IDTNAMEs for different Adabas versions.

ADAK02A Could not get Router - Error - err

A BS2000 attempt to access the ID table memory pool given in the parameter file or module returned the error shown in the message (err), probabl in ENAMP.

This error is accompanied by the user abend 680.


Check the parameter file for the IDTNAME or DBTIDT value; otherwise check the BSCONFIG(ENVNAME), IDTABEL, or MDBIDT macros in SSFB2C.

ADAK02B DB Table Get memory - Error - err1
or DB Table Initialization Error - err2

The DBID/ID table cannot be set up or accessed. This message is accompanied by user abend 678 or 679. This is usually an error in getting memory. The error code is from a BS2000 macro.


Contact your Software AG technical support representative with the error code produced.

ADAK03 Parameter error

During BS2000 TP monitor interface operations, the Adalink parameter service detected a syntax error.


Correct the syntax and rerun.

ADAK04 The following ADALNK (adalink) are used for this run

This is the header of the Adalink parameter listing used during BS2000 TP monitor interface operations.


No action is required.

ADAK040 Enabling nnnn Adabas task related user exits for Version 8 of ADACIC0

Explanation: This message is produced at the beginning of ADACIC0 installation processing and identifies the number of TRUEs that ADACIC0 is attempting to install. The number (nnnn) is derived from the number of ENTRY=GROUP items that were coded in the ACIOPT module


No action is required for this informational message.

ADAK041 Extracting global work area (GWA)

During CICS PLTPI processing, CICS is determining the location of the global work area (GWA) for the command-level link components.

ADAK042 Initializing Adabas link routine

During CICS PLTPI processing, an initialization call is being made to the command-level link routine.

ADAK043 Initializing Adabas SVC communication

During CICS PLTPI processing, the Adabas SVC environment is being established.

ADAK044 Adabas vvrs CICS environment established

During CICS PLTPI processing, the CICS environment needed for the command-level link components has been built.

ADAK045 T.R.U.E. true-name is in use by Adabas link routine link-name

This message occurs during CICS PLTPI processing and displays the task-related user exit name and the Adabas link routine with which it is associated.

ADAK046 SVC number: svc default DBID: dbid

This message occurs during CICS PLTPI processing and displays the default SVC number and DBID.

ADAK047 UB pool address: aaaaaaaa NUBS: nnnnn

This message occurs during CICS PLTPI processing and displays the UB pool address and NUBS value.

ADAK048 User exit after (A) address: { aaaaaaaa | NOT IN USE }

This message occurs during CICS PLTPI processing and displays the address of the Adabas user exit 1 (user exit A in Adabas 7) or "not in use" if the user exit is not in use.

ADAK049 User exit before (B) address: { aaaaaaaa | NOT IN USE }

This message occurs during CICS PLTPI processing and displays the address of the Adabas user exit B or "not in use" if user exit B is not in use.

ADAK05 DDLNKPAR {open|close} error: err

During BS2000 processing an attempt to access the file associated with the link name DDLNKPAR failed. The error is a DMS error code.


Perform a SHOW-FILE on the file associated with the linkname DDLNKPAR. If a DMS error occurs, perform HELP_MESSAGE DMSnnnn. This should help identify the problem.

ADAK050 Review exit address: { aaaaaaaa | NOT IN USE }

This message occurs during CICS PLTPI processing and displays the address of the Adabas Review exit, or "not in use" if the Adabas Review exit is not in use.

ADAK051 Adabas SAF Security (ADASAF) in use

During CICS PLTPI processing, the Adabas external security interface (ADASAF) is in use. This message is not displayed if ADASAF is not in use.

ADAK052 Adabas Transaction Manager (ATM) in use

During CICS PLTPI processing, Adabas transactions are being coordinated through the CICS Resource Manager Interface (RMI) using the Adabas Transaction Manager (ATM). This message is not displayed if the RMI is not in use.

ADAK053 Adabas Bridge for VSAM (AVB) in use

During CICS PLTPI processing, the Adabas Bridge for VSAM (AVB) is in use. This message is not displayed if AVB is not in use.

ADAK054 T.R.U.E. global work area (GWA) address: aaaaaaaa

This message occurs during CICS PLTPI processing and displays the address allocated to the global work area.

ADAK055 Adabas link routine EPA: aaaaaaaa

This message occurs during CICS PLTPI processing and displays the entry point address (EPA) of the Adabas link routine.

ADAK056 Adabas link routine D.C.I. EPA: aaaaaaaa

This message occurs during CICS PLTPI processing and displays the entry point address (EPA) of the Adabas link routine direct call interface (DCI).

ADAK057 Adabas SVC IDTH address: aaaaaaaa

This message occurs during CICS PLTPI processing and displays the address of the Adabas SVC IDT header.

ADAK058 RESYNC command issued

During CICS PLTPI processing, the CICS RMI for Adabas is in use and resynchronization will now take place for any incomplete transactions involving Adabas databases.

ADAK059 ATM inactive; RESYNC deferred

During CICS PLTPI processing, the CICS RMI for Adabas is in use and resynchronization may be required for incomplete transactions involving Adabas databases. However, the Adabas Transaction Manager (ATM) is not currently active. Resynchronization will occur when ATM is restarted.

ADAK06 ADALNK statements ignored because ADARUN statements present

A BS2000 session is running an ADALNK with both ADARUN and link name DDCARD, together with a file on the link name DDLNKPAR. The parameters in DDLNKPAR will not be used.


No action required for this informational message.

ADAK061 ADATRUE - Enable stage failed EIBRESP: xxxxxxxx1 EIBRESP2: xxxxxxxx2

The task related user exit could not be enabled due to the EIB response codes xxxxxxxx1 and xxxxxxxx2.


Consult the appropriate CICS documentation to determine the cause of the error in the exec interface block (EIB).

ADAK062 ADATRUE extract GWA failed EIBRESP: xxxxxxxx1 EIBRESP2: xxxxxxxx2

The requested task-related user exit global storage could not be EXTRACTed due to the EIB response codes given as xxxxxxxx1 and xxxxxxxx2.


Consult the appropriate CICS documentation to determine the cause of the error in extracting the global work area.

ADAK063 Initialization call to link routine failed EIBRCODE: xxxxxxxx ADARSP: nnnn

The Initialize Link command (IL) could not be executed because of EIB response code xxxxxxxx, or Adabas response code nnnn.


If the EIBRCODE field returns a non-zero value, consult the appropriate CICS documentation to determine the cause of the error. If the ADARSP returns a non-zero value, consult the response codes in chapter 2.

ADAK064 Adabas call to establish IDTH failed

The close command (CL) to Adabas failed due a response code other than response code 148 (ADARSP148).


Most often, this is caused by an incorrect Adabas SVC number in the ADAGSET macro; otherwise, check to see that the Adabas SVC is installed, and at the correct version.

ADAK065 Invalid D.C.I address - cannot continue

The IDTH address was not set by the command-level link routine during the CL command.


Verify that the correct version of the Adabas command-level link routine is installed, and that the entry point name "ENTPT=" in ADAGSET is correct.

ADAK066 ADACIC0 version: version does not match Adabas link

The ADACIC0 version does not match the version of the ADATRUE or Adabas link routine being installed. All three modules must be at the same version for the install to succeed.


Verify that the correct version of all three modules is installed.

ADAK068 RMI initialization error: CMD: cmd RESP: resp RC: rc

The RMI initialization routine could not complete its processing due to the indicated error. The message may provide a failing CICS command (cmd) and response code (resp), or an ATM error code (rc) and, if relevant, Adabas response code (resp).


Investigate the meaning of the displayed response code and/or error code. If possible, correct the error; otherwise, report the details to your Software AG technical support representative.

ADAK069 message-text

Various message texts may be provided using this message number. Review the table below to determine the cause of the error and the course of action to take.

Message Text Explanation Action
Load of ACI link routine failed EIBRCODE: eibrcode The load of the Adabas command-level link routine module failed. The hexadecimal representation of the CICS EIBRCODE (eibrcode) returned by the failing EXEC CICS LOAD command is given in the message. Determine the cause of the failure. The reason for the failure may be determined by examining previous messages produced by the ADACIC0 installation program. These messages are written to the JES job log for z/OS and to SYSLOG for z/VSE. For more information please consult your Adabas installation documentation.
Load of DBID/SVC table tbl-name failed EIBRESP eibrc An attempt to load the DBID/SVC routing table named in the message (tbl-name) failed. The CICS EIB response code (eibrc) is given in the message. Verify that the correct DBID/SVC load module name was specified for the LGBLSET DBSVCTN parameter. If it was not, correct the name and try again. If the correct name was specified, review the CICS EIB response code to identify the nature of the failure. If the problem persists, contact your Software AG support representative for assistance.

The action that should be taken depends on the message text issued with this message number. Review the table above for the appropriate action.

ADAK07 LRVINFO>0 and module REVEXITB not found, processing continues

During BS2000 TP monitor interface operations, a nonzero LRVINFO parameter value was specified in the Adalink parameter, but the Adabas Review user exit B (REVEXITB) module could not be found. Program processing continues without REVEXITB.


Either specify LRVINFO=0, remove the LRVINFO parameter statement, or include the REVEXITB module in the program.

ADAK070 Adabas T.R.U.E. disabled module-name

A failure occurred during the execution of the enhanced installation program. The Adabas TRUE (Task Related User Exit) is disabled. The name of the Adabas TRUE module being installed is given in the message (module-name).


Determine the cause of the failure. The reason for the failure may be determined by examining previous messages produced by the ADACIC0 installation program. These messages are written to the JES job log for z/OS and to SYSLOG for z/VSE. For more information please consult your Adabas installation documentation.

ADAK071 Adabas link routine released module-name

A failure occurred during the execution of the enhanced installation program. The CICS command-level link routine has been released. The name of the Adabas CICS command-level link routine being installed is given in the message (module-name).


Determine the cause of the failure. The reason for the failure may be determined by examining previous messages produced by the ADACIC0 installation program. These messages are written to the JES job log for z/OS and to SYSLOG for z/VSE. For more information please consult your Adabas installation documentation.

ADAK072 GETMAIN for UB-POOL failed EIBRESP: 0000nnnn

The CICS GETMAIN for shared storage for the Adabas user buffer pool failed. The returned value of EIBRESP from the CICS request is printed in hexadecimal at the end of the message.


Consult the appropriate IBM CICS documentation for the meaning of the returned EIBRESP value.

ADAK073 Freemain for UB-POOL failed EIBRESP: 0000nnnn

The storage for the Adabas user buffer pool was not released. The returned value of EIBRESP from the CICS FREEMAIN request is returned at the end of the message.


Consult the appropriate IBM CICS documentation for the meaning of the returned EIBRESP value.

ADAK074 Adabas DBID/SVC table in use is: table-name

The LGBLSET parameters DYNDBSVC=YES and DBSVCTN=dbid-svc-tbl-name parameters are coded in the CICS link globals table and the named DBID/SVC routing table is found and loaded. The name of the DBID/SVC routing table is given in the message (table-name).


No action is required for this informational message.

ADAK08 Review exit B deactivated. processing continues

During BS2000 TP monitor interface operations, LRVINFO=0 was either specified or omitted in the Adalink parameter or the entire Adalink parameter service is inactive, and the Adabas Review user exit B (REVEXITB) is present in the user program.


To activate REVEXITB, specify LRVINFO=256; otherwise, no change is necessary.

ADAK080 nnnn of tttt TRUEs installed

This message is issued at the end of ADACIC0 installation processing. It provides the actual number of TRUEs that were successfully installed (nnnn) and identifies the number of TRUE installations that were attempted (tttt).


No action is required for this informational message.

ADAK09 Incompatible versions of ADALNK and ADAL2P, processing aborted

During BS2000 TP monitor interface operations, it was determined that the versions of ADALNK and ADAL2P do not match.


Check library assignments; check TSOSLNK/BINDER protocols.

ADAK10 ADAUSER type for entry module RC rc

During BS2000 TP monitor interface operations, an error occurred while attempting to access the Adabas link module where type is either REQM for requesting memory or BIND for attempting to load; module is the name of the module to be accessed; and rc is the Fujitsu Technology Solutions macro return code.


If the type is

  • BIND, check the file link statements for the presence of the Adabas library

  • REQM, there is a memory shortage in the application program address space

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