This section describes the procedure for Adabas installation in z/VSE environments.
The following is an overview of the steps for installing Adabas on a z/VSE system.
Step | Description | Additional Information |
1 | Allocate DASD space for the Adabas libraries. |
The libraries are restored from the installation tape. Refer to the section Disk Space Requirements for Libraries. |
2 | Allocate DASD space for the Adabas database. |
For better performance, distribute the database files over multiple devices and channels. Refer to the section Disk Space Requirements for the Database. |
3 | Specify a z/VSE partition for running the Adabas nucleus. |
Refer to the section Adabas Nucleus Partition/Address Space Requirements. |
4 | Define the library before restoration. |
See section Defining the Library. |
5 | Restore the Adabas libraries. |
See section Installing the Adabas Release Tape. |
6 | Install the Adabas SVC using the ADASIP program. |
See section Initializing the Adabas Communication Environment. |
7 | Create the sample JCS job control for installing Adabas. | See section Prepare the Installation Sample JCS for Editing |
8 | Customize and run job ADAIOOAL to link the Adabas options table for installation customization. | See section Modify, Assemble, and Link the Adabas Options Table |
9 | Customize and catalog the two procedures
before placing them back in the procedure library. The following specific items
must be customized:
See section Catalog Procedures for Defining Libraries and the Database |
10 | Customize and run ADAFRM to allocate and format the Adabas database. | Steps 10-19 require changes to the setup definitions as described in section Database Installation Steps |
11 | Customize and run ADADEF to define global database characteristics. | |
12 | Customize and run ADALODE, ADALODV, and ADALODM to load the demo files. | |
13 | Install the product license file. | |
14 | Customize and run ADANUC to start the Adabas nucleus to test Adabas communications. | |
15 | Customize and run ADAREP in MULTI mode with the CPLIST parameter to test Adabas partition communication. | |
16 | Customize and run ADAINPL to load the Adabas Online System, if used. | |
17 | Terminate the Adabas nucleus. | |
18 | Customize and run ADASAV to back up the database. | |
19 | Customize and run DEFAULTS to insert the ADARUN defaults with the ZAP utility. | |
20 | Install the required TP link routines for Adabas |
See section Installing Adabas With TP Monitors. |
The following table describes most of the libraries included on the release tape. Once you have unloaded the libraries from the tape, you can change these names as required by your site, but the following lists the names that are delivered when you purchase Adabas for z/VSE environments.
Library Name | Description |
ADAvrs.EMPL | The Employees demo file, containing dummy employee data you can use for testing Adabas. The vrs in the library name represents the version of Adabas. |
ADAvrs.ERRN | Error messages for the Adabas Triggers and Stored Procedures Facility. These messages can be viewed using the Natural SYSERR utility. The vrs in the library name represents the version of Adabas. |
ADAvrs.INPL | The code for Adabas Online System, Adabas Caching Facility, Triggers and Stored Procedures Facility, and various add-on demo products. The vrs in the library name represents the version of Adabas. |
ADAvrs.LCnn | The Adabas library containing character encoding members to support various languages and Unicode. The nn letters in the library name represents a number from "00" to "99", assigned by Software AG. The vrs in the library name represents the version of Adabas. |
ADAvrs.LIBR | The library for Adabas. The vrs in the library name represent the version of Adabas. |
ADAvrs.MISC | The Miscellaneous demo file, containing dummy miscellaneous data you can use for testing Adabas. The vrs in the library name represents the version of Adabas. |
ADAvrs.PERL | The LOB demo file storing the LOB data referenced by the Personnel demo file. The vrs in the library name represent the version of Adabas. |
ADAvrs.PERS | The Personnel demo file, containing dummy
personnel data you can use for testing Adabas. This demo file includes fields
that make use of the extended and expanded features of Adabas 8, include large
object (LOB) fields. The vrs in the library name
represents the version
of Adabas.
Note: |
ADAvrs.TZ00 | The time zone library for Adabas. The
vrs in the library name represents the
of Adabas. Adabas bases its time zone library on the time zones defined in the
public domain
database, also know as the zoneinfo or Olson
For a complete list of the time zones supported by Adabas in any given release, refer to the TZINFO member in this Adabas library. |
ADAvrs.VEHI | The Vehicles demo file, containing dummy vehicle data you can use for testing Adabas. The vrs in the library name represents the version of Adabas. |
APSvrs.L018 | A Software AG internal library. The vrs in the library name represents the version of the internal library code, which is not necessarily the same as the version of Adabas. |
APSvrs.LIBR | A Software AG internal library. The vrs in the library name represents the version of the internal library code, which is not necessarily the same as the version of Adabas. |
MLCvrs.LIBJ | The sample job library for Software AG's common mainframe license check software. The vrs in the library name represents the version of the license check software, which is not necessarily the same as the version of Adabas. |
MLCvrs.LIBR | The load library for Software AG's common mainframe license check software. The vrs in the library name represents the version of the license check software, which is not necessarily the same as the version of Adabas. |
WALvrs.LIBR | The library for Adabas components shared by Adabas and other Software AG products, such as Entire Net-Work. The vrs in the library name represents the version of Adabas. |
WCAvrs.LIBR | The library for Entire Net-Work Administration, used by some of the Adabas add-on products. The vrs in the library name represents the version of Entire Net-Work Administration. |
Adabas is shipped with the code for Entire Net-Work Client (open systems software) and Entire Net-Work Administration (mainframe software). Entire Net-Work Client and Entire Net-Work Administration are Software AG middleware packages used for communication between Adabas or Event Replicator Servers on the mainframe and open systems software packages such as Adabas Manager (including the Adabas Manager demo) or Event Replicator Administration. Entire Net-Work Administration is a limited version of Entire Net-Work for mainframes and includes the Simple Connection Line Driver.
Entire Net-Work Client requires a license key. A limited license is shipped with your
Adabas software to support the Adabas Manager demo. If you purchase a full version of
Adabas Manager, you will need a full license of Entire Net-Work Client.
If appropriate Entire Net-Work mainframe and client products are not already installed on your system, install Entire Net-Work Administration on the mainframe and Entire Net-Work Clienton the client side. For complete information on these products, read the Entire Net-Work Administration documentation and Entire Net-Work Client Administration.
The major steps in preparing for Adabas installation are
checking for the correct prerequisite system configuration; and
allocating disk and storage space.
The following sections describe the nominal disk and storage space requirements, and how to allocate the space.
The Adabas library requires a minimum of 3390 disk space as shown below. A certain amount of extra free space has been added to the requirements for library maintenance purposes.
Library | 3390 Tracks |
Adabas Library | 600 |
This space is needed for Adabas objects and phases as well as source and JCS samples.
The Adabas database size is based on user requirements. For more information, refer to Adabas DBA Tasks. Suggested sizes for an initial Adabas database, allowing for limited loading of user files and the installation of Natural, are as follows.
The minimum 3390 disk space requirements are:
Database Component | 3390 Cylinders Required | 3390 Tracks Required |
ASSOR1 (Associator) | 20 | 300 |
DATAR1 (Data Storage) | 60 | 900 |
WORKR1 (Work space) | 15 | 225 |
TEMPR1 (temporary work space) | 15 | 225 |
SORTR1 (sort work space) | 15 | 225 |
The Software AG internal product libraries (APS - porting platform) are required if you intend to enable a database for universal encoding service (UES) support. These libraries are now delivered separately from the product libraries.
For UES support, the following libraries must be loaded and included in the LIBDEF concatenation:
APSvrs.LIBR APSvrs.L0nn
where vrs is the version of the library provided on the most recent tape for these components and aa is LD, LC, or LS and nn is the load library level. If the library with a higher level number is not a full replacement for the lower level load library(s), the library with the higher level must precede those with lower numbers in the LIBDEF concatenation.
Also for UES support, the following library must be loaded and included in the session execution JCL:
For information about setting up connections to UES-enabled databases, see section Enabling Universal Encoding Support (UES) for Your Adabas Nucleus.
The minimum disk space requirements on a 3390 disk for the internal product libraries delivered with Adabas Version 8 are as follows:
Library | 3390 Cylinders | 3390 Tracks |
ADAvrsCS.LIBR | 32 | 480 |
APSvrs.LIBR | 8 | 120 |
APSvrs.L0nn | 5 | 75 |
The Adabas nucleus requires at least 900-1024 KB to operate. The size of the nucleus partition may need to be larger, depending on the ADARUN parameter settings. Parameter settings are determined by the user.
It is necessary to define the library before restoration. The following two examples show how VSAM and non-VSAM libraries are defined.
The following is a job for defining a VSAM library:
// JOB DEFINE DEFINE VSAM V8 ADABAS LIBRARY // OPTION LOG // EXEC IDCAMS,SIZE=AUTO DEFINE CLUSTER - (NAME(ADABAS.ADAvrs.LIBRARY) - VOLUME(vvvvvv vvvvvv) - NONINDEXED - RECORDFORMAT(NOCIFORMAT) - SHR(2) - TRK(nnnnnn)) - DATA (NAME(ADABAS.ADAvrs.LIBRARY.DATA)) /* // OPTION STDLABEL=ADD // DLBL SAGLIB,'ADABAS.ADAvrs.LIBRARY',,VSAM // EXEC IESVCLUP,SIZE=AUTO ADABAS.ADAvrs.LIBRARY /* // EXEC LIBR DEFINE L=SAGLIB R=Y DEFINE S=SAGLIB.ADAvrs REUSE=AUTO R=Y LD L=SAGLIB OUTPUT=STATUS /* /& —where vvvvvv vvvvvv are the volumes for primary and secondary space. nnnnnn is the number of tracks for primary and secondary space. vrs is the Adabas version.
The following is a job for defining a non-VSAM library:
// JOB DEFINE DEFINE NON-VSAM V8 ADABAS LIBRARY // OPTION LOG // DLBL SAGLIB,'ADABAS.ADAvrs.LIBRARY',2099/365,SD // EXTENT SYS010,vvvvvv,1,0,ssss,nnnn // ASSGN SYS010,DISK,VOL=vvvvvv,SHR // EXEC LIBR DEFINE L=SAGLIB R=Y DEFINE S=SAGLIB.ADAvrs REUSE=AUTO R=Y LD L=SAGLIB OUTPUT=STATUS /* /& where: SYS010 is the logical unit for Adabas library. vvvvvv is the volume for Adabas library. ssss is the starting track or block for specified library. nnnn is the number of tracks or blocks for specified library. vrs is the Adabas version.
Restore the ADAvrs LIBR file into sublibrary SAGLIB.ADAvrs. See the next section for information about preparing modules to run without the ESA option active.
See the Report of Tape Creation that
accompanies the tape to position the tape to the correct file.
If you have a license for one of the following Software AG products, restore the file into the appropriate sublibrary:
Product | File | Sublibrary |
Adabas Caching Facility (ACF) | ACFvrs.LIBR | SAGLIB.ACFvrs |
Adabas Online System (AOS) | AOSvrs.LIBR | SAGLIB.AOSvrs |
Adabas Parallel Services (ASM) | ASMvrs.LIBR | SAGLIB.ASMvrs |
Adabas Delta Save Facility (ADE) | ADEvrs.LIBR | SAGLIB.ADEvrs |
For information about installing these products, see the documentation for that product.
Where applicable, modules for Adabas are shipped with AMODE=31 active.
Adabas can acquire storage above the 16-megabyte addressing limit. This capability allows Adabas to acquire the buffer pool (LBP), work pool (LWP), format pool (LFP), and attached buffers (NAB) above 16 MB.
Where applicable, modules for Adabas are shipped with AMODE=31 active. If you prefer to have buffers placed below the 16-megabyte limit, ADARUN must be relinked with AMODE=24.
Programs that will execute AMODE=31 or RMODE=ANY must be relinked with the new ADAUSER object module.
In addition, because the IBM VSE LOAD macro cannot be issued in RMODE=ANY, the IBM VSE CDLOAD macro must be used. Therefore, the zap to change the ADAUSER CDLOAD to the LOAD macro cannot be used.
Communication between the Adabas nucleus residing in a z/VSE partition and the user (either a batch job or TP monitor such as Com-plete or CICS) in another partition is handled with an Adabas SVC (supervisor call).
The program ADASIP is used to install the Adabas SVC. The system can run ADASIP to dynamically install the SVC without an IPL. Special instructions apply when using z/VSE with the Turbo Dispatcher as described in the next section below.
For information about messages or codes that occur during the installation, refer to the Adabas Messages and Codes documentation.
The Adabas SVC module supports the IBM z/VSE Turbo Dispatcher environment.
In a Turbo Dispatcher environment, the Adabas SVC runs in parallel mode when entered. Adabas processes multiple SVC calls made by users in parallel.
To enable Turbo support, ADASIP installs a z/VSE first-level interrupt handler (ADASTUB) that screens all SVCs. When ADASTUB finds an Adabas SVC, it passes control directly to the Adabas SVC.
If your system is capable of running the Turbo Dispatcher and you do not want to run a particular SVC through the Turbo interface, you can set the UPSI flag V to 1 to exclude a particular SVC from use through the Turbo interface. See the ADASIP UPSI statement.
You can activate the ADABAS SVC with multiple CPUs active by specifying UPSI C. ADASIP will dynamically de-activate and re-activate the CPUs if required. If multiple CPUs are active and the UPSI C has not been specified, the following messages will be displayed:
ADASIP60 Only 1 CPU can be active during ADASIP ADASIP79 Should we stop the CPUs? (yes/no)
Answering yes to this message will allow activation to occur; the CPUs will be dynamically de-activated and re-activated. Answering no will terminate ADASIP.
The ADASTUB module is installed only once per IPL process. On the first run of a successful ADASIP, the following set of messages are returned:
ADASIP63 ADASTUB Module Loaded at nnnnnnnn ADASIP78 VSE Turbo Dispatcher Version nn ADASIP69 Turbo Dispatcher Stub A C T I V E
When running ADASIP for subsequent Adabas SVC installations, the following message is displayed for information only:
ADASIP74 Info : Stub activated by previous ADASIP
When dynamically re-installing an Adabas SVC that was previously installed with Turbo Dispatcher support, execute a SET SDL for the Adabas SVC only. Do not execute the SET SDL for ADANCHOR a second time.
Repeated re-installations of an Adabas SVC without an IPL may result
in a shortage of 24-bit GETVIS in the SVA.
ADASIP requires a prior SET SDL for the SVC, and therefore must run in the BG partition. To install the Adabas SVC without an IPL, execute the following JCS in BG.
For information about the ADASIP parameters, see the section ADASIP Execution.
To automatically install the Adabas SVC during each IPL, insert the following JCS (or its equivalent) into the ASI BG JCS procedure immediately before the START of the POWER partition where
nn | is the number of IDT entries |
suffix | is the optional two-byte suffix for the z/VSE SVC name to be loaded by ADASIP. The previous z/VSE SVC version must be linked with a different suffix. |
svc | is an available SVC number in your z/VSE system to be used as the Adabas SVC. |
volume | is the specified volume for the Adabas library. |
vrs | is the Adabas version |
The following sample is available in member ADASIP.X:
The following sample is available in member ADASIPT.X:
Adabas requires an entry in the z/VSE SVC table. To find an unused SVC, use one of the following methods:
Set the S flag specified in the UPSI for ADASIP to create a list of used and unused SVCs in the z/VSE SVC table.
Obtain a listing of the supervisor being used.
Using the assembler cross-reference, locate the label SVCTAB; this is the beginning of the z/VSE SVC table. The table contains a four-byte entry for each SVC between 0 and 150 (depending on the z/VSE version).
Locate an entry between 31 and 150 having a value of ERR21. This value indicates an unused SVC table entry. Use the entry number as input to ADASIP.
You can optionally specify a suffix to indicate the version of an SVC, as shown in the previous JCS examples. This allows you to run two different versions of the SVC. Before specifying a suffix, however, you must have previously linked the second version of the SVC. In addition, you must have performed a SET SDL operation on the new SVC's name (for example, ADASVCxx).
To optionally specify a different Adabas SVC using ADASIP, specify the SVC suffix (the last two bytes in the form, ADASVCxx), as follows, where xx is the two-byte suffix of the new SVC:
// OPTION SYSPARM='svc,xx'
This section describes the ADASIP execution parameters.
An optional correction (zap) can be applied to the Adabas ADASIP program to insert the default SVC so that no SYSPARM need be specified. See the section Applying Zaps.
SVC | The Adabas SVC number chosen must be unused by z/VSE or any other third party products (see the section Finding an Unused SVC). |
SUFFIX | An optional two-byte value used to load a new version of the Adabas z/VSE SVC (see the section Loading a Secondary Adabas SVC).. |
Setting the UPSI byte is the user's responsibility. If the UPSI byte is not set, the SVC installation executes normally.
The UPSI byte is used to select the following options:
Option | If option is set to 1 |
D | ADASIP dumps the Adabas SVC and ID table using PDUMP. This option should be used only after the SVC is installed. |
S | ADASIP dumps the z/VSE SVC table and indicates whether each SVC is used or unused. No SVC number is required when using this function of ADASIP. |
T | ADASIP dumps the z/VSE SVC table and the z/VSE SVC mode table. |
V | The SVC is excluded from use through the Turbo interface. |
O | Override the messages that ask if you wish to stop the processors when more than one processor is active. If you choose to override, the processors will be automatically stopped during ADASIP execution and restarted upon ADASIP termination. |
G | ADASIP will display SYSTEM GETVIS allocation totals. |
The size of the ID table default supports up to 10 Adabas targets. However, the ADASIP program will allow you to increase this number by using this new option of the PARM operand on the EXEC card. To increase the size of the ID table to nn entries, specify the following when executing ADASIP:
where nn is the number of databases to be supported. Refer to the section Acquiring Storage for the ID Table for information about calculating the correct value for nn.
Specifying REPLACE=N or NO will cause warning messages ADASIP80 and ADASIP81 to appear if the SVC has been previously installed. Specifying REPLACE=Y or YES replaces the current SVC regardless of any active targets. The default value is REPLACE=NO. No abbreviation of the REPLACE keyword is supported.
Warning: Setting the REPLACE parameter to YES should be done carefully. Replacing an SVC while your targets are running can produce unpredictable results. |
If both the NRIDTES and REPLACE keywords are specified, they must be separated by a comma. For example:
This ADASIP option allows snap dumps of the Adabas command queue for a specified database ID (DBID). The dump is written to SYSLST. The OPTION SYSPARM statement must specify the SVC number to perform the snap dump. For example, to perform a snap dump of the database 5 command queue, issue:
When ADASIP is run, the ADASIP00 message displays the current system level.
This section describes installation of the Adabas database for z/VSE systems. Note that all applicable early warnings and other fixes must first be applied. For descriptions of any messages or codes that occur, refer to the Adabas Messages and Codes documentation.
If you are using System Maintenance Aid (SMA), refer to the
System Maintenance Aid documentation. If you are not using
SMA, follow the instructions below.
This section explains how to copy the data sets .LIBJ
and .LICS
from tape to disk. All other data
sets can be installed directly from the tape.
You will then need to perform the individual installation procedure for each component to be installed.
The data set COPYTAPE.JOB
contains the JCL required to copy
the data sets .LIBJ
and .LICS
from tape to disk. Copy COPYTAPE.JOB
to your disk by using the
following sample JCL:
* $$ JOB JNM=LIBRCAT,CLASS=0, + * $$ DISP=D,LDEST=(*,UID),SYSID=1 * $$ LST CLASS=A,DISP=D // JOB LIBRCAT * ***************************************** * STORE COPYTAPE.JOB IN LIBRARY * ***************************************** // ASSGN SYS004,nnn // MTC REW,SYS004 // MTC FSF,SYS004,4 ASSGN SYSIPT,SYS004 // TLBL IJSYSIN,'COPYTAPE.JOB' // EXEC LIBR,PARM='MSHP; ACC S=lib.sublib' /* // MTC REW,SYS004 ASSGN SYSIPT,FEC /* /& * $$ EOJ
is the tape
is the library and
sublibrary in which COPYTAPE.JOB
is to be stored
according to your local naming
conventions and set the disk space parameters.
to copy the data sets .LIBJ
and .LICS
from tape to your disk.
This step is only necessary if the library cannot be edited
The following sample installation job is available in member INSTALL.X.
Run the following job to load the installation samples:
where p is the output class for punch, volume is the specified volume for the Adabas library, and vrs is the Adabas version.
Once the selected members in the INSTALL job are within the local editor facility, the customization can begin.
Customize and run job ADAIOOAL to assemble and link the Adabas options table for installation customization.
The following describes the IORDOSO macro, which must be assembled and linked to the Adabas sublibrary as PHASE ADAOPD. The member X.ADAIOOAL shipped with Adabas can be used for this purpose.
The IORDOSO macro allows you to customize Adabas operation in the following areas:
Loading phases;
IDRC compaction support for 3480 and 3490 tape devices;
Interfaces to z/VSE disk space managers such as DYNAM/D;
Interfaces to z/VSE tape managers such as DYNAM/T
An option controlling how the system writes to fixed block addressing (FBA) devices;
An option to write printer (PRINT and DRUCK) files under either DTFPR or DTFDI control;
GETVIS message printing;
Optional job exit processing;
Options for controlling the creation of z/VSE JCS with the Adabas Recovery Aid utility ADARAI;
Sequential file processing under VSAM/SAM;
Input device control with SYS000 assignment;
Name of external sort program.
The following parameters can be set in using the IORDOSO macro.
Parameter | Description |
Determines whether Adabas uses the CDLOAD (SVC 65) or the LOAD SVC (SVC 4) to load modules. |
Parameter | Description |
If a sequential protection log (SIBA) is assigned to a 3480 or 3490 tape device, COMPACT=YES writes the SIBA in IDRC compaction mode. The default is COMPACT=NO (no compaction). |
Parameter | Description |
DISKDEV=devtype |
Specifies the device type on which space for sequential files is to be allocated (see notes 1 and 2). |
Parameter | Description |
Indicates to Adabas that a z/VSE disk space manager such as DYNAM/D is active. If DISKMAN=YES is specified, DISKDEV or DISKSYS must also be specified. |
Parameter | Description |
DISKSYS=sysnum |
When a disk space manager such as DYNAM/D is present, use the DISKSYS parameter to specify the programmer logical unit (LUB). The specified value, which can be from 000 to 255, determines the disk device type for the SAM or VSAM sequential file. There is no default value. |
Parameter | Description |
DISKTYP=text |
This parameter is for information only, and is processed as a comment. The value text can be up to 16 bytes long. |
Parameter | Description |
DTFDI={ NO | YES } |
DTFDI=YES directs the PRINT (SYSLST) and DRUCK (SYS009) output to be device-independent, causing all ADARUN, ADANUC, session, statistics, and utility output to be written to where SYSLST or SYS009 is assigned (printer, disk, or tape). When you specify DTFDI=YES, the PRTDSYS and PRTRSYS parameters are ignored. If you specify DTFDI=NO (the default), output is directed using DTFPR. |
Parameter | Description |
FBA users only: the FBAVRF parameter specifies whether Adabas does WRITE VERIFY I/O commands, or normal WRITEs. If FBAVRF=YES is specified, WRITE VERIFY I/Os are performed; the default is normal WRITE operation. |
Parameter | Description |
Determines whether or not z/VSE ADAIOR GETMAIN (GETVIS) messages are printed. No printing is the default. |
Parameter | Description |
The z/VSE parameter JBXEMSG determines whether job exit utility error messages are printed (JBXEMSG=PRT), displayed (JBXEMSG=YES, the default), or not presented (JBXEMSG=NO). |
Parameter | Description |
The z/VSE parameter JBXIMSG determines whether job exit utility information messages are printed (JBXIMSG=PRT, the default), displayed (JBXIMSG=YES), or not presented (JBXIMSG=NO). |
Parameter | Description |
JOBEXIT=YES activates the Adabas job exit utility, allowing any * SAGUSER job control statements to override the normal job input. |
Parameter | Description |
Specifies whether or not ADAMPM is page fixed in storage during the nucleus initialization process. |
Parameter | Description |
PRTDSYS={ sysnum | SYSLST } |
Specifies the programmer logical unit (LUB), and may be any number 000 - 254. If specified, the sysnum value replaces the default where the ADARUN messages are printed, which is SYSLST. The value specified by sysnum must be assigned in the partition before running the ADARUN program. For example: PRTDSYS=050 . // ASSGN SYS050,PRINTER |
Parameter | Description |
PRTRSYS={ sysnum | SYS009 } |
Specifies the programmer logical unit (LUB). If specified, this sysnum value replaces the default where the Adabas utility (DRUCK) messages are printed, which is SYS009. |
Parameter | Description |
RAIDASG=YES specifies that the Adabas Recovery Aid (ADARAI) is to create z/VSE disk ASSGN statements. Such statements are sometimes not needed with a z/VSE disk manager facility. |
Parameter | Description |
RAITASG=YES specifies that the Adabas Recovery Aid (ADARAI) is to create z/VSE tape ASSGN statements. Such statements are sometimes not needed with a z/VSE tape manager facility. |
Parameter | Description |
SORTPGM={ sortpgm | SORT } |
Specifies the name of the external sort program to be invoked during execution of the Adabas changed-data capture utility ADACDC. The default name is SORT. |
Parameter | Description |
SYS000O={ NO | YES } |
If SYS000O=NO (the default) is specified, the ADARUN statements are read normally. If SYS000O=YES is specified, Adabas determines the correct DTF for opening, depending on where SYS000 is assigned, as follows: Medium - SYS000 DTF Type Card DTFCD Disk DTFSD Tape DTFMT |
Parameter | Description |
TAPEDEV=devtype |
Specifies the tape device type on which sequential files are written (see notes 1 and 2). |
Parameter | Description |
Indicates that a z/VSE tape manager such as DYNAM/T is active. If TAPEMAN=YES is specified, TAPEDEV or TAPESYS must also be specified. |
Parameter | Description |
TAPESYS=sysnum |
When a tape manager such as DYNAM/T is present, this parameter is used to specify the programmer logical unit (LUB). The specified value, which can be any value from 000 to 255, determines the tape device type for the sequential file (see note). There is no default value. |
Adabas requires device type information when opening files.
However, there may be situations where the device cannot be determined before
the open without additional operations; for example, when a z/VSE Disk Space
Manager or Tape Manager is active, or when using VSAM/SAM sequential files.
Adabas also determines the block size to be used for sequential I/O areas by
device type.
Parameter | Description |
TAPETYP=text |
This parameter is for information only, and is processed as a comment. The value text can be up to 16 bytes long. |
Parameter | Description |
VSAMDEV=devtype |
Specifies the disk device type on which VSAM/SAM space is to be allocated (see notes 1 and 2). |
Parameter | Description |
Specifies whether sequential files are to be under the control of VSAM/SAM software. If VSAMSEQ=YES is specified, either VSAMDEV or VSAMSYS must also be specified. |
Parameter | Description |
VSAMSYS=sysnum |
Specifies the programmer logical unit (LUB). The specified value, which can from 000 to 255, determines the device type for the sequential file written to VSAM/SAM space (see note). There is no default value. |
Adabas requires device type information when opening files.
However, there may be situations where the device cannot be determined before
the open without additional operations; for example, when a z/VSE Disk Space
Manager or Tape Manager is active, or when using VSAM/SAM sequential files.
Adabas also determines the block size to be used for sequential I/O areas by
device type.
Three additional parameters are also available but are used only for internal control and should not be changed from their default settings unless otherwise specified by your Software AG technical support representative:
IORTRAC={NO | YES} IORTSIZ={3000 | tablesize} IORTTYP=(1... 14)(, opt1 ... opt14 ).
Sample JCS is available in ADAPROC.X
The job ADAPROC is divided into two procedures:
ADAVvLIB defining the library or libraries; and
ADAVvFIL defining the database.
Customize and catalog the two procedures before placing them back in the procedure library. The following specific items must be customized:
file IDs for the database and libraries;
volumes for libraries and database files;
space allocation for database files.
The Adabas DEMO database files include ASSO, DATA, WORK, TEMP, SORT, CLOG, and PLOG.
Follow the steps outlined below to install a new Adabas database under z/VSE.
Sample JCS is available in ADAFRM.X
Customize and run the ADAFRM utility job to format the DEMO database areas. The following specific items must be customized:
the Adabas SVC number, the database ID, and database device type(s);
sizes of the data sets for each ADAFRM statement.
Sample JCS is available in ADADEF.X
Customize and run the ADADEF utility job to define the global definition of the database. The following items must be customized:
the Adabas SVC number, the database ID, and database device type(s);
ADADEF parameters.
Sample JCS is available in ADALODE.X, ADALODV.X, ADALODM.X, and
Customize and run the job
ADALODE to load the sample demo file EMPL;
ADALODV to load the sample demo file VEHI;
ADALODM to load the sample demo file MISC; and
ADALODP to load the sample demo file PERS and its associated LOB demo file, PERL.
The Personnel demo file must be installed on a UES-enabled
database because it includes wide-character format (W) fields.
For each job, the following items must be customized:
the Adabas SVC number, the database ID, and database device type(s);
ADALOD parameters.
The product license file is supplied on the individual customer installation tape or separately via an e-mail attachment. If the license file is provided on an installation tape, you can follow the instructions in this step to install the license file. If the license file is supplied via an e-mail attachment, you must first transfer the license to z/VSE, as described in Transferring a License File from PC to a z/VSE Host Using FTP and then you can install it, as described in this step.
In z/VSE environments, the product license file can be installed either as a load module or as a library member.
To install the product license file as a module, complete the following steps:
Verify that the license file is stored in an Adabas source library or sequential data set (with RECFM=F or FB and LRECL=80), taking care to preserve its format as ASCII.
If you loaded your Adabas license file to a library, review and modify sample JCS job ASMLICAL.X, adjusting the library and volume specifications as appropriate for your site. If you loaded your Adabas license file to a data set, use sample ASMLICAV.X instead.
In sample jobs ASMLICAL.X and ASMLICAV.X, the standard label
area is assumed to contain label information for library USERLIB. You can
change this as appropriate for your library.
Submit modified sample job ASMLICAL.X or ASMLICAV.X.
These sample jobs generate your Adabas license in ADALIC.PHASE. They assume that ADALIC.PHASE will be in a user sublibrary. If a user sublibrary is chosen for ADALIC.PHASE, this sublibrary must be included in the LIBDEF search chain in your Adabas nucleus startup JCS. You may find it more convenient to place ADALIC.PHASE directly into the Adabas ADAvrs sublibrary, to avoid the need to define additional libraries. During initial testing, Software AG recommends using a user sublibrary.
To install the product license file as a library member, complete the following steps:
Verify that the license file is stored in an Adabas source library (with RECFM=F or FB and LRECL=80), taking care to preserve its format as ASCII.
Make sure any previously created ADALIC load module is inaccessible in the Adabas load library being used by the nucleus jobs. Adabas first tries to load ADALIC and if unsuccessful it reads from DDLIC.
Provide all Adabas nucleus startup jobs with a DLBL statement in the following format:
// DLBL DDLIC,'/libname/sublb/memname.memtype'
where libname is the Librarian name of the library, sublib is the name of the sublibrary, memname is the license member name, and memtype is the license member type.
To install the product license file as a sequential data set, complete the following steps:
Verify that the license file is stored in a sequential file (with RECFM=F or FB and LRECL=80), taking care to preserve its format as ASCII.
Make sure any previously created ADALIC load module is inaccessible in the Adabas load library being used by the nucleus jobs. Adabas first tries to load ADALIC and, if unsuccessful, it reads from DDLIC.
Provide all Adabas nucleus startup jobs with DLBL, EXTENT and ASSGN statements in the following format:
// DLBL DDLIC,'adabas.license.file' // EXTENT SYSnnn // ASSGN SYSnnn,DISK,VOL=volser,SHR
where adabas.license.file is the physical file name, nnn is an unused logical unit, and volser is the volume serial on which the license file resides.
Sample JCS is available in ADANUC.X.
Customize and run the job ADANUC to start up the Adabas nucleus. The following items must be customized:
The Adabas SVC number, the database ID, and device type(s);
Be sure to include appropriate LIBDEF references for user
sublibraries, especially the library containing the ADALIC license file. The
licensing component MLCvrs must also be added to the
LIBDEF SEARCH chain for load modules. These additional sublibraries can be
added via the ADAVvFIL procedure, as
ADANUC parameters.
Sample JCS is available in ADAREP.X.
Customize and run the job ADAREP in MULTI mode with the CPLIST parameter to test Adabas partition communications. The following items must be customized:
the Adabas SVC number, the database ID, and device type(s);
ADAREP parameters.
Sample JCS is available in ADAINPL.X. Read
Installing the AOS Demo
Version and, if necessary, the installation section of the Adabas
Online System documentation.
Customize and run the job ADAINPL to load the Adabas Online System into a Natural system file. A Natural file must first be created, requiring an INPL input file (see the Natural installation instructions). The following items must be customized:
the Adabas SVC number, the database ID, and device type(s);
the Natural INPL parameters and system file number.
Communicate with the Adabas nucleus (MSG Fn) to terminate the session by entering the Adabas operator command ADAEND into the Adabas nucleus partition.
Customize and run the ADASAV utility job to back up the Version sample database. The following items must be customized:
the Adabas SVC number, the database ID, and device type(s);
ADASAV parameters.
Optionally customize and run the DEFAULTS job to set the ADARUN defaults using the MSHP utility and to relink ADARUN. The following items may be customized:
SVC number;
database ID;
device type(s).
Refer to the section Installing Adabas With TP Monitors for the TP link routine procedure.
Use the ADACNV utility to migrate existing databases to new releases of Adabas. See the Adabas Utilities documentation for more information.
This section describes the Adabas logical unit requirements.
Logical Unit | File | Storage Medium |
SYSLST | Printer | |
SYS000 | CARD | Tape / Disk |
SYSRDR | CARD | Reader |
Logical Unit | File | Storage Medium |
SYS009 | DRUCK | Printer |
SYSIPT | KARTE | Reader |
Logical Unit | File | Storage Medium |
SYSLST | Printer | |
SYSRDR | CARD | Reader |
The highest logical unit used is SYS038 for the ADASAV utility. The programmer logical units default is described in the section Device and File Considerations. The system programmer should review these requirements to ensure that there are enough programmer logical units to run the desired utilities in the desired partitions.
Adabas provides a job exit to perform two different functions:
Librarian input override processing
The exit scans a job stream for Librarian input override statements. These statements indicate that card input (ADARUN CARD or utility KARTE statements) for a job step is to come from Librarian members rather than from SYSRDR or SYSIPT.
ADARAI JCS capture processing
The exit captures JCS before it is modified by tape or disk management systems for later use by ADARAI.
You can set the job exit to perform either function or both. By default, the job exit performs Librarian input override processing.
This section covers the following topics:
The job exit can be installed during ASI processing or at any time afterward. It is installed in two steps:
to install the job exit:
Install programs SAGJBXT and SAGIPT in the SVA.
Run program SAGINST to initiate job exit processing.
You can include SAGJBXT in the $JOBEXIT list of eligible exits, but you must still place SAGIPT in the SVA and run SAGINST to allocate the required table(s).
SAGIPT runs above the 16-megabyte line if an appropriate 31-bit PSIZE is available. In addition, the table that stores information from input-override statements and/or the table that stores JCS for ADARAI use is placed in 31-bit GETVIS, if available.
SAGINST reads an input parameter that tells it whether to install the Librarian input override processing, ADARAI JCS capture processing, or both. The following parameter values are valid:
PARM=ADALIB (the default) installs Librarian input override processing PARM=ADARAI installs ADARAI JCS capture processing
The following sample job control initializes the job exit:
Sample JCS to initialize the job exit is available in member
where vrs is the Adabas version.
If Librarian input override processing is specified, the job exit scans a job stream for input override statements indicating that card input (ADARUN CARD or utility KARTE statements) for a job step is to come from Librarian members rather than from SYSRDR or SYSIPT. By default, the exit can store a maximum of 2000 input override cards simultaneously throughout the system. Adabas uses this facility when processing CARD and KARTE parameters.
Enable Librarian input override processing by adding * SAGUSER control statements to the job control stream between the // JOB and // EXEC statements.
A * SAGUSER statement can have three keyword parameters: FILE, LIBRARY, and MEMBER.
Keyword Syntax | Description |
The file to be read from a Librarian member. Specify “CARD” for ADARUN statements, or “KARTE” for utility statements. |
LIBRARY={ library.sublibrary | libdef.source } |
The library and sublibrary to be searched. If omitted, the current libdef.source chain is used. |
MEMBER=name [,{ type | A } ] |
The member name and optionally the type to be read. If type is omitted, “A” is assumed. |
The following is an example of a * SAGUSER control statement that specifies an alternate job exit member:
In the example above, Adabas searches the current libdef.source chain for member NUC151 with type A. If NUC151 is found, Adabas uses its contents as the nucleus startup parameters instead of SYSIPT.
To permit flexible startup processing, multiple SAGUSER statements may be specified for each file. In the following example, Adabas reads the input parameters first in member NUC151, then in member IGNDIB:
The following examples show the use of the LIBRARY parameter, and apply to z/VSE systems only:
In the example above, Adabas searches sublibrary TESTSRC in the SAGULIB library for member NUC151 with type A. If NUC151 is not found in sublibrary TESTSRC of library SAGULIB, no further search is made. The DLBL and EXTENT information for the SAGULIB library must be available.
In the example above, Adabas searches sublibrary TESTSRC in the SAGULIB library at nucleus initialization for member NUC151 with type ADARUN. The library member types PROC, OBJ, PHASE, and DUMP are not permitted.
Specify JOBEXIT=YES to allow Adabas to use SAGUSER statements in the job stream and recatalog the Adabas options table (ADAOPD).
Once the job exit utility has been installed for ADARAI, all utilities that write information to the RLOG automatically obtain file information from the ADARAI table that the job exit maintains. Manual intervention is not required.
The job exit requires from 84 to 298 kilobytes (KB) of SVA storage, depending on whether the Librarian input override interface and/or the ADARAI JCS interface is installed. Of that total,
2 kilobytes are used for program storage (PSIZE);
82-kilobyte GETVIS for Librarian input override storage; and
214-kilobyte GETVIS for ADARAI JCS storage.
When running in z/VSE on z/VSE hardware, all of the GETVIS and 1 kilobyte of the PSIZE can be run above the 16-megabyte line.
You have the option of displaying, printing, or preventing these messages by specifying the JBXEMSG and JBXIMSG parameters in the Adabas options table.
After the job exit is installed, you can produce dumps of the two tables for diagnostic purposes. Executing SAGINST with the ADASIP UPSI statement:
UPSI 10000000 produces a dump of the Librarian input override table;
UPSI 01000000 produces a dump of the ADARAI JCS table.
If the size of these two tables needs to be changed for any reason, SAGIPT may be zapped before being loaded into the SDL:
The Librarian input override table size may be changed from the default of X‘00014874' (84,084 bytes) to an appropriate value by zapping location X‘18'. When altering the SAGIPT.OBJ module, ESDID=002 is required on the MSHP AFFECTS statement.
The ADARAI JCS table size may be changed from the default of X‘000355D6' to an appropriate value by zapping location X‘0C'.
Each element in the Librarian input override table is 42 bytes in length. The default table size assumes 10 SAGUSER statements per file name, 10 file names, and 20 partitions, plus two extra unused entries. This number is an estimate of maximum concurrent residency; each statement is removed from the table after it is used.
Each element in the ADARAI JCS table is 91 bytes in length. The default table size accommodates 2400 entries with each DLBL, TLBL, or EXTENT statement requiring an entry in the table. Whenever a JOB statement is encountered, all entries for that partition (task ID) are cleared from the table.
The SYSTEM GETVIS is used to acquire storage for the ID table (IDT). This storage is acquired using the ADASIP at SVC installation time. The size of storage in the SYSTEM GETVIS depends on the number of IDT entries specified using ADASIP. The default number of IDT entries (IDTEs) is 10. The size can be calculated as follows:
SIZE (in bytes) =1024 (IDT prefix) + 96 (IDT header) + (32 x number of IDTEs) = 1024 + 96 + (32 x 10) = 1024 + 96 + 320 = 1440 bytes
Also, additional SYSTEM GETVIS storage is acquired. This storage permits users to communicate from multiple address spaces when Adabas is not running in a shared partition. In this case, the following formula is used to calculate SYSTEM GETVIS:
SIZE (in bytes) = 192 (CQ header) + (192 x NC value) + (4352 x NAB value)
It may be necessary to increase the SVA size to meet these requirements. To do so, change the SVA operand in the appropriate $IPLxxx procedure, then re-IPL.
By default, the SYSTEM GETVIS is acquired above the 16-megabyte line.
To acquire most of this space below the line, link-edit ADARUN AMODE 24.
The 31-bit SYSTEM GETVIS is used to acquire storage for the IIBS table (IIBS). This storage is acquired using the ADASIP at SVC installation time. The size of storage in the 31-bit SYSTEM GETVIS is 128K.
For each Adabas SVC installed, a number of 384-byte work areas are
reserved. The number of work areas reserved is calculated as four times the
number of IDTEs (4 x IDTE-count
). The
maximum number of work areas allocated is 128; the minimum is 24. The SVC work
areas therefore occupy between 9K and 48K of storage. The default value of 10
IDTEs results in 15K of SYSTEM GETVIS being allocated.
Specifying // UPSI
the ADASIP execution (see UPSI byte description in
ADASIP Execution
Parameters, earlier in this guide,) will
generate allocation messages on the system console, showing the total 24-bit
GETVIS and 31-bit GETVIS storage allocated by Adabas:
ADASIP85 GETVIS-24 storage allocated: nnnK ADASIP85 GETVIS-31 storage allocated: nnnK
In order for an Adabas nucleus to accept calls from other partitions, storage is acquired in the SVA GETVIS area for any required attached buffers. The buffers hold data moved between the nucleus and users in other partitions.
If the file is not needed, it can be unassigned or assigned IGN such as the following:
To perform backward processing of tapes or cartridges, file positioning must occur before the file is opened. This can only be done when an assignment is made for the file. When performing the ADARES BACKOUT utility function, the // ASSGN ... for file BACK must be done explicitly.
No tape management system can be used, because such systems perform the assign operation when the file is opened; the LUB and PUB remain unassigned until this occurs.
The jobs described in this section can be used to permanently change defaults and apply corrections (zaps) to the libraries in the supported z/VSE systems.
Two methods are used in z/VSE for applying corrective fixes to Adabas:
the MSHP PATCH facility requires no definition of Adabas as a product/component on the MSHP history file. This method only alters phases. If the phase is relinked, the zap is lost.
the MSHP CORRECT facility requires the definition of Adabas as a product/component using MSHP ARCHIVE.
Software AG distributes Adabas zaps to z/VSE users in MSHP CORRECT format and therefore recommends that you use MSHP CORRECT.
A sample job for applying a fix to Adabas using MSHP PATCH is as follows:
This sample job is available in member MSHPPAT.X.
// JOB PATCH APPLY PATCH TO ADABAS // OPTION LOG // EXEC PROC=ADAVvLIB // EXEC MSHP PATCH SUBLIB=saglib.ADAvrs AFFECTS PHASE=phasenam ALTER offset vvvv : rrrr /* /& where vrs is the Adabas version saglib is the Adabas library name in procedure ADAVvFIL phasenam is the Adabas phase to be zapped offset is the hexadecimal offset into the phase vvvv is the verify data for the zap rrrr is the replace data for the zap
For new users or users with no requirement to maintain multiple versions of Adabas, the following sample job can be used to define Adabas to MSHP.
This job uses the history file identified by the IJSYSHF label in
the z/VSE standard label area.
This sample JCL is available in member MSHPARC.X.
// JOB ARCHIVE ARCHIVE ADABAS // OPTION LOG // EXEC PROC=ADAVvLIB // EXEC MSHP ARCHIVE ADAvrs COMPRISES 9001-ADA-00 RESOLVES 'SOFTWARE AG - ADABAS Vv.r' ARCHIVE 9001-ADA-00-vrs RESIDENCE PRODUCT=ADAvrs - PRODUCTION=saglib.ADAvrs - GENERATION=saglib.ADAvrs /* /& —where vrs is the Adabas version saglib is the Adabas library name in procedure ADAVvFIL
A different MSHP history file must be used for each version and revision level of Adabas to which maintenance is applied.
To preserve the MSHP environment of an older version level of Adabas during an upgrade to a new version, it is necessary to create an additional MSHP history file for use by the new version.
The following sample MSHP job can be used to create an additional history file for a new version of Adabas and define Adabas to it.
This sample JCL is available in member MSHPDEF.X.
// JOB ARCHIVE DEFINE HISTORY AND ARCHIVE ADABAS // OPTION LOG // EXEC PROC=ADAVvLIB // ASSGN SYS020,DISK,VOL=volhis,SHR // EXEC MSHP CREATE HISTORY SYSTEM DEFINE HISTORY SYSTEM EXTENT=start:numtrks - UNIT=SYS020 - ID='' ARCHIVE ADAvrs COMPRISES 9001-ADA-00 RESOLVES 'SOFTWARE AG - ADABAS Vv.r' ARCHIVE 9001-ADA-00-vrs RESIDENCE PRODUCT=ADAvrs - PRODUCTION=saglib.ADAvrs - GENERATION=saglib.ADAvrs /* /& —where vrs is the Adabas version volhis is the volume on which the Adabas Vvr history file resides start is the start of the extent on which the Adabas Vvr history file resides numtrks is the length of the extent on which the Adabas Vvr history file resides is the physical name of the Adabas Vvr history file saglib is the Adabas library name in procedure ADAVvFIL
Once migration to the new version is complete, you can either
continue to use the new history file to apply subsequent fixes; or
delete the old version of Adabas from MSHP and merge the new version into the standard MSHP history file.
Before running any MSHP REMOVE or MERGE jobs, back up your MSHP
environment by running MSHP BACKUP HISTORY jobs against all MSHP history
A sample MSHP job to remove an old version of Adabas is provided below.
This sample JCL is available in member MSHPREM.X.
A sample MSHP job to merge an additional history file for Adabas into the standard MSHP history file is provided below.
This sample JCL is available in member MSHPMER.X.
// JOB MERGE MERGE SEPARATE ADABAS INTO STANDARD HISTORY // OPTION LOG // PAUSE ENSURE MSHP HISTORY FILE BACKUPS HAVE BEEN TAKEN // ASSGN SYS020,DISK,VOL=volhis,SHR // EXEC MSHP MERGE HISTORY AUX SYSTEM DEFINE HISTORY AUX EXTENT=start:numtrks - UNIT=SYS020 - ID='' /* /& —where volhis is the volume on which the Adabas Vvr history file resides start is the start of the extent on which the Adabas Vvr history file resides numtrks is the length of the extent on which the Adabas Vvr history file resides is the physical name of the Adabas Vvr history file
The MSHP CORRECT and UNDO jobs use the history file identified by label IJSYSHF in the z/VSE standard label area. If Adabas is maintained from a different MSHP history file, include the following label information in the CORRECT or UNDO job:
// DLBL IJSYSHF,'' // EXTENT SYSnnn // ASSGN SYSnnn,DISK,VOL=volhis,SHR —where volhis is the volume on which the Adabas Vvr history file resides nnn is the user-defined SYS number is the physical name of the Adabas Vvr history file
A sample of the use of MSHP CORRECT to install a fix to Adabas is provided below.
This sample JCL is available in member MSHPCOR.X.
// JOB CORRECT APPLY ADABAS FIX // OPTION LOG // EXEC PROC=ADAVvLIB // EXEC MSHP CORRECT 9001-ADA-00-vrs : Axnnnnn AFFECTS MODE=modname ALTER offset vvvv : rrrr INVOLVES LINK=lnkname /* /& —where vrs is the Adabas version x is the Adabas component (for example, N for nucleus) nnnnn is the Adabas fix number modname is the Adabas object module to be zapped and then relinked offset is the hexadecimal offset to the beginning of the zap vvvv is the verify data for the zap rrrr is the replace data for the zap lnkname is the link book for the phase affected
The CORRECT job updates object and phase in a single job step using the link book feature of MSHP. The INVOLVES LINK= statement automatically invokes the linkage editor after the object module is updated.
For a zap applied with the INVOLVES LINK= statement, the following UNDO can be used to remove the fix from both object module and phase:
This sample JCL is available in member MSHPUND.X.
// EXEC MSHP UNDO 9001-ADA-00-vrs : Axnnnnn /*
where vrs is the Adabas version, x is the Adabas component (for example, N for nucleus), and nnnnn is the Adabas fix number.
Adabas provides a link book containing parameters for invoking the linkage editor for each Adabas phase. The name of each link book begins with "LNK" and the member type is "OBJ".
No link book is provided for module ADAOPD or for any other programs distributed in source form. Programs distributed in source form continue to be modified using assembly and link jobs.
If you choose not to take advantage of the link book facility, remove the INVOLVES LINK= statement from any zap before applying it. You can then run the linkage editor step to recreate the phase separately, as before.
This may be done to link a temporary version of a phase into a separate sublibrary for testing purposes. However, it is also possible to maintain a separate test version of Adabas modules by defining an additional z/VSE system history file. See Maintaining a Separate Test Environment in z/VSE.
If you use the link book facility and require a non-standard SVC suffix (for example, if you relink the Adabas 8 SVC to phase ADASVC11), you must remember to update the link book for the SVC (LNKSVC.OBJ) to reflect the new phase name.
The link book provided for ADASVC81 is LNKSVC.OBJ. It contains the following:
To set up an SVC with suffix -11, you would need to update the link book as follows:
// DLBL SAGLIB,'adabas.Vvrs.library' // EXTENT SYS010 // ASSGN SYS010,DISK,VOL=volser,SHR // EXEC LIBR ACCESS SUBLIB=SAGLIB.ADAvrs CATALOG LNKSVC.OBJ REPLACE=YES PHASE ADASVC11,*,NOAUTO,SVA MODE AMODE(31),RMODE(24) INCLUDE SVCVSE INCLUDE SVCCLU ENTRY ADASVC /+ /* —where vrs is the Adabas version adabas.Vvrs.library is the physical name of the Adabas vrs library volser is the volume on which the library resides
If you use the link book facility and require AMODE 24 versions of any modules linked by default as AMODE 31 (ADARUN, ADASVC74), you must update the corresponding link book (LNKRUN.OBJ, LNKSVC.OBJ) to remove the MODE statement.
This link book update can be made using a method similar to that described in the previous section for the SVC suffix update.
A pre-command user exit and a post-command user exit may be linked with an Adalink routine:
Link routine user exit 1, LUEXIT1, receives control before a command is passed to a target with the router 04 call.
Special commands emanating from utilities and from Adabas Online
System are marked as physical calls. These calls must be bypassed in user
exits. These calls have X‘04' in the first byte (TYPE field) of the command's
Adabas control block (ACBX). LUEXIT1 must check this byte and return if it is
set to X‘04'. Be sure to reset R15 to zero on return.
Link routine user exit 2, LUEXIT2, receives control after a command has been completely processed by a target, the router, or by the Adalink itself.
At entry to the exit(s), the registers contain the following:
Register | Contents |
1 | Address of the UB.
If the flag bit UBFINUB is reset, the contents of the halfword at Adabas + X'86' have been moved to UBLUINFO. If those contents are greater than zero, the two bytes starting at UBINFO (UB+X'40') have been set to zero. If UBFINUB is set, no changes can be made to the UB or ACB (except for ACBRSP). |
2 | Address of an 18-word format 1 register save area |
13 | For CICS, on entry to the link user exit, R13
points to the CICS DFHEISTG work area at xxxxxxxxx.
For batch/TSO, R13 points to the link routine's work area. |
14 | Return address |
15 | Entry point address: LUEXIT1 or LUEXIT2 |
Any registers except register 15 that are modified by the user exits must be saved and restored; the address of a save area for this purpose is in register 13.
If at return from LUEXIT1, register 15 contains a value other than zero (0), the command is not sent to the target but is returned to the caller. The user exit should have set ACBXRSP to a non-zero value to indicate to the calling program that it has suppressed the command: response code 216 (ADARSP216) is reserved for this purpose.
The LUEXIT1 exit may set the UB field UBLUINFO to any lesser value, including zero; an abend occurs if the user exit sets UBLUINFO to a greater value. The UBLUINFO length cannot be changed when any other exit is used.
The user information received by a LUEXIT2 exit may have been modified; this modification may include decreasing its length, possibly to zero, by any of the Adalink user exits.
An Adalink routine can return the following non-zero response codes in ACBXRSP:
Response Code | Description |
213 (ADARSP213) | No ID table |
216 (ADARSP216) | LUEXIT1 suppressed the command |
218 (ADARSP218) | No UB available |
The Adabas 8 standard batch ADALNK is delivered with UES (Universal Encoding Support). The LNKUES module, as well as the modules ASC2EBC and EBC2ASC, are linked into the standard batch ADALNK. LNKUES converts data in the Adabas buffers and byte-swaps, if necessary, depending on the data architecture of the caller.
LNKUES is called only on ADALNK request (X'1C') and reply (X'20') calls if the first byte of the communication ID contains X'01' and the second byte does not have the EBCDIC (X'04') bit set.
For requests, LNKUES receives control before LUEXIT1.
For replies, LNKUES receives control after LUEXIT2.
By default, two translation tables are linked into LNKUES/ADALNK:
ASC2EBC: ASCII to EBCDIC translation; and
EBC2ASC: EBCDIC to ASCII translation.
It should only be necessary to modify these translation tables in
the rare case that some country-specific character other than "A-Z a-z 0-9"
must be used in the Additions 1 (user ID) or Additions 3 field of the control
If you prefer to use the same translation tables that are used in Entire Net-Work:
In ASC2EBC and EBC2ASC, change the COPY statements from UES2ASC and UES2EBC to NW2ASC and NW2EBC, respectively.
Re-assemble the translation tables and re-link LNKUES/ADALNK.
Both the Adabas and Entire Net-Work translation table pairs are provided in the section Translation Tables. You may want to modify the translation tables or create your own translation table pair. Be sure to (re)assemble the translation tables and (re)link LNKUES/ADALNK.
The following is a sample job for (re)linking ADALNK with LNKUES and the translation tables:
The (re)linked ADALNK must be made available to Entire Net-Work. If you are calling Adabas 8 and you do not have the correct LNKUES/ADALNK module, Adabas produces unexpected results: response code 022 (ADARSP022), 253 (ADARSP253), etc.
ADAUSER is a program that links the user to Adabas. It is specific to an operating system and is independent of release level and mode. It can be used in batch and in some TP environments.
ADAUSER contains the entry point ADABAS and should be linked with all user programs that call Adabas. No other programs containing the CSECT or entry point name ADABAS can be linked in these load phases.
On the first Adabas call, ADAUSER (CDLOAD) loads the latest version of ADARUN. This makes the calling process release-independent. Subsequent Adabas calls bypass ADARUN.
ADARUN processes its control statements. For the ADARUN setting
PROGRAM=USER (the default), ADARUN
loads the non-reentrant Adalink modules. To load a reentrant batch link
routine, use the ADARUN parameter PROGRAM=RENTUSER
. This
makes the calling process mode-independent.
The member DEFAULTS.X is available for setting the ADARUN defaults.
DEFAULTS.X uses MSHP CORRECT to install the fix.
Default Name | Current Value |
Device type | 3390 |
SVC number | 45 |
Database ID | 1 |