Version 8.2.3
 —  Command Reference  —

Syntax Conventions

This document describes the syntax conventions used in this documentation for direct calls, buffer descriptions, and buffer specifications. Notation specific to a particular buffer is introduced in the discussion of that area later in this section.

Convention Identifies... Description Example
uppercase, bold an Adabas keyword Syntax elements appearing in uppercase and bold font are Adabas keywords. When specified, these keywords must be entered exactly as shown.
field NC

The syntax element NC is an Adabas keyword.

lowercase, italic, normal font a variable Syntax elements appearing in lowercase and normal, italic font identify items that you must supply.
field i[-j]

The syntax elements field, i, and j are variables. They identify a value you must supply.

vertical bars (|)   Vertical bars are used to separate mutually exclusive choices.

In more complex syntax involving the use of large brackets or braces, mutually exclusive choices are stacked instead.

a | b

In the example above, you must select between "a" or "b". There are no defaults.

brackets ([ ]) optional elements or choices Brackets are used to identify optional elements. When multiple elements are stacked or separated by vertical bars within brackets, only one of the elements may be supplied.
field [, length]

In this example, the length parameter is optional.

braces ({ }) required elements or choices Braces are used to identify required elements. When multiple elements are stacked or separated by vertical bars within braces, one and only one of the elements must be supplied.
{C | S}

In this example, either "C" or "S" must be specified.

indentation subparameters Indentation is used to identify subparameters of a parameter.  
ellipsis (...) repeated elements Ellipses are used to identify elements that can be repeated. If the term preceding the ellipsis is an expression enclosed in square brackets or braces, the ellipsis applies to the entire bracketed expression.
[FIELD='field-name [, option]...']...

In this example, the FIELD parameter can be repeated. In addition, more than one option can be associated with a field.

b... blank The italicized, lowercase letter b, when used singly or in groups (such as bbbbbbbb) indicates a blank or a series of blanks. Each b represents one blank. If the value "ISNbbbbb" is specified in this field, it indicates that the ISN values are to be used as the sorting sequence (bbbbb represent blanks).
other punctuation and symbols required punctuation All other punctuation and symbols must be entered exactly as shown.
fmtsel redfmt.

In this example, the period is required.

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