Version 8.2.3
 —  Command Reference  —

ACBX Examples

Two sample COBOL programs are provided to illustrate how to make Adabas ACBX direct calls:

The source modules for both programs should be compiled using the Enterprise COBOL compiler Version 3 Release 3 or later.

These programs are provided "as is" and will not be supported by Software AG.

This document describes examples of direct calls using the ACBX interface.

COBADA8: Batch/TSO Example

COBADA8 is a COBOL program you could run in a batch/TSO environment. Its source can be found in the COBADA8 member of the ADAvrs.MVSSRCE library.

Before compiling COBADA8, review the source, especially the comments so the proper database ID and file number are used in the WORK-DBID and WORK-FNR fields defined in the WORKING-STORAGE section of the program.

COBADA8 should be link-edited with the ADAUSER load module in which case the CALL statement should use the literal "ADABAS" as the program being invoked.

If COBADA8 is compiled and link-edited as a reentrant module, use the LNK-NAME field in the CALL statement and supply a value of "ADAUSER" on the LINK-NAME definition in WORKING-STORAGE.

The IBM cataloged procedures IGYWC, IGYWCL or IGYWCLG may be used to compile, compile and link or compile, link and execute the COBADA8 program. Consult the appropriate IBM documentation for information on compiling, linking and executing an Enterprise COBOL module. Your installation may have standards for these procedures or different JCL procedures for compiling, linking and executing an Enterprise COBOL module.

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COBACI8 is a COBOL program you could run under CICS/TS. Its source can be found in the COBACI8 member of the ACIvrs.MVSSRCE library.

Before compiling COBACI8, review the source member and provide the proper values for WORK-DBID and WORK-FNR in the WORKING-STORAGE section. In addition, supply the proper value for the LINK-NAME field to name the Adabas Version 8 CICS application stub that should be the object of the EXEC CICS LINK command used to invoke Adabas CICS services. This name should match the name provided in the Adabas CICS globals table, keyword ENTPT, used in the CICS region where COBACI8 is to be executed.

The COBACI8 program is intended to be compiled with the built-in CICS pre-processor support provided by the Enterprise COBOL compiler. After compiling and linking the source module with the appropriate cataloged procedure or JCL, the module COBACI8 and a transaction to execute it must be defined to CICS using RDO or the CEDA facility. The COBACI8 module uses the CICS COMMAREA to communicate with the Adabas Version 8 CICS application stub. It is not necessary to define a CICS TWA (Transaction Work Area) to execute the COBACI8 with a CICS transaction.

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