Administration Version 6.2.1
 —  Reference  —


This document covers the following topics:

Syntax Conventions

The following table describes the conventions used in syntax diagrams of Entire Net-Work statements.

Convention Description Example
uppercase, bold Syntax elements appearing in uppercase and bold font are keywords. When specified, these keywords must be entered exactly as shown.


The syntax elements DRIVER, TCPI, and DRVCHAR are Entire Net-Work keywords.

lowercase, italic, normal font Syntax elements appearing in lowercase and normal, italic font identify items that you must supply.


The syntax element driver-char identifies and describes the kind of value you must supply. In this instance, you must supply the special character used to designate that an operator command is directed to the TCP/IP line driver, rather than to a specific link.


Underlining is used for two purposes:

  1. To identify default values, wherever appropriate. Otherwise, the defaults are explained in the accompanying parameter descriptions.

  2. To identify the short form of a keyword.


In the example above, # is the default that will be used for the DRVCHAR parameter if no other record buffer length is specified.

Also in the example above, the short version of the DRVCHAR parameter is D.

vertical bars (|) Vertical bars are used to separate mutually exclusive choices.

In more complex syntax involving the use of large brackets or braces, mutually exclusive choices are stacked instead.


In the example above, you must select IBM, HPS, BS2, CMS, CNS, FUJ, ILK, or OES for the API parameter. There are no defaults.

brackets ([ ]) Brackets are used to identify optional elements. When multiple elements are stacked or separated by vertical bars within brackets, only one of the elements may be supplied.


In this example, the DRVCHAR parameter is optional.

braces ({ }) Braces are used to identify required elements. When multiple elements are stacked or separated by vertical bars within braces, one and only one of the elements must be supplied.


In this example, one of the following values is required for the API parameter: IBM, HPS, BS2, CMS, CNS, FUJ, ILK, or OES.

other punctuation and symbols All other punctuation and symbols must be entered exactly as shown.


In this example, the periods must be specified in the IP address.

In addition, options must be separated by commas and dashes should be used as needed to indicate that parameter settings continue on the next line.

Syntax Rules

The following rules apply when specifying Entire Net-Work parameter statements:

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