Administration Version 6.2.1
 —  Administration  —

Model Links

The Simple Connection Line Driver supports dynamically added links, thus reducing the time required to set up and maintain the TCPX LINK statements. Model links can be coded and used to define new links as they are added.

The Simple Connection Line Driver is permitted to add links dynamically if ACCEPTUI=Y is coded on the DRIVER statement. A new link block is created and is used to control all further communications on the link. The link block can be initialized with default values that will be applied to each new link. Alternatively, one or more model links can be defined to override the values contained in the link block.

The model link statement is identical to other LINK statements, except that the link name begins with the characters 'MODEL'. Most of the model link parameters, such as PSTATS and RSTATS, are copied into the dynamically built link block. Some parameters, such as INETADDR, are not copied because they are truly link-specific.

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