Administration Version 6.2.1
 —  Entire Net-Work Messages and Codes  —

NETNL* -- Licensing Messages

NETNL0: Error opening license file (DDLIC)

An error occurred opening the license file specified by the DDLIC statement.


Omit the DDLIC statement and use the load module method of licensing instead.

NETNL1: License file size exceeds limit

The license being read is larger than expected (8000 bytes).


Verify that you are using the original license file obtained from Software AG.

NETNL2: Error reading license file

An empty file or invalid record structure was detected.


Verify that the license file has been copied correctly to the license data set. The file should not be empty and the data should not have been converted to EBCDIC (it should be in ASCII format).

NETNL3: Error license function fx subfunction sfx returned err

An unexpected error occurred while performing the Entire Net-Work license check.. The license function (fx), subfunction (sfx) and return code (err) are given in the message.


Examine the Adabas nucleus JCL and verify that the Adabas license is available as load module NETLIC or is assigned with the link (DD) name DDLIC.

NETNL4: License module could not be loaded

The license processor module could not be loaded.


Verify that the modules from the MLCvrs load library can be loaded by the Adabas nucleus.

NETNL6: License check failed

The license file is physically correct, but some license property was found that did not match your Adabas nucleus execution environment. This is a final message, accompanied by another message specifying details of the failure. The Adabas nucleus is started.


Contact your Software AG sales representative to resolve the discrepancy between your license file and your execution environment.

NETNL7: License check completed

The license check completed successfully and the Adabas nucleus is started.


No action is required for this informational message.

NETNL9: NETLIC license could not be loaded

The NETLIC license module could not be loaded.


Verify that the installation of the license file occurred correctly. For more information, read about the Adabas database installation steps for your operating environment. If problems persist, contact your Software AG technical support representative for assistance.

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