Administration Version 6.2.1
 —  Application Programming  —

Programmable Command Interface

The Entire Net-Work Programmable Command Interface (PCI) is a callable interface that allows application programs to issue Entire Net-Work operator commands and process results from the commands.

This section covers the following topics:

NODE Statement Parameters

The PCI is controlled using the following NODE statement parameters (for more information, see the section Entire Net-Work NODE Statement):

Parameter Function
ENDCMD Controls whether operator commands such as NETEND that end Entire Net-Work operation are accepted through the PCI.
LOGSIZE Specifies the size of a wrap-around buffer used to contain the most recent output written to DDPRINT.
PASSWORD Enables or disables the Entire Net-Work PCI.
REMCMD Controls the acceptance of remote PCI calls.

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Calling the PCI from a 3GL Program

3GL programs use the NETPCI subroutine to communicate with the PCI. Each call must provide the following ten parameters:

Parameter Description
TARGET Target ID of the Entire Net-Work node being addressed.
PASSWORD Value specified by the PASSWORD parameter on the NODE statement.
PLEN Length of the parameter for the PCI function.
PARM Parameter for the PCI function.
LINENO Line number from the CONSOLE function.
RLEN Length of the PCI reply buffer.
RESULT PCI reply buffer.
RC PCI response code.
REASON PCI reason code.


Format: Unsigned binary, length 2.
Input: The node ID of the Entire Net-Work node to be addressed. If TARGET is set to 0 (zero), the call is presented to the local Entire Net-Work node.
Output: The node ID of the answering node. This is identical to the input value, except for the LOGON function, or when the input value is 0 (zero).


Format: Alphanumeric, length 8
Input: The password of the Entire Net-Work node addressed. This must match the password specified on the NODE statement in the Entire Net-Work parameter file DDKARTE.


Format: Alphanumeric, length 8, left justified
Input: The function to be executed by the Entire Net-Work node, i.e., LOGON, COMMAND, or CONSOLE

The following functions can be specified and are described in this section:


The LOGON function can be used by an application to verify a user-supplied password or determine an Entire Net-Work node ID for a given node name.

The return code (RC) is one of the following:

RC Meaning
0 LOGON function was successful.
22 LOGON function was rejected. REASON Indicates the cause of the rejection.
148 The node specified by either TARGET or PARM could not be reached. REASON Net-Work node that generated the response code.


The COMMAND function causes the operator command specified by PARM to be executed on the node specified by TARGET.

Output generated during command execution that would normally be written to the local system console is placed in the RESULT output parameter. Each output line is followed by X`15'.

Output generated asynchronous to command execution is not included. For example, in response to a PROBE command, RESULT may contain the following message:


The message is followed by X`15'. However, no indication of the failure or success of the probe message is returned (i.e., no message NET0135.)

The length of the response is returned in RLEN. The return code (RC) is one of the following:

RC Meaning
0 COMMAND function was successful.
22 COMMAND function was rejected. REASON Indicates the cause of the rejection.
53 Resulting output is longer than the length of RESULT, as indicated in RLEN. The length needed is returned in the parameter REASON.
148 The node specified by TARGET could not be reached. REASON contains the node ID of the Entire Net-Work node that generated the response code.


The CONSOLE function causes lines from the wrap-around log buffer to be returned in the RESULT parameter.

The return code (RC) is one of the following:

RC Meaning
0 CONSOLE function was successful and data was returned.
3 No data was returned; the NODE statement of the target node contains no LOGSIZE keyword.
22 CONSOLE function was rejected. REASON indicates the cause of the rejection.
148 The node specified by TARGET could not be reached. REASON contains the node ID of the Entire Net-Work node that generated the response code.


Format: Binary, length 2
Input: The length of data in the PARM parameter. The length must not exceed 80 characters.


Format: Alphanumeric, length 80 maximum
Input: The parameter for the PCI function, as follows:
  Function Parameter
  LOGON The node name of the Entire Net-Work node.
  COMMAND An Entire Net-Work operator command.


Format: Binary, length 4
Input: Reserved for future use. Should be set to 0 (zero).
Output: For the CONSOLE function only, the line number of the first line received in RESULT.


Format: Binary, length 2
Input: The maximum length of data that can be received in the output parameter RESULT. The maximum length is 32767. For the LOGON function, RLEN can be set to zero.
Output: The actual length of the data returned in RESULT.


Format: Alphanumeric, length must be less than 32768
Output: The response buffer for the COMMAND and CONSOLE functions.


Format: Binary, length 4
Output: The return code received from the Programmable Command Interface. For possible values, see the FUNCTION parameter. For any other value returned, see the section Entire Net-Work Codes.


Format: Binary, length 4
Output: For all return codes except 53 and 22, this parameter contains the node ID of the Entire Net-Work node that generated the return code.

For return code 53, this parameter contains the length needed to receive the result.

For return code 22, this parameter contains one of the following:

Value Meaning
0 Target Entire Net-Work node is not Version 5.7 or later.
101 Remote commands are not accepted (REMCMD=NO).
103 The PCI is disabled (no value specified for the PASSWORD parameter on the NODE statement).
Invalid password.
105 Invalid FUNCTION (the value specified is not LOGON, CONSOLE, or COMMAND).

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Sample C Program

The following C program calls the NETPCI subroutine.

/*    This program is a sample application demonstrating the use      */
/* of function 'netpci' as Programmable Command Interface for         */
/* Entire Entire Net-Work V5.7 or later. This interface allows the         */
/* programmer to 'logon' to a Net-work node, issue                    */ 
/* operator commands and receive the reply in a buffer.               */
/* Multiple output lines in the reply buffer are separated by         */
/* logical line-end X'15'. Also, a function is provided to retrieve   */
/* a wrap-around buffer that mirrors recent output to DDPRINT.        */
/*                                                                    */
/*                                                                    */
/* Programming Note:                                                  */
/*    In the data definition below, variable 'target' is initialized  */
/*    to zero.                                  */
/*                                                                    */
#include <stdio.h>
#define BEGIN (<
#define DO    (<
#define END   >)
#define NE    !=
main (int argc, char *argv(||))
void netpci(unsigned short*, /* Target ID of Entire Net-Work node    */
             char*,           /* Password from NODE statement         */
             char*,           /* Function (COMMAND, CONSOLE, or LOGON)*/
             short*,          /* Length of function parameter         */
             char*,           /* Parameter for function               */
             int*,            /* CONSOLE line number                  */
             short*,          /* Length of reply buffer ( <32768 )    */
             char*,           /* Reply buffer                         */
             int*,            /* Response code                        */
             int*);           /* Reason code                          */
void neterr(int*,int*);
unsigned short target = 0;    /* Zero denotes the local Entire Net-Work node */
                              /* See programming note above.          */
char password (|9|)   = "FIVEFOUR";
char function (|9|)   = "LOGON   ";
short int  plen       = 8;
char parm (|81|)      = "DAEFNODE";
long int   lineno     = 0;
short int  rlen       = 0;
char result (|2001|);
long int  rc, reason;
char *p, *q;
/*   Have the local Entire Net-Work forward our logon request to     */
/*   node DAEFNODE, and find out about DAEFNODE's target id.         */
if (rc NE 0)
   DO                      /* It didn't work, let's find out why */
      neterr(&rc,&reason) ;
      return rc;           /* ...and give up */
/*   Variable 'target' is now set to DAEFNODE's node-ID. Send it a   */
/*   HELP command to see what operator commands are available.       */
plen = 4;                  /* length of HELP command (excluding NULL)*/
rlen = 2000;               /* usable length of our reply buffer      */
netpci(&target,password,"COMMAND ",&plen,"HELP",
if (rc NE 0)
   DO                      /* It didn't work, let's find out why */
      neterr(&rc,&reason) ;
      return rc;           /* ...and give up */
/*   In character string 'result' we now find the help information,  */
/*   each line followed by 0x15. Note that function 'netpci' does   */
/*   not supply a NULL at the end of the result, so if we wanted     */
/*   to use C string functions against 'result', we must set         */
/*   result(|rlen|) to NULL ourselves.                               */
p = result;
for (q=p; p < &result(|rlen|); p=++q)
      while(*++q NE 0x15);          /* find end of a line */
      *q = NULL;                    /* terminate character string */
      printf("%s\n",p);             /* print a line */
/*   The error routine. Print an explanation of response code and    */
/*   reason code.                                                    */
void neterr(int* nrc,int* nreason)
char *p;
switch (*nrc)
   case 22:                         /* command rejected */
      switch (*nreason)
         case 101:
            p = "Remote commands not accepted";
         case 102:
            p = "Invalid cypher code in ACB";
         case 103:
            p = "Programmable Command Interface disabled";
         case 104:
            p = "Invalid password";
         case 105:
            p = "Invalid PCI function";
         case 106:
            p = "Invalid length of operator command";
            p = "Not an Entire Net-Work V5.7 or later node";
      printf("Command rejected: %s\n",p);
   case 53:                         /* reply buffer too short */
      printf("Reply buffer length needed is %d\n",*nreason);
      printf("Response code %d, generated on Entire Net-Work node %d\n",

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