Administration Version 6.2.1
 —  Administration  —

Connecting to Entire Net-Work 7

Using the Simple Connection Line Driver, you can connect your Entire Net-Work on open systems (Entire Net-Work 7 or later) to databases on the Simple Connection Line Driver node. This connection happens automatically when you start systems with Entire Net-Work 7 or later installed or Entire Net-Work systems with the Simple Connection Line Driver installed. The communications mechanism by which this connection occurs between Entire Net-Work 7 and the Simple Connection Line Driver is referred to as chirping. This should not be confused with the broadcast messages that Entire Net-Work sends about node availability. Broadcast messages are similar in function, but do not occur between Entire Net-Work 7 and the Simple Connection Line Driver and do not provide target-level availability information.

If you do not have Entire Net-Work 7 installed, contact your Software AG technical support representative about acquiring it or about acquiring the Entire Net-Work Client available for download from Software AG's Empower web site (

When an Entire Net-Work 7 or Simple Connection Line Driver system is started, it chirps that it is available to its internal list of known Entire Net-Work connections. In addition to indicating that the system is now available, the chirp identifies which Adabas databases the system has access to and what their availability is. The system receiving the chirp can then establish and store, through its own processing, the URL of the system that chirped. The end result is that Entire Net-Work 7 systems and Entire Net-Work systems with Simple Connection Line Driver installed can readily access each other's databases.

The following diagram depicts the interaction between systems with the Simple Connection Line Driver installed and Entire Net-Work 7 systems.


There is one limitation to these connections.

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