Administration Version 2.6.1
 —  Concepts and Facilities  —

Accessing the Event Replicator Administration Area

Start of instruction setTo access the Event Replicator Administration area of Adabas Manager:

  1. Type the following URL into your web browser:


    where smh-mil-node is the name of the machine where the Adabas Manager is running and smh-mil-http-port is the port number (the default is 49991) for the SMH MIL (Management Independent Layer) server.

    If Adabas Manager has been installed to use Apache as a web server, replace smh-mil-http-port with the port number of the Apache web server (the default is 80) rather than the Adabas Manager MIL server.

    From your Start Programs submenu, select Software AG Base Technology and then System Management Hub, followed by Web Interface.

    The login screen for the System Management Hub appears.

  2. Login to the System Management Hub.

    The System Management Hub main panel appears.

  3. Select the name of the managed host on which Adabas Manager and Event Replicator Administration are installed.

  4. Expand the tree-view frame for the managed host by clicking on the plus sign (+) to the left of its name.

  5. Expand the node "Adabas Manager" in the tree-view under the managed host.

    The Adabas Manager area becomes available to you.

    To access the Adabas database management area, click and expand the Adabas Databases entry listed under "Adabas Manager" in the tree-view. To access Event Replicator Administration (the Event Replicator Server management area), click and expand the Replicators entry listed under "Adabas Manager" in the tree-view.

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