Version 7.6.3
 —  Adabas Manager Documentation  —

Selecting a Database

When you select Adabas Databases to manage, you are first presented with a list of databases to choose from.

Database entries listed in the tree-view are preceded by a stoplight icon:

When Adabas Databases is highlighted in the tree-view, a table is displayed in the detail window providing in addition to the stoplight icon, the database ID, database name, and Adabas version of each database registered to Adabas Manager, and for which databases a login with password is required.

The databases can be accessed from this table by marking the appropriate check boxes and clicking Login. For protected databases, enter your user ID and password in the resulting Security Login window, and click Login, or Cancel to return to the overview of databases display.

If a database is currently not reachable due to network problems, it will also be preceded by a red stoplight icon; the information "Target not responding" is displayed.

Start of instruction setTo select an Adabas database to work with:

  1. Select and expand Adabas Databases in tree-view.

  2. Select the database entry in tree-view under Adabas Databases If the database you want to access is preceded by a yellow stoplight sign, i.e., is protected, a Security Login window is displayed in detail view; enter your user ID and password and click Login, or Cancel to see the overview of databases display.

    If you have logged in to a protected database, the drop-down menu will offer you two additional menu items; Logout will terminate the session with the database, Display Authorizations will display the authorizations you have with this particular database.

    Once a database is selected, the following property default information about that database appears in detail-view:

    Property Description
    Database ID The number of the database.
    Database Name The name of the database.
    Database Load Date The date and time the database was loaded.
    Maximum Number of Files The maximum number of files permitted for the database.
    Number of Files Loaded The total number of files currently loaded in the database.
    Lowest File Loaded The lowest file number currently in use in the database.
    Highest File Loaded The highest file number currently in use in the database.
    System File(s) The number of Adabas system files allocated to the database.
    Universal Encoding Support (UES) Indicates whether Universal Encoding Support (UES) is active or inactive for the database.
    Event Replication Indicates whether or not data replication is active for an Adabas database.
    Current Log Tape Number The number of the most recent data protection log tape for the database.
    RABN Size (RABNSIZE) Indicates whether 3- or 4-byte RABNs are being used for the database.
    Database Version The version of the database.

Changing the Columns in the Database Overview Display

You can change the columns shown in the Database Overview display. Specifically, you can indicate whether the following information appears in the database overview display table:

Asso used percentage of the Associator area used by the file
Data used percentage of the Data storage area used by the file
Work used percentage of the Work storage area used by the file
ASSO Associator
DATA Data storage
WORK Work dataset
PLOG Statistics Protection Log statistics
Logical Reads Number of logical reads
Buffer Efficiency Percentage of buffer efficiency
Format Translations Number of format translations
Format Overwrites Number of format overwrites
Throwbacks Number of throwbacks
Thread Switches Number of thread switches
Number of Calls Number of calls
Internal Autorestarts Number of internal autorestarts
PLOG Switches Number of PLOG switches
Buffer Flushes Number of buffer flushes
Attached Buffer Percentage of attached buffer space used
Command Queue Percentage of the command queue used
Format Pool Percentage of the format pool space used
Hold Queue Percentage of the hold queue space used
ISN-List Table Percentage of the ISN list table queue space used
Seq. Cmd Table Percentage of the seq. command queue space used
User Queue Percentage of the user queue space used
Unique Descriptor Pool Percentage of the unique descriptor pool queue space used
Security Pool Percentage of the security pool space used
User File List Pool Percentage of the user file list pool space used
DTP Transaction ID Pool Percentage of the DTP transaction ID pool space used
Work Pool Percentage of the work pool space used
Redo Pool Percentage of the redo pool space used

Start of instruction setTo change the columns in the database overview display:

  1. In the upper left corner of the database overview display, click on the Properties button (graphics/fileprop.png).

    The Database Overview panel appears.

  2. On the panel, select columns for the database overview display by moving them into and out of the Selected Columns list. To move a column into the Selected Columns list, select the column name in the Available Columns list and click on the right arrow button. To move a column out of the Selected Columns list, select the column name in the Selected Columns list and then click on the left arrow button.

  3. Once you have selected the columns for the database overview display, select the order in which they should appear in the database overview display table. Use the Up and Down buttons to move the column headings up and down in the Selected Columns list.

    A number of separators is available, allowing you to partition the tables as you wish.

  4. When the columns you want are listed in the order you want in the Selected Columns list, click the Save button to save the column setting definition and return to the main database overview display, which will show the column settings you selected.

    Click on the Cancel button to cancel the column setting definition.

Start of instruction setTo restore the default database overview display:

  1. In the upper left corner of the database overview display, click on the Properties button (graphics/fileprop.png).

    The Database Overview panel appears.

  2. Click on the Restore Default button.

    The non-default columns you have previously selected will move immediately from the Selected Columns list into the Available Columns list.

  3. Click the Save button to save the column setting definition and return to the main database overview display, which will show the default column settings again.

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