The main components of the versioning tool are:
Adabas Database
Module VERPOP. This is a special version of the System Coordinator database interface module (ADAPOP). At installation time, VERPOP is copied to a new versioning library and renamed to ADAPOP.
The database versioning table – module VERDBT. This is created from macro statements (VERDB) that describe the versions you want to support, and a module suffix for each version. The suffix enables multiple copies of required modules, at different versions, to be loaded and used concurrently. During installation, modules of a required version are copied to the versioning library and renamed with the selected suffix.
Modules VERLNK01 (for batch), VERLNK09 (for batch with ADALNKR) and VERCIC01 (for CICS). These are special versioning link modules that are renamed during installation.
The client versioning table modules – VERC01 (batch), VERC09 (batch with ADALNKR) and VERC03 (CICS). These are created from macro statements (VERCL), and are used to identify the (suffixed) link module to be used for each job and CICS transaction.
Module VERSCO. This module is used by the System Coordinator daemon (SYSCO) to identify the suffix to use for modules loaded by the daemon. At installation time, VERSCO is copied to the versioning library and renamed to SYSCOVER.
The daemon versioning table – module VERDMT. This is created from macro statements (VERDM) that describe the module suffixes to be used for each Coordinator daemon.