Version 8.1.2
 —  Adabas System Coordinator 8.1 Release Notes  —

Required Maintenance

During the final certification stages of this release fixes are produced after the final freeze of the installation kit. Depending upon timing some or all of the available fixes may be supplied with the kit in an "all zaps" dataset. These fixes should be applied during the installation process. The following fixes are currently known to be required:

Fixes Required For Adabas System Coordinator

MI812001, MI812002, MI812003, MI812004, MI812006

Fixes Required For Adabas Version 8.1.2

AI812002 (For BS2000, this zap has been applied in the release library $SAG.ADA812.MOD).  

Fixes Required When Installing On BS2000 Systems


Fixes Required When Installing On z/Vse Systems


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