Version 8.1.2
 —  Adabas System Coordinator 8.1 Release Notes  —

Using COR Version 8.1.2 Patch Level 02 for z/OS

This section describes the contents of Patch Level 02 and the actions required to install this patch level.

Cumulative Updates Provided and Installation Checklist

Cumulative Updates Provided

Patch Level 02 contains the following cumulative updates:

Installation Checklist

The following checklist summarizes the actions required to install Patch Level 02:

Library/Updates Action Required
Load library cumulative update COR812.L002

This L002 library must be added to the start of the load library concatenation of all

  • client jobs and TP systems

  • Coordinator daemons

  • Adabas nucleus tasks that are using COR and add-on products.

In addition, the Adabas link modules must be re-linked to include the appropriate, updated CORSnn module.

Source library cumulative update COR812.S002 This S002 library must be concatenated with the originally supplied COR812 source library.
INPL cumulative update COR812.IS07 Install INPL update 7 into your Natural environment using a standard INPL batch job.
Jobs library cumulative update COR812.JC02 Use the following corrected JCL examples instead of those previously supplied: CORI080H, VERI065, VERI085, VERI088.
Versioning table Re-build versioning table. Only required for z/OS sites using Versioning. See below for more information on how to re-build the versioning table.

Co-Requisite Maintenance

Before using this patch level, ensure that the following maintenance zaps have been applied:

Platform/Product Zaps
for z/OS: Adabas Version 8.1.3 AI813061, AO813038, AO813039, AO813041, AO813042 and AO813046.
for z/OS: Adabas Version 8.1.4 AI814011, AO814008, AO814009, AO814011, AO814012 and AO814016.
for CICS: Adabas Version 8.1.3 ACI813X002
for CICS: Adabas Version 8.1.4 CI814006
for IMS: Adabas Version 8.1.3 II813003
for IMS: Adabas Version 8.1.4 II814001
for Adabas Fastpath Inpl AFP812I006 or above. Zaps AW812062 and AW812064.
for Adabas Transaction Manager Inpl ATM812I002 or above.
for Adabas Vista Inpl AVI812I009 or above.

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Support for CICS Threadsafe Operation

Support for CICS threadsafe operation, which was originally planned for delivery with COR 8.2, is being delivered with this patch level to address issues reported when using COR in conjunction with sibling products.

CICS threadsafe operation can provide gains in throughput. However, applications must be compatible with threadsafe operation. Please consult IBM documentation for further information.

Some features of COR at 8.1 are incompatible with CICS threadsafe operation, such as setting debug events to take diagnostics (etc.). A new Client runtime control is being introduced to allow these features:

 14:31:03 ***** A D A B A S   SYSTEM COORDINATOR 8.1.2 (I007) *****  2010-02-10
                  -  System Coordinator Runtime Controls  -          U11310M5  
 Run-mode: Coordinator not installed     Operation mode (mark one):            
 Type: CICS                                   Use normal autodetect approach: X
 Name: DAEFCI18                               Enable COR even if no products: _
                                          Disable all products including COR: _
 General Settings                                                              
     Estimated Client Sessions: 1000______ API runtime overrides..: N (Y/N)    
     Memory pool extents (k)..: 256_                                           
     Use additional exits.....: N (Y/N)    Threadsafe operation...: N (Y/N)        
     Maximum idle time (sec)..: 3600______ Non-terminal idle time.: __________ 
     Generate RSP009/79 (Y/N).: Y (until 0_________ seconds elapse)            

The default is not to use threadsafe mode (for 8.1), so these features continue to operate correctly. To use threadsafe, the control flag must be set to “Y”. Setting the control flag to “Y” will cause the debug (etc.) features to be ignored. To use the debug features, the control flag must be set to “N”, and then changed back to “Y” when debugging is completed.

The default behavior will be reversed at COR 8.2 to allow threadsafe by default.

Running threadsafe requires all modules loaded by COR, and other client-based products to be available in the CICS RPL library concatenation, with appropriate CICS PPT definitions.

Please note that, whether running threadsafe or not, COR now requires use of the Adabas task related user exit in CICS. If the task related user exit is not in use, all Adabas commands are rejected with response 101 subcode 88.

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Versioning Support for Re-entrant Link Module

There have been a number of changes to the Adabas (batch) link module (ADALNK and ADALNKR) with the introduction of ADA 8.1. This update brings the COR versioning feature into line with this new behavior. Sites using the versioning feature must rebuild versioning tables. For more information, refer to the section Versioning Tool.

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