Version 8.1.2
 —  Adabas System Coordinator 8.1 Release Notes  —

Using COR Version 8.1.2 Patch Level 02 for BS2000

This section describes the contents of Patch Level 02 and the actions required to install this patch level.

Cumulative Updates Provided and Installation Checklist

Cumulative Updates Provided

Patch Level 02 contains the following cumulative updates:

Installation Checklist

The following checklist summarizes the actions required to install Patch Level 02:

Library/Updates Action Required
Load library cumulative update COR812.L002

This L002 library must be added to the start of the load library concatenation of all

  • client jobs and TP systems

  • Coordinator daemons

  • Adabas nucleus tasks that are using COR and add-on products.

In addition, the Adabas link modules must be re-linked to include the appropriate, updated CORSnn module.

Source library cumulative update COR812.S002 This S002 library must be concatenated with the originally supplied COR812 source library.
INPL cumulative update COR812.IS07 Install INPL update 7 into your Natural environment using a standard INPL batch job.

Co-Requisite Maintenance

Before using this patch level, ensure that the following maintenance zaps have been applied:

Platform/Product Zaps
for Adabas Fastpath Inpl AFP812I006 or above. Zaps AW812062 and AW812064.
for Adabas Transaction Manager Inpl ATM812I002 or above.
for Adabas Vista Inpl AVI812I009 or above.

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