Version 8.1.2
 —  Adabas System Coordinator Parameters  —

Parameter Types

Adabas System Coordinator operation is controlled by the following types of parameters:

Adabas System Coordinator parameters can be maintained using Adabas System Coordinator Online Services, function Maintenance.

Parameter Descriptions

This section provides a description of each Adabas System Coordinator parameter:

Client Runtime Controls Daemon Group Parameters
Control Name Daemon Group Name
Service Member Name (Expand function) Daemon SVC
Operation Mode System Type
Estimated Client Sessions Cluster Facility Name
API Runtime Overrides Automatic Pool Recovery
Memory Pool Extents  
Use Additional Exits  
Maximum Idle Time  
Non-terminal Idle Time  
Generate RSP0009/0079  
Site Information Menu Function  
Transaction, Stepname or Login Override (Override function)  
Cleanup at Start, Cleanup at End  

Client Runtime Control Parameters

This section describes the client runtime control parameters.

Control Name

Parameter Type Use Minimum Maximum Default
Client Runtime Control

For a batch job, or a standard (single-job) TP monitor, this is the name of the job. If the value ‘*’ is specified, the control will be used for all jobs that do not have a specific control defined.

For a multi-job TP monitor service, this is a unique name for the service. Individual jobs within the service are defined as Service Member Names, using the runtime control Expand function.

1 character 8 characters see text

Service Member Name

Parameter Type Use Minimum Maximum Default
Client Runtime Control

The name of a job that runs as part of a multi-job TP monitor service. This control is maintained with the runtime control menu Expand service.

1 character 8 characters see text

Operation Mode

Parameter Type Use Possible Values Default
Client Runtime Control

Indicate operation mode for COR


Enable COR even if no products

Disable all products including COR


Estimated Client Sessions

Parameter Type Use Default
Client Runtime Control

This parameter is used to determine the approximate size of the Adabas System Coordinator user pool where

  • type "a" represents batch, TSO, CMS, and TIAM jobs

  • type "b" represents Com-plete, CICS, CICSplex, IMS, and UTM jobs

type a: 2
type b: 1000

API Runtime Overrides

Parameter Type Use Possible Values Default
Client Runtime Control

Indicates whether controls can be dynamically overridden at runtime via a customised API call to COR.

Y | N N

Memory Pool Extents

Parameter Type Use Default
Client Runtime Control

Determines the initial size of all fixed memory pool extents managed by the Adabas System Coordinator.


Use Additional Exits

Parameter Type Use Default
Client Runtime Control

Enables calling of additional installation exits (IEXIT1, IEXIT2) before and after the Adabas command. Refer to Before You Install in the Installation section for information about installing additional exits.



Parameter Type Use
Client Runtime Control

The group name of a System Coordinator daemon that is to manage the job.

Maximum Idle Time

Parameter Type Use Possible Values Default
Client Runtime Control

Indicates a time limit after which terminal sessions are eligible for timeout termination if no activity has occurred.

0 - nnnnnnnnn seconds Terminal Sessions: 3600 seconds

Non-Terminal Idle Time

Parameter Type Use Possible Values Default
Client Runtime Control

Indicates a time limit after which non-terminal sessions are eligible for timeout termination if no activity has occurred.

0 - nnnnnnnnn seconds none

Generate RSP0009/0079

Parameter Type Use Possible Values Default
Client Runtime Control

Indicates a time limit for sessions that are timed out to receive response code 9, subcode 79 if they are re-activated.

Y|N (enable or diasble RSP0009/0079 setting)

0-nnnnnnnnnn (time limit for setting RSP0079/0009



Site Information Menu Function

Parameter Type Use
Client Runtime Control – Information Menu option

Used to define up to 256 bytes of alphanumeric data, which is stored with the runtime control definition and may be retrieved at runtime using the site information API.

Transaction, Stepname or Login Override (Override function)

Parameter Type Use Possible Values
Client Runtime Control – Override Menu option

Used to define runtime overrides of the basic control for the job. After definition the override can be modified with the Modify menu option.

Depending on Job Type, Stepname, Login or Transaction overrides can be defined.

Cleanup at Start, Cleanup at End

Parameter Type Use Possible Values Default
Client Runtime Control Override

Indicate whether session cleanup is required when a session override is activated (Cleanup at Start) or deactivated (cleanup at End).

Y | N N

Daemon Parameters

This section describes the daemon parameters.

Daemon Group Name (Daemon Group Parameter)

Parameter Type Use Default
Daemon Group

The identifier for a daemon group.

In a sysplex environment, this is the XCF group name.


Daemon SVC

Parameter Type Use Default
Daemon Group

The router (SVC) number that is used for communicating with the group. This must be the same in all parts of a cluster.


System Type

Parameter Type Use Possible Values Default
Daemon Group

Type of coordination to be performed by the daemon group

Possible values are:

  • Single: A single system is to be coordinated.

  • Multi - XCF: Multiple systems are to be coordinated with no dynamic transaction routing support across the systems. XCF is used for cross-system communications.

  • Multi - Net-Work: Multiple systems are to be coordinated with no dynamic transaction routing support across the systems. Entire Net-Work is used for cross-system communications.

  • Sysplex: Multiple systems are to be coordinated with dynamic transaction routing support across the systems.



Cluster Facility Name

Parameter Type Use Default
Daemon Group

The name of the coupling facility cache structure defined in the installation process. This name is only required when using a sysplex environment.


Automatic Pool Recovery

Parameter Type Use Possible Values Default
Daemon Group

Indicates whether or not automatic pool recovery is to be in effect. Automatic pool recovery ensures that, should a Adabas System Coordinator daemon fail for any reason, existing client sessions will continue to operate. When the daemon is restarted, it will recover the user pools from the failing daemon.

Y | N Y

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