Version 8.1.2

Session Monitoring

Start of instruction setTo display the Session Monitoring menu

  1. Select service 2 from the main menu.

    16:29:18      ***** A D A B A S   VISTA SERVICES 8.1.2 *****        2006-07-19
                               -  Session Monitoring  -                  V12000M1  
     Job Name: DAEFCI18                                                            
                      Code    Service                                              
                      ----    ----------------------------                         
                       1      System Status                                        
                       .      Exit                                                 
                      ----    ----------------------------                         
               Code..: _                                                           
     Command ==>                                                                   
          Help        Exit                                                  Menu   
  2. The session monitoring menu shows the current job name. Select option 1 to show status information about the current job:

    16:29:18      ***** A D A B A S   VISTA SERVICES 8.1.2 *****        2006-07-19
                                -  System Status  -                      V12300M1  
     Job Name: DAEFCI18                                                            
     Command Statistics:                                                           
                           Partitioned Calls: 475872                                    
                           Translation Calls: 3472343                                    
                                 Other Calls: 611859                                  
     Last known Sub-code for this system: 0                                        
     Command ==>                                                                   
          Help        Exit  Refr                                Reset       Menu   

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