Version 8.1.2
 —  Adabas Vista Version 8.1.2 Release Notes  —

New Features / Terminology

This section provides an overview of new features and terminology for Adabas Vista Version 8.1.

Client Runtime Controls

Client Runtime Controls are the Version 8.1 replacement for Job Parameters. These controls define the behavior of all client sessions within a job. A job’s default runtime controls are referred to as “base level controls”. These base level controls can be subject to overrides at the following level:

This allows different client sessions within the same job to use different controls.

The following new runtime controls have been introduced at Version 8.1 (See Parameters for more information):

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Vista Inactive Until Controls Are Defined

Adabas Vista can be installed in all client jobs, but will remain inactive until a Vista runtime control is defined for the job. This enables an installation to deploy Vista in advance of their actual use in a job. It also enables the use of a common library set between jobs that use Vista and those that do not.

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File Translation Pages

File Translation Pages are the Version 8.1 replacement for client Profile IDs.

Each page can contain one or more translation rules. Any number of pages can be defined and any job which is configured for Adabas Vista can specify up to 8 of these pages in that particular job’s runtime controls. At runtime, Vista will merge these pages into a single set of rules.

If you wish not to use multiple pages, defining a “mandatory page” will ensure all rules defined in that page will automatically be available for each job configured for Adabas Vista. Such a mandatory page is referred to as the *site page.

The new API function PAGE replaces the previous API function PROFID.

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Generations and Deltas

Adabas Vista file definitions are managed online as generations. Translation and partition definitions are managed online as generations. You can keep old generations, and reintroduce them as you wish. You can activate only one generation. Generations are maintained by building up delta modifications to them and, when the delta is ready, applying the delta to the generation. This means you can use a delta modification to introduce multiple rule changes simultaneously rather than one at a time. You can construct as many as 254 delta modifications to a generation in parallel. In normal circumstances it is recommended to avoid changing the same rules in more than one delta at the same time, if you decide to do this you must make sure the order of application does not reintroduce a deleted rule from one delta when a subsequent one is activated, for example.

Please note that partitioned file definitions, which tend to be static in comparison to translation rules, are not currently subject to generations and generation deltas. Generation and delta support is planned for partitioned files. When it is introduced, you will select a generation and delta to work with, in the same way as translation rules.

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Support For Alternate Configuration File

Adabas Vista allows you to use an alternate configuration file. This allows you to run your systems constantly while taking carefully scheduled (or unplanned) outage for one of your configuration files. Switchover to the alternate (and back) is dynamic and immediate on a session by session basis. For more details please refer to the Adabas System Coordinator documentation.

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