Version 8.1.2

Upgrading From Earlier Versions

Upgrading From Version 7.4 To Version 8.1

This section describes actions which must be taken when upgrading from Adabas Transaction Manager Version 7.4.

Required Maintenance

If you plan to run components of ATM Version 8.1 alongside components of ATM Version 7.4, you should first apply fix AT742140 to your ATM 7.4 library. This fix allows Version 7.4 transaction managers and Version 8.1 transaction managers to inter-operate, and jointly manage distributed transactions. For further information about inter-operability, please refer to the Release Notes, Inter-operating with Earlier ATM Versions.

Recovery Database

Beginning with Version 7.5 of Adabas Transaction Manager, the PRR, STJ and ET data files must reside in the Adabas Transaction Manager’s own database, rather than in a separate recovery database. If you used a separate recovery database with ATM 7.4, you can simply unload these files from your recovery database, and load them into the Transaction Manager’s database, using the same file numbers.

Upgrading Online Services

The Online Services application (SYSATM) delivered with Adabas Transaction Manager Version 8.1 can be installed alongside the Version 7.4 equivalent. The installation process automatically loads the application into a library with a version-dependent name. The MENU program automatically invokes the most recent installed version, but a function key (PF12) can be used to switch to another installed version. If you plan to run versions 8.1 and 7.4 in parallel, use this feature to ensure that the correct version of SYSATM is used in conjunction with a particular ATM transaction manager or application environment.

Upgrading Transaction Managers, Resource Managers and Client Jobs

Once the Online Services application has been upgraded to Version 8.1, you can begin to upgrade other components. It is not necessary to upgrade all transaction managers at the same time, since the two versions of manager are capable of interacting fully. The following sequence is suggested for each Net-work node:

Upgrading Client Runtime Controls

Beginning with Version 7.5, every client job or TP system that uses Adabas Transaction Manager must be associated with an Adabas System Coordinator group. This association is made by means of a new client runtime control. When you create new runtime controls using Version 8.1 Online Services, you will be forced to provide a value for this control. However, runtime controls that were created using Version 7.4 Online Services must be modified, using Version 8.1 Online Services, so that a System Coordinator Group name can be provided. If a job’s ATM runtime controls specify that ATM processing is required, but no System Coordinator Group name is present, a warning message will be issued, the ATM client proxy will fail to initialize, and ATM will take no part in processing the job.

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Upgrading From Version 7.5 To Version 8.1

This section describes actions which must be taken when upgrading from Adabas Transaction Manager Version 7.5.

Required Maintenance

If you plan to run components of ATM Version 8.1 alongside components of ATM Version 7.5, you should first apply fix AT751035 to your ATM 7.5 library. This fix allows Version 7.5 transaction managers and Version 8.1 transaction managers to inter-operate, and jointly manage distributed transactions. For further information, please refer to the Release Notes, Inter-operating with Earlier ATM Versions.

Upgrading Online Services

The Online Services application (SYSATM) delivered with Adabas Transaction Manager Version 8.1 can be installed alongside the Version 7.5 equivalent. The installation process automatically loads the application into a library with a version-dependent name. The MENU program automatically invokes the most recent installed version, but a function key (PF12) can be used to switch to another installed version. If you plan to run versions 8.1 and 7.5 in parallel, use this feature to ensure that the correct version of SYSATM is used in conjunction with a particular transaction manager or application environment.

Upgrading COR Daemons, Transaction Managers, Resource Managers and Client Jobs

Once the Online Services application has been upgraded to Version 8.1, you can begin to upgrade other components. It is not necessary to upgrade all transaction managers at the same time, since the two versions of manager are capable of interacting fully. The following procedure is suggested for each Net-work node.

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