Version 8.1.3
 —  Reference  —

About ADARUN Parameters for Cluster Nuclei

Software AG recommends that you use the default settings (or your existing values) of the Adabas ADARUN parameters for each Adabas nucleus in an Adabas Parallel Services cluster, and then tune the values after analyzing the performance of the node or cluster. Read Performance and Tuning for information about expected differences.

Session statistics can be used to determine the best settings for each parameter. The statistics are printed automatically at the end of a session, but can also be displayed using nucleus or ADACOM operator commands during the session.

For your convenience, ADARUN parameters that are most significant to Adabas Parallel Services usage are described in Useful ADARUN Parameters.

This document covers the following topics:

Global ADARUN Parameters

ADARUN parameters that must be the same for all nuclei in the cluster are called global.

Some global parameters are set at nucleus startup and cannot be changed during the ensuing session; other global parameters can be changed during a session:

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ADARUN Parameter Usage in Cluster Environments

A cluster nucleus makes use of:

A few Adabas ADARUN parameters are not available to a cluster nuclei (No).

In the following table, the "No" column indicates which ADARUN parameters are not available to a cluster nucleus, the "LF" column indicates whether the parameter is a locally fixed parameter, the "LM" column indicates whether the parameter is a locally modifiable parameter, the "GF" column indicates whether the parameter is a globally fixed parameter, and the "GM" column indicates whether the parameter is a globally modifiable parameter.

Parameter Usage No LF LM GF GM
AOSLOG Log to DDPRINT commands issued by AOS or ADADBS OPERCOM that modify the active nucleus     X    
AREXCLUDE Exclude file(s) from autorestart   X      
ARMNAME Name used to activate ARM   X      
ASSOCACHE Controller caching control for the Associator component   X      
ASYTVS Asynchronous buffer flush based on volser     X    
CACHE Load ADACSH (Adabas Caching Facility)   X      
CACTIVATE RABN range activation (Adabas Caching Facility)     X    
CASSODSP Associator RABNs cached for data space (Adabas Caching Facility)     X    
CASSOEXT Associator RABNs cached for extended memory (Adabas Caching Facility)     X    
CASSOHSP Associator RABNs cached for hiperspace (Adabas Caching Facility)     X    
CASSOV64 Associator RABNs cached for virtual 64 (Adabas Caching Facility)     X    
CASSOMAXS Associator cache space unit size (Adabas Caching Facility)     X    
CBUFNO Read buffer count for concurrent I/O (Adabas Caching Facility)     X    
CCTIMEOUT Cache space area inactivity time (Adabas Caching Facility)     X    
CDATADSP Data Storage RABNs cached for data space (Adabas Caching Facility)     X    
CDATAEXT Data Storage RABNs cached for extended memory (Adabas Caching Facility)     X    
CDATAHSP Data Storage RABNs cached for hiperspace (Adabas Caching Facility)     X    
CDATAV64 Data Storage RABNs cached for virtual 64 (Adabas Caching Facility)     X    
CDATAMAXS Data Storage cache space unit size (Adabas Caching Facility)     X    
CDEMAND Lowest acceptable Adabas buffer efficiency level (Adabas Caching Facility)     X    
CDISPSTAT RABN range statistic display location (Adabas Caching Facility)     X    
CDXnn Collation descriptor user exit(s)       X  
CEXCLUDE Excluded command types (Adabas Caching Facility)     X    
CFILE File or file range to be cached (Adabas Caching Facility)     X    
CLOGDEV Multiple command log device   X      
CLOGLAYOUT Define command log format        
CLOGMRG Automatic command log merge control in a cluster environment         X
CLOGSIZE Multiple command log size (blocks)   X      
CLUCACHENAME Cluster cache structure name (Adabas Cluster Services only)       X  
CLUCACHESIZE Cluster cache area size (Adabas Parallel Services only)       X  
CLUCACHETYPE Cluster cache area storage type (Adabas Parallel Services only)       X  
CLUCACHEUNCHANGED Shared cache unchanged block control (Adabas Parallel Services only)   X      
CLUGROUPNAME Cluster group name (Adabas Cluster Services only)       X  
CLULOCKNAME Cluster lock structure name (Adabas Cluster Services only)       X  
CLULOCKSIZE Cluster lock area size (Parallel Services only)       X  
CLUSTER Adabas cluster session control       X  
CMAXCSPS Storage area count for ADACSH (Adabas Caching Facility)     X    
CRETRY Cache space retry interval (Adabas Caching Facility)     X    
CSTORAGE RABN caching activation (Adabas Caching Facility)     X    
CT Command time limit (seconds)         X
CWORKSTORAGE Cache space type (Adabas Caching Facility)     X    
CWORK2FAC Percentage of Work part 2 cached (Adabas Caching Facility)     X    
CWOFK3FAC Percentage of Work part 3 cached (Adabas Caching Facility)     X    
CXFILE Excluded files (Adabas Caching Facility)     X    
DATACACHE Controller caching control for the Data Storage component   X      
DIRRATIO/ELEMENTRATIO Ratio of directory entries to data elements in a cluster cache structure/area       X  
DBID Database ID (physical)       X  
DEVICE Device type of the first ASSO extent       X  
DSF Delta Save Facility control       X  
DSFEX1 Delta Save Facility user exit       X  
DTP * Distributed transaction processing control *     X  
DUALCLD Dual command log device   X      
DUALCLS Dual command log size (blocks)   X      
DUALPLD Dual protection log device   X      
DUALPLS Dual protection log size (blocks)   X      
FASTPATH Adabas Fastpath control       X  
FMXIO Limit parallel I/O operations by LFIOP flush processing     X    
FORCE Overwrite IDTE   X      
HEXnn Hyperdescriptor exit(s)       X  
IGNDIB Ignore DIB entry   X      
IGNDTP Ignore distributed transaction processing area (Work part 4)   X      
INTNAS Interval between nucleus statistic checkpoints (SYNS 60)       X  
LBP Length of buffer pool   X      
LCP Length of security pool   X      
LDEUQP Length of unique (UQ) descriptor pool   X      
LDTP Length of distributed transaction processing area (Work part 4)        
LFIOP Length of asynchronous flush pool   X      
LFP Length of internal format buffer pool   X      
LI Length of ISN list table (TBI)   X      
LOCAL Nucleus (cluster) unknown to the network       X  
LOGCB Log control block     X    
LOGCLEX Log command log extension (CLEX)     X    
LOGFB Log format buffer     X    
LOGGING Logging of Adabas commands     X    
LOGIB Log ISN buffer     X    
LOGIO Log I/O activity     X    
LOGRB Log record buffer     X    
LOGSB Log search buffer     X    
LOGSIZE Maximum command log size   X      
LOGUX Log user exit B data     X    
LOGVB Log value buffer     X    
LP Length of data protection area (Work part 1)   X      
LQ Length of sequential command table   X      
LRDP Length of the redo pool in cluster environments.   X      
LS Length of sort area   X      
LU Length of intermediate user buffer       X  
LWKP2 Length of ISN list processing area (Work part 2)   X      
LWP Length of Adabas work pool   X      
MODE Mode of operation X        
MSGBUF Size of the message buffer   X      
MXCANCEL Timeout threshold for a cancel request between cluster nuclei(Adabas Cluster Services and Adabas Parallel Services)     X    
MXCANCELWARN Timeout threshold for a cancel request warning between cluster nuclei (Adabas Cluster Services and Adabas Parallel Services)     X    
MXMSG Maximum message reply time between cluster nuclei (Adabas Cluster Services and Adabas Parallel Services)     X    
MXMSGWARN Timeout threshold for a message reply warning between cluster nuclei (Adabas Cluster Services and Adabas Parallel Services)     X    
MXSTATUS XCF status monitoring heartbeat interval (Adabas Cluster Services)     X    
MXTNA Maximum inactivity time limit override for a user       X  
MXTSX Maximum Sx execution time limit override for a user       X  
MXTT Maximum transaction time limit override for a user       X  
MXWTOR Self-termination query operator response interval (Adabas Cluster Services and Adabas Parallel Services)     X    
NAB Number of attached buffers   X      
NC Number of command queue elements   X      
NCLOG Number of command logs   X      
NH Number of hold queue elements   X      
NISNHQ Number of ISNs in hold queue for user         X
NPLOG Number of protection logs   X      
NONDES Non-descriptor searches         X
NQCID Number of active command IDs per user         X
NSISN Number of ISNs per ISN table element   X      
NT Number of threads   X      
NU Number of user queue elements   X      
NUCID Custer nucleus ID   X      
OPENRQ Open command required       X  
PLOGDEV Multiple protection log device   X      
PLOGRQ Protection log required       X  
PLOGSIZE Multiple protection log size (blocks)   X      
PREFETCH** Prefetch/multifetch feature control (see note below) X        
PREFICMD** Include command from prefetch/multifetch (see note below) X        
PREFIFIL** Include file from prefetch/multifetch (see note below) X        
PREFNREC** Multifetch record count (see note below) X        
PREFSBL** Prefetch single buffer length (see note below) X        
PREFTBL** Prefetch total buffer length (see note below) X        
PREFXCMD** Exclude command from prefetch/multifetch (see note below) X        
PREFXFIL** Exclude file from prefetch/multifetch (see note below) X        
QBLKSIZE Sequential data set block size (optimized by ADAIOR)   X      
READONLY Read-only session control X        
REVIEW Adabas Review control     X    
SMGT Error handling (PIN) facility control   X      
SORTCACHE Controller caching control for the Adabas sort area component   X      
SPT Adabas triggers and stored procedures control       X  
SVC SVC number   X      
TCPIP TCP/IP access control     X    
TCPURL TCP/IP universal resource locator (URL)     X    
TEMPCACHE Controller caching for the Adabas temp area component   X      
TFLUSH Synchronous buffer flush time X        
TLSCMD Time limit for S1, S2, and S4 complex searches (seconds)       X  
TNAA Non-activity time limit (access-only users)         X
TNAE Non-activity time limit (ET logic users)         X
TNAX Non-activity time limit (exclusive update users)         X
TT Transaction time limit         X
UEXn User exits: 1, 3, 4, 5, 8   X      
UEXn User exits: 2, 12       X  
UEXn User exits: 6, 9 (for utilities) X        
UTIONLY Utilities-only session       X  
VISTA Adabas Vista control       X  
WORKCACHE Controller caching for the Adabas work area component   X      


  1. * Adabas Parallel Services 8.1 does not support DTP=TM, but it does support DTP=RM.
  2. ** The PREFxxx parameters are used with application programs (PROGRAM=USER) making Adabas calls. They have no effect when specified for an Adabas nucleus.

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Specifying ADARUN Parameters for Cluster Nuclei

When specifying ADARUN session parameters for Adabas Parallel Services cluster nuclei:

The CLOGMRG, CLUSTER, CLUCACHESIZE, CLUCACHETYPE, CLUCACHEUNCHANGED, CLULOCKSIZE, DIRRATIO / ELEMENTRATIO, LRDP, and NUCID parameters are used by the Adabas Parallel Services cluster nucleus and its environment.

If protection logs or command logs are used in a cluster environment, they must be dual or multiple logs and all nuclei must use them. All cluster nuclei must have the same PLOGRQ setting.

The remaining Adabas cluster nucleus parameters are the same as those of a standard Adabas nucleus. For more information, read the Adabas operations documentation.

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