Version 8.1.4
 —  Troubleshooting Options  —

Database Status Information

Option "I" from the main menu or the direct command


displays status information for a specified database:

13:07:18         *****  A D A B A S  ONLINE  SYSTEM  *****         2006-07-14
                                  -  Main Menu  -                     PMAIN02

               Code  Basic Services                Code  Other Serices
                +-------------------------------------+  -------------------
                |    --- Database Status Info ---     |  Cache Services
                |                                     |  Delta Save Facility
                |   DBID ........ 105                 |  Triggers Subsystem
                |   DB Name ..... RD-MPM105           |  AOS Security
                |   Version ..... 8.1.1               |  
                |   Start Date .. 2006-07-14          |  Adabas Statistics
                |   Start Time .. 13:07:02            |  -------------------
                |   DSF Status .. Active              |
                |   SPT Status .. Active              |
                |   CSH Status .. Inactive            |
   Code ....... +-------------------------------------+
   Database ... 105     (RD-MPM105)

  Command ==> di ad
  PF1----- PF2------ PF3------ PF4------ PF6----- PF7----- PF8----- PF12-----

Status information includes

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