Version 8.1.4
 —  Space Calculation  —

Estimating the Temp Data Set

Option "T" (Temp) displays the Temp Storage menu:

08:53:12         *****  A D A B A S   BASIC  SERVICES  *****       2006-07-14
                                - TEMP STORAGE -                      PSPT002

                            Code  Service
                            ----  ------------------
                             I    ADAINV
                             L    ADALOD load/update
                             U    ADALOD delete
                             ?    Help
                             .    Exit
                            ----  ------------------

              Code ......... _
              File No. ....: 16
              Database ID .. 105    (RD-MPM105)

The functions on this menu are used to estimate the storage needed on TEMP for the utility function chosen.

08:55:02         *****  A D A B A S  BASIC   SERVICES  *****       2006-07-14
                            - TEMP Storage -  ADAINV -                PSPTI02

  File Number ................ 16
  Field-Name to be inverted ..
  Average descriptor-length ..           ( Default = Field-length)
  Max. Number of records ..... 25649     ( Default = TOPISN      )
  Device Type ................ 8391
  No. of records to delete ...           ( ADALOD Delete only    )
  DBID ....................... 105        (RD-105)
  Password (if required) .....


  Required TEMP-Blocks ......
                Cylinder ....

  PF1----- PF2------ PF3------ PF4------ PF6----- PF7----- PF8----- PF12-----
  Help               Exit      Dis Field                            Menu

PF4 invokes a Field Selection screen.

The TEMP Storage - ADALOD DELETE screen is identical.

The TEMP Storage - ADALOAD LOAD screen differs in that a message is added reminding the user to multiply TOPISN by all occurrences of periodic groups and/or multiple value fields:

09:01:45         *****  A D A B A S  BASIC   SERVICES  *****       2006-07-14
                            - TEMP Storage -  ADALOD LOAD -           PSPTI02

  File Number ................ 16
  Field-Name to be inverted ..
  Average descriptor-length ..           ( Default = Field-length)
  Max. Number of records ..... 25649     ( Default = TOPISN      )
   Make sure to multiply TOPISN by ALL occurences of PE and/or MU

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