Version 8.1.4
 —  Session Monitoring  —

Current Resource Statistics

Selecting Current Resource Statistics (option "S") from the Session Monitoring menu invokes the Resource Statistics menu:

13:07:40         *****  A D A B A S   BASIC  SERVICES  *****       2006-07-14
                             -  Resource Statistics   -               PACS002

                      Code  Service
                      ----  -----------------------------
                       G    Start General Statistics
                       R    Read General Statistics
                       S    Read User Statistics
                       U    Start User Statistics
                       ?    Help
                       .    Exit
                    ------  -----------------------------
        Code ......... _
        Duration ..... 60   seconds
        User ID ......
        Database ID .. 105      (RD-MPM105)

  Command ==>
  PF1----- PF2------ PF3------ PF4------ PF6----- PF7----- PF8----- PF12-----
  Help     Disp UQ   Exit      Clear UID                            Menu

Resource statistics provide information about file and command use either for a single user (user statistics) or for all currently active users (general statistics). The statistics must first be collected by starting a sampling period for which you have specified a time period in seconds (duration).

Start of instruction setTo obtain statistics for all currently active users

  1. Start general statistics (option "G") and, after the specified duration, read them (option "R").

    The equivalent direct commands are


    If user statistics are started (option "U") or subsequently read (option "S"), a user ID must either be indicated on this screen or have been previously selected in the Display User Queue (PF2) or Display Command Queue options; see section Direct Commands. PF4 is used to deselect a previously selected user ID.

This document covers the following topics:

Statistics for Versions of Adabas Prior to 6.2

For versions of Adabas prior to 6.2, the following resource statistics information is displayed for specific users:

13:21:52         *****  A D A B A S   BASIC  SERVICES  *****       2006-07-14
   DBID 105                   -  User Statistics   -                  PACSS02

   Statistic Start Time ... 2006-07-14 13:21:39
   User-ID ................ SAGNA
   Threadtime :       59.6 msec.  I/Os :  0         Cmds. :  142      ( 99.3  %)

   Command Usage :  A1/4   =        33  BT     =            CL     =
                    ET     =         1  E1/4   =         2  L1/4   =
                    L2/5   =            L3/6   =        68  L9     =
                    LF     =            N1/2   =         2  OP     =
                    UC     =            RC     =        30  RE     =
                    REST   =            S1/4   =         6  S2     =
                    S5     =            S8     =            S9     =

   File Usage :  F- 0 = 31       F- 50 = 1       F- 100 = 109    F- 110 = 1

  PF1----- PF2------ PF3------ PF4------ PF6----- PF7----- PF8----- PF12-----
  Help               Exit                                           Menu

and for all currently active users (general statistics):

13:41:52         *****  A D A B A S   BASIC  SERVICES  *****       2006-07-14
   DBID 105                   -  User Statistics   -                  PACSS02



   Command Usage :  A1/4   =        33  BT     =            CL     =
                    ET     =         1  E1/4   =         2  L1/4   =
                    L2/5   =            L3/6   =        68  L9     =
                    LF     =            N1/2   =         2  OP     =
                    UC     =            RC     =        30  RE     =
                    REST   =            S1/4   =         6  S2     =
                    S5     =            S8     =            S9     =

   File Usage :  F- 0 = 31       F- 50 = 1       F- 100 = 109    F- 110 = 1

  PF1----- PF2------ PF3------ PF4------ PF6----- PF7----- PF8----- PF12-----
  Help               Exit                                           Menu

Top of page

Adabas Version 6.2 and Above Statistics

For Adabas version 6.2 and above, two screens of statistics are displayed: the first shows command usage and the second shows file usage. You can use PF4 to toggle between the two screens.

Command Usage Display

The following command usage information is displayed for specific users:

13:43:40         *****  A D A B A S   BASIC  SERVICES  *****       2006-07-14
   DBID 105            -  User Statistics:  Command Usage  -          PACSS12

   Statistic Start Time ..... 2006-07-14  13:10:55          UserID ... SAGNA
   L1/4 - Read/Get Record ...               A1/A4 - Record Update ....          
   L2/5 - Read Physical .....               N1/N2 - Add Record .......          
   L3/6 - Read Logical ......       232     E1/E2 - Delete Record ....          
   L9   - Read Descriptor ...        73
   LF   - Read Field Def. ...         8     OP    - Open User Sess ...          
   RE   - Read ET Data ......               CL    - Close User Sess ..          
   S1/4 - Find Records ......         3     ET    - End Transaction ..          
   S2   - Find Sorted .......               BT    - Backout Tran. ....
   S5   - Find Coupled ISN ..               RC    - Release Cmd ID ...       254
   S8   - Process ISN List ..               UC    - Utility Command ..          
   S9   - Sort ISN List .....               **    - All other cmds ...

   Thread Time (msec) ....... 672.6         99.8%   User's commands ..        562
   No. of I/Os .............. 216                    Total Commands ...       563

  Command ==>
  PF1----- PF2------ PF3------ PF4------ PF6----- PF7----- PF8----- PF12-----
  Help     GStat     Exit      File                                 Menu

and for all currently active users (general statistics):

13:53:40         *****  A D A B A S   BASIC  SERVICES  *****       2006-07-14
   DBID 105            -  User Statistics:  Command Usage  -          PACSS12

   Statistic Start Time ..... 2006-07-14  13:10:55
   L1/4 - Read/Get Record ...               A1/A4 - Record Update ....          
   L2/5 - Read Physical .....               N1/N2 - Add Record .......          
   L3/6 - Read Logical ......       232     E1/E2 - Delete Record ....          
   L9   - Read Descriptor ...        73
   LF   - Read Field Def. ...         8     OP    - Open User Sess ...          
   RE   - Read ET Data ......               CL    - Close User Sess ..          
   S1/4 - Find Records ......         3     ET    - End Transaction ..          
   S2   - Find Sorted .......               BT    - Backout Tran. ....
   S5   - Find Coupled ISN ..               RC    - Release Cmd ID ...       254 
   S8   - Process ISN List ..               UC    - Utility Command ..          
   S9   - Sort ISN List .....               **    - All other cmds ...


  Command ==>
  PF1----- PF2------ PF3------ PF4------ PF6----- PF7----- PF8----- PF12-----
  Help     GStat     Exit      File                                 Menu

You can use PF2 to toggle between user statistics screens and general statistics screens whenever both have been started and are available for viewing.

File Usage Display

The following file usage information is displayed for specific users:

14:13:40         *****  A D A B A S   BASIC  SERVICES  *****       2006-07-14
   DBID 105              -  User Statistic:  File Usage  -            PACSS12

   Statistic Start Time ..... 2006-07-14  14:10:55          UserID ... SAGNA
   Thread Time (msec) .......  672.6                        No. I/Os.. 216 

   File   File Name            No. Cmds    File   File Name            No. Cmds
   -----  -------------------  ---------   -----  -------------------  ---------
       0  *Cmds with no Fnr*          90       4  EMPLOYEES                   37
       8  TEST-8                       4      12  TRIGGER-FILE                52
     100  NATURAL-FNAT               343     110  NATURAL-FDIC                36

       Perc of all cmds ..  99.8%                Commands processed:         562

  Command ==>
  PF1----- PF2------ PF3------ PF4------ PF6----- PF7----- PF8----- PF12-----
  Help     GStat     Exit      Cmds                                 Menu

and for all currently active users (general statistics):

14:21:40         *****  A D A B A S   BASIC  SERVICES  *****       2006-07-14
   DBID 105              -  User Statistic:  File Usage  -            PACSS12

   Statistic Start Time ..... 2006-07-14  14:16:25          

   File   File Name            No. Cmds    File   File Name            No. Cmds
   -----  -------------------  ---------   -----  -------------------  ---------
       0  *Cmds with no Fnr*          90       4  EMPLOYEES                   37
       8  TEST-8                       4      12  TRIGGER-FILE                52
     100  NATURAL-FNAT               343     110  NATURAL-FDIC                36

                                                 Commands processed:         562

  Command ==>
  PF1----- PF2------ PF3------ PF4------ PF6----- PF7----- PF8----- PF12-----
  Help     GStat     Exit      Cmds                                 Menu

You can use PF2 to toggle between user statistics screens and general statistics screens whenever both have been started and are available for viewing.

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