Version 8.1.4
 —  Session Monitoring  —

Display or Modify Parameters

Start of instruction setTo view Adabas nucleus (ADARUN) parameters

  1. Choose option "D" from the Session Monitoring menu and press ENTER.

    The equivalent direct command is

    19:00:44          ***** A D A B A S  BASIC  SERVICES *****          2009-01-30
    DBID 1955                  -  Display Parameters  -                 PACPD02   
     -------------- Pools --------------  ------------- Queues ------------------ 
     Sort Area         (LS).. 19968       Command Queue          (NC) .. 200      
     Int. User Buffer  (LU).. 400000      Hold Queue             (NH) .. 40000    
     Buffer Pool      (LBP).. 105984      User Queue             (NU) .. 200      
     Format Pool      (LFP).. 150000      ------------ Time Windows ------------- 
     ISN List Table    (LI).. 360000      Transaction Time       (TT) .. 4858     
     Seq. Cmd. Table   (LQ).. 20000       Max Transaction Time (MXTT) .. 3600     
     Work Pool        (LWP).. 1500000     Nonactivity ACC-User (TNAA) .. 4858     
     Attached Buffer  (NAB).. 100         Nonactivity ET-User  (TNAE) .. 4858     
     Security Pool    (LCP).. 10000       Nonactivity EXU-User (TNAX) .. 4858     
     UQ-DE Pool    (LDEUQP).. 50000       Max Nonactivity Time(MXTNA) .. 3600     
     Flush I/O Pool (LFIOP).. 0           Time Limit Sx-Cmds (TLSCMD) .. 300      
     Err. Recovery (MSGBUF).. 36          Max Time for Sx-Cmds(MXTSX) .. 3600     
                                          Command Time           (CT) .. 3858     
                                          SYNS60 Interval    (INTNAS) .. 3600     
                                                                       Page 1 of 3
    PF1----- PF2------ PF3------ PF4------ PF6----- PF7----- PF8----- PF12-----   
    Help               Exit                                  +        Menu        

Start of instruction setTo modify Adabas nucleus (ADARUN) parameters

  1. Choose option "P" from the Session Monitoring menu and press ENTER.

    Modifiable values are highlighted (intensified) on the displays.

    The equivalent direct command is


    Three screens are used for displaying and modifying parameters:

    19:00:44          ***** A D A B A S  BASIC  SERVICES *****          2009-01-30
    DBID 1955                  -  Display Parameters  -                 PACPD02   
     --------- Miscellaneous -----------   -------- User Specific Limits ---------
     Read only session(READONLY) .. NO     Hold Queue Limit  (NISNHQ) .. 10000    
     UTI only session  (UTIONLY) .. NO     CIDs per User      (NQCID) .. 40       
     OPEN required      (OPENRQ) .. NO     ISN per TBI Element(NSISN) .. 1000     
     Ignore DIB Entry   (IGNDIB) .. NO     ------------ Buffer Pool --------------
     Local nucleus       (LOCAL) .. NO     Bufferflush Dur.  (TFLUSH) .. 1        
     Number of Threads      (NT) .. 5      Parallel LFIOP I/O (FMXIO) .. 1        
     Non DE Search      (NONDES) .. YES    Async. by Vol-Ser (ASYTVS) .. YES      
     Log AOS/DBS Update (AOSLOG) .. NO     ------------ Replication --------------
     Batch Support       (BATCH) .. NO     Replication (REPLICATION) ... YES      
     Data Protection Area   (LP) .. 1000                                          
     Ignore Work Part 4 (IGNDTP) .. NO                                            
     WORK-Part-4 Area     (LDTP) .. 0                                             
     WORK-Part-2 Area    (LWKP2) .. 124                                           
     SVC                   (SVC) .. 249                                           
                                                                       Page 2 of 3
    PF1----- PF2------ PF3------ PF4------ PF6----- PF7----- PF8----- PF12-----   
    Help               Exit                         -        +        Menu        
    19:00:44          ***** A D A B A S  BASIC  SERVICES *****          2009-01-30
    DBID 1955                  -  Display Parameters  -                 PACPD02   
     ---- Command Logging ----      ---------- Protection Logging -----------     
     Command Logging .. YES         PLOG required        (PLOGRQ) .. YES          
     LOGCB ............ NO          DUAL PLOG Size      (DUALPLS) .. 240          
     LOGFB ............ YES         DUAL PLOG Device    (DUALPLD) .. 3390         
     LOGRB ............ YES         NPLOG .......................... 0            
     LOGSB ............ NO          ------------ Other Services -------------     
     LOGVB ............ NO          Triggers and Procedures (SPT) .. NO           
     LOGIB ............ NO          Delta Save Facility     (DSF) .. YES          
     LOGIO ............ NO          Cache Facility        (CACHE) .. NO           
     LOGUX ............ NO          Transaction Manager     (ATM) .. NO           
     LOGSIZE .......... 5064        TCP/IP Support        (TCPIP) .. NO           
     DUAL CLOG Size ... 675         Ext. Error Recovery    (SMGT) .. YES          
     DUAL CLOG Dev. ... 3390        2 Phase Commit Support  (DTP) .. NO           
     CLOGMRG .......... NO          Review Support       (REVIEW) .. NO           
     NCLOG ............ 0                                                         
                                                                       Page 3 of 3
    PF1----- PF2------ PF3------ PF4------ PF6----- PF7----- PF8----- PF12-----   
    Help               Exit                         -                 Menu        

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