Version 8.1.2

z/OS Installation

The Installation Tape

The installation tape contains the datasets listed in the table below. The sequence of the datasets is shown in the Report of Tape Creation that accompanies the installation tape.

Dataset Contents
AFPvrs.LOAD AFP load modules
AFPvrs.INPL SYSAFP objects
AFPvrs.ERRN SYSAFP error messages

where vrs in dataset names represents the version, revision, and system maintenance level of the product.

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Installation Checklist

The Adabas System Coordinator must be installed prior to the installation of Adabas Fastpath. See the Adabas System Coordinator documentation for detailed information.

Once the required System Coordinator components have been installed, you can proceed to install Adabas Fastpath. The following checklist identifies the steps necessary to complete the installation:

Step Description
1 Restore the Adabas Fastpath libraries from the installation tape
2 Prepare SYSAFP
3 Enable the client process
4 Enable the Adabas server process
5 Prepare the asynchronous buffer manager
6 Verify the installation

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System Programming Considerations

Buffer storage is acquired from extended CSA (ECSA subpool 241). The operating system parameter CSA in the IEASYSxx member of SYS1.PARMLIB defines the size available. It may need to be increased if a large buffer is required.

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Installation Procedure

Following is the general Adabas Fastpath installation procedure. The actual installation depends on your particular requirements and the specific contents of the release package provided by Software AG for your site. Information in the release package is intended for your system. If that information differs from the information in this section, use the release package information or contact your Software AG technical support representative for assistance.

Step1: Copying the Tape Contents to Disk

If you are using System Maintenance Aid (SMA), refer to the SMA documentation (included on the current edition of the Natural documentation CD). If you are not using SMA, perform steps 1a, 1b and 1c as described in this section:

If the datasets for more than one product are delivered on the tape, the dataset COPY.JOB contains the JCL to unload the datasets for all delivered products from the tape to your disk. After that, you will have to perform the individual install procedure for each component.

Step 1a: Copy Data Set COPY.JOB from Tape to Disk

The data set COPY.JOB (label 2) contains the JCL to unload all other existing data sets from tape to disk. To unload COPY.JOB, use the following sample JCL:

//* ---------------------------------
// VOL=(,RETAIN,SER=<Tnnnnn>),
// LABEL=(2,SL)
// UNIT=3390,VOL=SER=<vvvvvv>,
// SPACE=(TRK,(1,1),RLSE),

<hilev>  is a valid high level qualifier 
<Tnnnnn> is the tape number 
<vvvvvv> is the desired volser  

Step 1b: Modify COPY.JOB

Modify the COPY.JOB to conform with your local naming conventions and set the disk space parameters before submitting this job:

Step 1c: Submit COPY.JOB

Submit COPY.JOB to unload all other data sets from the tape to your disk.

Step 2. Prepare SYSAFP

The Adabas Fastpath Online Services (SYSAFP) objects are delivered on the Adabas Fastpath installation tape.

  1. Install the INPL objects as standard. If an I001 dataset is supplied, install this as well.

  2. If Natural Security is installed, define the libraries SYSAFP and SYSMWvrs (where vrs is the version you are installing, for example 812) and protect as required. You may define MENU as the startup transaction for SYSAFP. DO NOT define a startup transaction for SYSMWvrs.

  3. Use the following parameter to define the Natural session where SYSAFP is to be used:


    where dbid and fnr indicate the location of the Adabas System Coordinator configuration file.

    Alternatively, assemble the Natural parameter module with


Step 3. Enable the client process

To enable the Adabas Fastpath client process

  1. for the Adabas System Coordinator:

  2. for Adabas Fastpath:

Step 4. Enable the database process

To enable the Adabas Fastpath database process

  1. for the Adabas System Coordinator:

  2. for Adabas Fastpath:

An unmodified ADALNK must be available to the database in preference to the ADALNK created during the installation of the Adabas System Coordinator.

Step 5. Prepare the asynchronous buffer manager

The asynchronous buffer manager (ABM) runs as an optional service within the Adabas System Coordinator daemon.

To enable the ABM for the Adabas System Coordinator daemon:

For more information, refer to the Adabas System Coordinator documentation.

Step 6. Verify the installation

Use the procedure described in section Verifying the Installation to ensure that the installation has been successful.

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